1758 December 1 (Friday). Deacon Tainter having had my Mare to Boston and carryed a Calf for us (for which he got 6£ without the Skin) returns, and brings a Letter and Mourning Gloves for us — and a Pair of white Gloves for Thomas, who had watched with his Billy in his Sickness. My son William is under Indisposition and fear what it will increase to. Alexander to Mr. Stones for the Result — but comes without.
Month: December 1758
December 2, 1758
1758 December 2 (Saturday). He goes again, and meets it on the way.
December 3, 1758
1758 December 3 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 32. Preached on Joh. 19.34. Administered the Lords Supper. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Burnap with us — and he dines here. As does Deacon Tainter and his Wife. P.M. omitted public Reading. Repeated (with Alterations) sermon on Mat. 6.25. The Day being short and Cold, when I desired the Church to tarry, told the Congregation that Such as were o mind to stay were welcome (for it would take a great deal of Time for the Congregation to go out) and then read the Result of Southborough Council. N.B. After Meeting Lt. Whitney of Watertown, and his son were here, and Lt. Tainter and his son Warrin came in with them. N.B. The Discourse chiefly in easing Mr. Warrins Mind about the Proceedings at Southborough. Am sorry there needs so much to be said in Vindication. But the world is full of unkind Reflections.
December 4, 1758
1758 December 4 (Monday). Tis grown very Cold again. Alexander and Breck thrash Rye. We fear our Children have the Chicken pox but they dont lye by.
December 5, 1758
1758 December 5 (Tuesday). Write and Send an Answer to my Brother Samuels mournful Letter. Preached at the private Meeting at Mr. Bradish’s on Luk. 9.62. N.B. The Articles of the Family meeting which were signed Feb. [blank] 1756/7 were read and Consent called for — or if any body had any thing against either the Meeting itself or these articles — very little if any thing was said in answer. Esq. Baker was desired to keep them and he put them in his pocket accordingly. N.B. The next meeting to be at his House.
December 6, 1758
1758 December 6 (Wednesday). I visited old Mr. Fay and his wife. Jeduthun not at home. His wife is composed. His Son Hezekiah, whose Leggs a loaded Cart run over, is recovered. Dined at Mr. Joseph Grouts where I visited also: at Mr. Jonathan Fay’s. N.B. Capt. Bezaleal Eager and Wife there. Visited at Mr. Joseph Bruce’s — at Monsieur LeBlanc’s.
December 7, 1758
1758 December 7 (Thursday). Dr. Hamilton here — dined with us. I can’t recommend this place for him to settle in. He goes to Mr. Daniel Forb. I invited him to return and lodge here: which he did. P.M. to t’other House and to Mr. Noah Hows to gratifie him about some Pine in my Hill; but he was not at Home. At Capt. Maynards but neither was he at home. Miss Betty Johnson works for Thomas.
December 8 ,1758
1758 December 8 (Friday). Miss Betty. Dr. Hamilton returned to Brookfield. Received a Letter from Mr. Maccarty manifesting some Disquiet at my Asking him at Southborough Council when the result had been read, and he wanted to go away, whether he was disgusted at the Result etc. P.M. Master Nathan Stone with a Letter from his Father to desire me to change. At Eve Master Charles Coffin of College; but had been to Hardwick, came to see us and lodged here.
December 9, 1758
1758 December 9 (Saturday). Coffin left us to go to Cambridge. Miss Betty Johnson here still making a Coat for Thomas. P.M. I rode to Southborough. Mr. Stone here. N.B. Deacon Bond and Mr. Warrin are frequently coming with Wood.
December 10, 1758
1758 December 10 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on Job 33.27 a.m., former part: p.m. latter part of the v. At Eve I returned home. Mr. Stone tarried and lodged here. He preached on Deut. 7.10.
December 11, 1758
1758 December 11 (Monday). Miss Betty Johnson goes from us to the Widow Joanna Forb. Mr. Stone goes back to Southborough. My son William setts out for Boston. P.M. I rode over to see Mr. Martyn. N.B. I carryed my Maynard Jacket to Lt. Woods to be dyed.
December 12 ,1758
1758 December 12 (Tuesday). Mr. Jonah Warrin and Deacon Bond are daily carting Wood. Mrs. Cushing and Mrs. Allen from Shrewsbury make us a Visit. They dine and drink Tea — and take a Letter from me to Mr. Maccarty in Answer to his of the 4th. They return at Evening.
December 13, 1758
1758 December 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Warrin has (with his Load of to Day) brought (as he says) 23 Load, Deacon Bond 20. And they now determine to desist a while. N.B. Ensign Harrington has heretofore brought Two and Mr. Timothy Warrin one.
December 14, 1758
1758 December 14 (Thursday). A storm of Snow last night and troublesome Travelling this morning, but (with Lt. Rolf’s Horse) I rode over (and alone though I took no Small Pains for Company) to Upton, it being Fast there on Account of the Throat Distemper. No Others were sent to than Mr. Hutchinson and I — he came So late that Mr. Fish and I were obliged to perform the forenoon Service. I preached on Micah 6.9. Mr. Hutchinson p.m. on Mic. 6.9. It proved a very pleasant Day and moderate Eve. I rode home — had Deacon Tainters, his wife’s and Daughter Forb. Company. When I came home Billy was returned from Boston — and Capt. Wood here.
December 15, 1758
1758 December 15 (Friday). My Boys are cutting Wood and piling it up. At Eve Daniel Forb. junior here. He was confined by Fever and ague a great while; and since that has been out hunting and therefore has not been here before. He asks me 20/ old Tenor per Day for his work in the summer. I payed him 3 Dollars.
December 16, 1758
1758 December 16 (Saturday). [No entry.]
December 17, 1758
1758 December 17 (Sunday). Read a.m. 2 Chron. 33. Preached on 2 Cor. 4.16. Mrs. Tainter and Mrs. Foster dined here. I earnestly wish a Blessing on the Word of Gods Grace! N.B. p.m. by reason of the Shortness of the Day and rigor of the Season omitted public Reading.
December 18, 1758
1758 December 18 (Monday). Billy is cyphering, but has but little Instruction from me. At Eve I was at Capt. Woods. N.B. a Vendue of Silas Rice’s Tools etc. Am Reading London Magazines for year 56.
December 19, 1758
1758 December 19 (Tuesday). Am variously employed in reading and writing. At Eve Mr. Martyn Pratt here, with a bad Deed of his place. I write him one that I hope is better.
December 20, 1758
1758 December 20 (Wednesday). Deacon Tainter goes to Boston and carrys divers sorts of Edibles for my Wife to Markett. Butter, Fowls — Mr. Whitney receives one of Mr. Edwards on Original Sin. P.M. I visit Mr. Samuel Fay to talk with him about his withdrawing from Special Ordinances. Our Discourse ended with mutual forgiveness of what was personal, and we give our Hands and part in peace. Mr. Benjamin Tainter and his Wife came after Dinner. Drank Tea and tarried till Supper: She being much recovered.
December 21, 1758
1758 December 21 (Thursday). Mr. Francis Whipple here most of forenoon. P.M. rode into the Southerly part of the Town. Visit at Mr. Daniel Hardys, the two Bigolows, especially Father Graves: Barachias Morse, Arte Bruce, and the two Widows Woods. At Eve Mr. Winchester here about his writings for the Settling his Estate all which are writ, viz. a Will, Deed and Bond. Mr. Zebulon Rice also Spends the Evening here.
December 22, 1758
1758 December 22 (Friday). Capt. Wood killed a sow pig for me, weighed 143 lb. Lieut. Stone of Brookfield here and dined with us. Mr. Barachias Morse brought 91 Rails at twice from his place. At Night Capt. Wood, who Supped with me.
December 23, 1758
1758 December 23 (Saturday). Very tedious Weather. Billy writing and Cyphering. Mr. Brag and his wife going home to Shrewsbury from the Buryal of their mother Burnap. Deacon Tainter brings Sundrys from Boston. Brick [sic] has Such Desire to learn Lattin again that he has sent for an Accidence.
December 24, 1758
1758 December 24 (Sunday). So cold I omitted the Public Reading both a. and p.m. I was afraid while I was in the pulpit, one of my Feet have been touched by the Frost: but through divine Favour I escaped. Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.16. Old Mrs. Tainter and Miss Betty Johnson dined here. The latter tarrys over night.
December 25, 1758
1758 December 25 (Monday). Bright and Cold but not So cold as it was. Mr. Morse comes with two Teams with Rails from his place. One of the Teams but 3 Cattle. Miss Betty makes Breck a Jacket. She lodges here.
December 26, 1758
1758 December 26 (Tuesday).
Miss Betty works here a.m. Dines here; as does Miss Patty Dunlop. Afternoon the former goes to Merchant Rice’s. The other is upon the Affair of her Fathers Rates. Billy uneasy to be gone to Brookfield. Deacon Bond brings 4 Load of Wood to Day. My pile increased to upwards of 50 Load in the whole. Peter LeBlanc junior of Shrewsbury with Amon here. Our Days are a shadow and we have no abiding! But besides their Brevity they are Evil.
December 27, 1758
1758 December 27 (Wednesday). Tedious winter like Season. Rains and freezes So that it is very difficult stirring. Mr. Joseph Gamel dined here: he is come to live in this Town, at the Widow Rogers’s. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forb. here. We are full of the News from the Ohio — giving Thanks that DuQuesne is in our Hands, though we mourn on account of French Cruelty there.
December 28, 1758
1758 December 28 (Thursday). Mr. [sic] Betty Johnson at 10 a.m. making Jacket for Alexander. The Thaw and Flood very remarkable. Bridges flooded etc. Memorable deliverance of my little Hannah. The Cellar Door was left open, and She in her Go-Cart, pitched down, and went to the bottom — yet without any great Hurt. To God our preserver be all Glory!
December 29, 1758
1758 December 29 (Friday). Billy returned to Brookfield. Alexander went with him part of the way to bring back my mare. Mr. John Burnap carryed away Miss Betty Johnson in the morning. Alexander does not return as we expected he would. But we are the Care of Heaven at home and abroad. P.M. Isaac and Josiah Baldwin here.
December 30, 1758
1758 December 30 (Saturday). Alexander returns in safety, having lodged at t’other House. He went to Leicester with Billy. N.B. My wife has been for some time exercised with rheumatic pains, and of late her right Knee is greatly Swelled. I desire to wait upon the Sovereign Will of God!
December 31, 1758
1758 December 31 (Sunday). The God of Patience has brought us along through the Changes of another Year to the concluding Day of it; and, with all our other Mercys, permitts us to enjoy our Spiritual Privileges and Advantages. Our Sabbaths reach to the End of the Year. To His Name be Honor and Glory! And that whilst there have been So many Tumults in other parts of the Christian World, We enjoy our Sabbaths and solemnitys without Molestation. This Day we publickly read 2 Chr. 34 and Joh. 19 from v. 23 — to the End. Preached on 2 Cor. IV.17 a. and p.m. The Widow Thurston and Miss Betty Johnson dined here. After our Evening Exercises in the Family we read Sir Mathew Hale’s Contemplations — particularly the Great Audit and Account of the Good Steward. A very Solemn and awakening Subject — which although I had read I Suppose many Years ago, yet those articles are very moving and I wish we may be favoured with a lasting Impression. I had given to my Family an Affectionate Exhortation and Charge after our Evening Family Exercise — which may God keep alive in all their Hearts! And now may this concur to raise up and enliven the most serious reflections and Resolutions. That we may end the Year as we would desire to end our Lives. O that it might be in the true, holy Fear of God, and may the Special Grace of God magnifyed towards us! I go to bed with deep humblings for long unprofitableness — and deep Concern about how it will be with me at my concluding Hour. But I would in all humility committ my Self to a most gracious God relying on His infinite Mercy, and the Merits of the glorious Redeemer!