July 31, 1756

1756 July 31 (Saturday).  Great Rains this Morning also, and hold to p.m.  My right foot full of pain.  Right Shoulder, and right Hand, remain lame, weak and pained.  My left Knee, which was full of pain yesterday easier to Day.  D.G.  I am able, with much striving, and distressing Pain to rise from the Bed, and walk a little — this I have almost every Day.  I am so weak I dare not draw another Blister.  I begin to take of the Elixir Camphoratum.  Capt. Maynard made me a kind Visit.  Mrs. Biglow, stay-Maker, having finished her Work and received her Pay, p.m., returned home.  The Pain of my Foot and of my right Hand is So increased that we are forced to venture another Blister.  This is the 6th Since my illness began.