November 1, 1758

1758 November 1 (Wednesday).  Went to Old Mr. Strattons early and took up of him 20£ old tenor for which I gave him a second Note.  Rode into Boston, to Mr. Procters at the Alms-House.  Proceeded to Visit The Widow of the late Rev. Mr. Prince: and there was Shewn by Miss Sally Prince a Letter from Dr. William Shippen of Philadelphia, giving an Account of the Death of Mrs. Edwards, widow of late president Edwards — to my great Grief — my Brother Samuel who is in great Affliction by the low Condition of his only Son William B.  He has been sick above a Month of a Fever; and is now very delirious.  Sister Lydia Champney is there to assist them.  Dined among my Relations at Mr. Winters, but not at Brother Samuels, there being a great many there — and much Trouble already.  My Brother being out of Hay, and Weather rainy, so that tis difficult to get supply; my Mare was kept at Mr. Lowders.

November 2, 1758

1758 November 2 (Thursday).  Billy (my Brothers son) no better.  Visited among my Relations as I could consistent with my Business.  Dined at Mr. William Winters, after I had attended the Lecture, which was preached by Mr. Mather on Rom. 8.10, a Funeral Sermon for the late Rev. Mr. Prince.  P.M. at Vendue at Mr. Winters — and at Evening at Mr. Churches Vendue also.  At the latter bought 3 yards of Broadcloth @ 50/ old Tenor per yard and 10 yards of Russell @ 14/.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.

November 3, 1758

1758 November 3 (Friday).  Very much hindered by assisting my Brother Samuel in writing Letters to England to the Heirs of Mrs. Poyutz deceased.  Visit Cousen Oliver — he goes with me to see the Train of Artilery which came from Louisbourg.  Paid for my Goods at Mr. Church’s.  Dined at Cousen Nathaniels.  Paid Miss Abiel Page.  N.B. paid for 1/2 a pound of Tea more than I conceive I had of her.  It being charged to be in August, whereas I had none at that time, not being then at Boston.  At Eve rode out of Town, leaving my poor Nephew in the Same Condition which I found him in.  O that it might be a warning to all young Men!  I stopped at Mr. Abiel George Hatter in Roxbury; took and paid for 2 Felt Hatts for my little Boys.  Mr. Potter of Brookline having sollicited me to go there to lodge with them — I did so: and was most respectfully Entertained there.  N.B. she had lately lain in.

November 6, 1758

1758 November 6 (Monday).  Mr. Hall of Sutton returning from Framingham (where he had been to preach and administer the Lords Supper to the people lately under Mr. Solomon Read) dined here.  Deacon Tainter brought me a Second Load of Wood.  P.M. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Phinehas Maynards only Child, which died by means of the Scalld on Oct. 27.  At Eve Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlin here.  He gives me a Barrell of Cyder and will take Care to bring it or that it be brought.  Mr. Jonathan Cook here, being returned from the Lake — says that Capt. Maynards Company were so Sickly and indisposed, that there were none but what had been at one time or another taken off from Duty except my Son William and two more.

November 7, 1758

1758 November 7 (Tuesday).  It rained — yet I rode to Sutton.  Deacon Tainter with me.  Deacon Bond could not go with us.  Mr. Smith and Deacon Woods came to us at Mr. Hutchinsons where we all dined.  In Sutton we met at Mr. Samuel Bucks junior.  13 Churches.  Mr. Welds and Mr. Bean’s instead of Mr. Porter of Bridgwater and Mr. Cook of Cambridge: but the Church of Sturbridge came not at all.  We formed into a Council: adjourned to the Meeting House — Mr. Dorr the moderator prayed.  And the Night coming on and we being Wet and Cold, adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 o’Clock.  Mr. Cushing and I lodged at Mr. Simon Tainters.

November 10, 1758

1758 November 10 (Friday).  In the morning visited Mrs. Fuller my aged Kinswoman; and Mr. Trask.  Had our Debates in Council.  A very tough Time.  Dissenting apprehensions in the Council itself.  We were unhappily divided much as we were sent for.  Shameful Weakness.  The Council continued at it all Night, so that no man of all that great Body went to Bed; but I who was necessitated to retire which I did (with Leave) at about 3 o’Clock in the morning.

November 11, 1758

1758 November 11 (Saturday).  When we were at Breakfast and onward it was Still very dark and distressing, to see how much was before us, and how divided we were.  It was thought best to adjourn.  The adjournment was to next May.  And four ministers were chosen to labour with the people in the Mean time.  Messrs. Webb and Fish for the other side, Mr. Morse and I for the Pastors and standing part.  But I refused having been so often and my affairs at home forbidding it.  Mr. Dorr was chose in my room; Mr. Cushing if he fails.  But we called the people in to try whether some thing might not be done at the present.  It had a great Effect.  I first of all laboured with Mr. Wellman to acknowledge that in this Day of Temptation he had done amiss in some Things etc.  He accordingly made a penitential Speech to them.  This had some influence on Deacon Gould yet he would defer the reconcilement till he could think further, promising to take pains with himself etc.  I was very sorry he was so imperfect in his Acceptance of what Mr. Wellman Said.  Squire Goddard and Mr. Greenwood, with their sons, also stood off.  But Mr. Barton and Mr. Richardson were pritty much melted: humbled themselves and asked forgiveness and were restored by Vote of the Church.  A great Number of the Standing part, viz. Squire Barnard, Deacon Chase, Capt. Holman, Mr. Kidder and Mr. Tainter expressly and with Tears in their Eyes, having took Barton by the Hand and mutually asked and granted forgiveness — and then removed, with the rest of the Standing part of the Church to the other End of the Room, and compleated the Reconcilement, with those, though Others of the withdrawing members would defer a while.  Mr. Fish prayed and gave Thanks — the Council’s adjournment was declared; we dined, and returned home.  Found my Family well.  D.G.  Mr. Jonah Warrin brought one Cord of wood to Day.  This begins his finding wood.

November 12, 1758

1758 November 12 (Sunday).  This morning very Cold.  Ink is froze in my standish Jugg, though there was fire in my Chamber the Eve before.  A very Winter like time.  Read 2 Chron. 30, John 18.  Made an Exercise partly out of some of my sermon on Jer. 3.15, to which I added some preparations which I made for Leominster, but never delivered.  N.B. This was occasioned partly by the Business of last Week, but especially because this was the first Lords Day of our 35th Year Since the founding this Church and my own Ordination.  I would give Thanks to God for His Long suffering; pray for forgiveness of my unfaithfullness and unfruitfullness: and beg Grace to Quicken and assist for the future!  P.M. repeated part of Sermon on Rom. 12.18, occasioned both by the Divisions in Sutton, and the yet more distressing Disquietments in Southborough: having a Letter to communicate, and which was communicated, to the Church, from thence.

November 13, 1758

1758 November 13 (Monday).  Still very Cold.  This is the more distressing as many people have not got in their Corn — sawce etc.  My Cabbages are abroad and chiefly Spoiled, they being so hard froze.  At Eve Mr. Maccarty who is on his Journey to Boston, and lodges here.  He informs me that Mr. Charles APTHORP of Boston, a principal Merchant dyed Suddenly last Friday Night.  Surely Riches profit not in the Day of Wrath.  Immensest Heaps of Silver and Gold will not be sufficient to bribe the Kingdom of Terrors!  Nor any Discharge in this War!

November 15, 1758

1758 November 15 (Wednesday).  I walked over to t’other House — to consult Mr. Rice about Mrs. Wards living there.  Visit Mr. John Frost, and the widow Elizabeth Rogers.  Judge Ward and his wife and Mr. Moses Twitchell dined with Mrs. Parkman — but I went to Capt. Woods to the Marriage of his Daughter in Law, Miss Patty Death.  My wife also at the Solemnity and Entertainment there.  At Eve she returned home because of the Child, but I went with the Company to Esq. Bakers and supped there.  To my great Grief I was detained there till it was nigh or quite Midnight.  Yet I broke away before the Second Table rose from Supper; and So had no Singing there.  N.B. Capt. Maynard at the Wedding.

November 16, 1758

1758 November 16 (Thursday).  Fine spring-like Weather.  Deacon Tainter, and afterwards Judge Ward, dined here.  My wife and I were invited by the Bridegroom, Mr. Baker to dine with them.  My wife went, but I did not, though they Sent an Horse for us.  At Eve I went up and waited on her home.  Thomas returned from Brookfield and brought Suse and Breck with him, and left Sarah in Suse’s Stead.  N.B. Widow Twitchell tells me (Mr. Ebenezer Nurse and Mrs. Rebecca Warrin present) that Judge Ward may go into her House if he will fit it up at his own Cost, and engage to leave it next spring when Mr. Jonathan Cook will want to have it.  Which I Acquaint the Judge with.

November 18, 1758

1758 November 18 (Saturday).  Send Alexander to carry a Bushel of Indian Corn to Mill, which when Ground I direct him to present to the widow Elizabeth Rogers in her lonely Condition.  Mr. James Cordwell of Sutton dined here.  P.M. Mr. Nehemiah Putnam my Kinsman, here.  William Stone going to his sick Brother Samuel at Sheffield, carrys a Letter and stuff for a Gown, to be left at Capt. Wolcotts at Brookfield for my Daughter Sarah.

November 20, 1758

1758 November 20 (Monday).  Several of our Children are conceived to have the Chicken Pox — tis Supposed they have taken it from some or other of my Son Baldwins Family who have been here.  Miss Betty Johnson is here making a Coat for John, as Mrs. How (Noahs wife) is making one for Samuel.  Mr. Joseph Robishow and his Wife here.  I resent to him the Conduct of some Young French people (Maran Gordow and two or three with him, and one or more of the Blanc’s, who travelled by the Meeting House in time of divine Service yesterday).  I wrote also a Letter in French (as well as I could) to Monsieur Le Blanc, testifying against it.  P.M. I rode with my Wife, in the Chair, to See Mrs. Tainter, Benjamin’s Wife, who is indeed very Low.  Saw Monsieur there, and delivered and read my Letter my self to him.  N.B. The Taylor woman lodges here.

November 21, 1758

1758 November 21 (Tuesday).  Mr. Thomas Whitney brought me two Barrells of Cyder, one from himself, the other from Mr. Reuben Maynard.  Miss Johnson goes a.m. with Mr. Tainter, as Company to his wife.  Mr. Zachary Hicks dines here.  At Night we had the Favour to See Billy again who came from Brookfield on Foot to Day; and is in good Health.  To God be Praise and Thanks for His great Goodness and Benignity!  Miss Johnson returns here at Night and lodges here.

November 22, 1758

1758 November 22 (Wednesday).  She works till near night, and then Alexander goes with her home to Southborough, notwithstanding the Rain.  Deacon Tainter comes from Boston and informs that my Young Kinsman is still living, but has been several Times thought to be expiring.  Mr. Amsden came and presented a young Turkey to roast tomorrow: he having fatted it on purpose for me.  May God grant him the Grace of seriousness!

November 23, 1758

1758 November 23 (Thursday).  Thanksgiving.  Preached on Ps. 48.9.  N.B. In the sermon I mentioned the private Family Meeting’s dwindling to nothing; For so I was informed by Deacon Tainter, and that there was a proposal of some to meet at my House this Evening.  And accordingly the following Persons came Esq. Baker, Deacon Tainter and Deacon Bond, Capt. Fay, Capt. Wood, Messrs. Whitney, Grow, Daniel Hardy, Daniel Adams, Daniel Forbush, and they entered into fresh Engagements to revive and attend the Meeting at a better Rate for the future, and agreed that they would meet on Tuesdays at 1 p.m.  Next meeting to be at old Mr. Bradish’s, next Tuesday come se’nnight.  N.B. No Blanc to Day though I invited him and his wife.

November 24, 1758

1758 November 24 (Friday).  Alexander goes for Miss Johnson and She comes to work again.  I rode to Upton to see Mr. Elijah Warrin and his Wife, who has lately lain in, and they have a son.  Brother and sister Hicks there.  In returning, visit Mr. Samuel Forb., Widow Whitney — and Mr. Grow goes with me to Mr. Bowmans, who is upon the recovery, and was able to converse sensibly and Seriously.  Thomas carrys Suse to Marlborough and they lodge at Esq. Brighams.

November 27, 1758

1758 November 27 (Monday).  She is at work here still.  Mr. Joseph Rice yesterday desired my son Thomas to acquaint me that a soldier, Arthur Brown, was sick and very low, at his House.  And he desired me to go and See him this morning.  I was accordingly on the Road there, when Mr. Edmond Rice met me to inform me Mr. Brown was dead — and I was requested to attend the Funeral in the afternoon.  Mrs. Pratt (wife of Mr. Martin Pratt) and her son Martin dined here.  P.M. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Brown.  N.B. his Brother came before the Corps was put into the Coffin.  I had ordered the Grave-digger to digg within my Ground, that no exception might be made (as heretofore in the Case of Mr. Alexander Kelly) against burying in the burying Ground.  This Mr. Brown (the Brother of the deceased) took in good part.  At Eve Mr. Hutchinson who had been to preach at Springfield (part of Dedham) and Deacon Merriam, who was his Companion in Travelling, were here.

November 28, 1758

1758 November 28 (Tuesday).  Esq. Baker and Capt. Fay, the Delegates came here to go with me to Southborough.  I carryed Miss Betty Johnson to Mr. Timothy Warrins.  To The Council at Southborough.  Mr. Maccarty and his Delegates in Company.  Dined at Mr. Stones.  But Eight Churches came.  Did not go to the Meeting House till 3 o’Clock — had the Public Hearing.  Lodged at Mr. Stones with Mr. Gardner.

November 29, 1758

1758 November 29 (Wednesday).  A.M. at the Meeting House.  Cold and Rain till 11 o’Clock.  Dined etc. at Mr. Stone’s.  While the Council review the Minutes and Papers, Capt. Josiah Richardson improves his Influence with Capt. Ezra Taylor, Mr. Stones principal Antagonist — but to small Effect.  Yet Capt. Taylor and a Number of them come into the Council at Eve.  After much labouring with them the Council is by them Selves for their Debates and votes.  N.B. Mr. Sheffield of Mendon dissents very much.  Mr. Maccarty and his two Delegates Major Howard and Mr. Brown dissent, so does our Capt. Benjamin Fay, except in the first vote of Capt. Richardson’s Scheme of votes.  See the Minutes of the Council.  N.B. When I saw how Slender the vote was, that the Church and Pastor were to be justifyed in censuring the young persons who were complained of, I declared my Self amazed and griev’d that the Brethren would shew no more regard to their Pastors, nor would assist them in putting away Evil.  All the Council sat up till long after Midnight.  I did not go to sleep till nigh 3 in the morning.  Four of us are a Committee to prepare a Result.

November 30, 1758

1758 November 30 (Thursday).  A.M. About the Result.  The moderator obtains of Mr. Martyn to draw up the Exhortation.  N.B. Mr. Belknap chooses a number out of the Council, to sit at a Convenient Time and hear his Affair.  N.B. at Dinner Capt. Taylor with us.  P.M. published the Result, after which Mr. Stone very affectionately addressed all his Brethren who were of one side and t’other.  But to little Effect on the Adverse party.  Returned home at Eve; and find all in Comfort.  D.G.  I Said, all in Comfort — but I am to Except the sorrowfull News we have of the Death of my dear Kinsman, my Brother Samuels only Son, William Bowes Parkman, who dyed on the 22d.  May God most gracious please to Sanctify this Breach to all of us!  But especially Support my poor Brother under this distressing Bereavement.  And may both his and my own Children have Grace to think Seriously of the Vanity of Life, and prepare for their own Death.