1758 November 27 (Monday). She is at work here still. Mr. Joseph Rice yesterday desired my son Thomas to acquaint me that a soldier, Arthur Brown, was sick and very low, at his House. And he desired me to go and See him this morning. I was accordingly on the Road there, when Mr. Edmond Rice met me to inform me Mr. Brown was dead — and I was requested to attend the Funeral in the afternoon. Mrs. Pratt (wife of Mr. Martin Pratt) and her son Martin dined here. P.M. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Brown. N.B. his Brother came before the Corps was put into the Coffin. I had ordered the Grave-digger to digg within my Ground, that no exception might be made (as heretofore in the Case of Mr. Alexander Kelly) against burying in the burying Ground. This Mr. Brown (the Brother of the deceased) took in good part. At Eve Mr. Hutchinson who had been to preach at Springfield (part of Dedham) and Deacon Merriam, who was his Companion in Travelling, were here.