July 30, 1756

1756 July 30 (Friday).  Very heavy Rains — especially a.m.  I had not such Colliquative Sweat last Night, as the Nights before, but perhaps owing to thinning the Bed-Cloths: and am apprehensive my Rheumatism is still making progress into other Joints.  Each Heel is Somewhat affected as well as my left Knee — at night my right Foot most.  Brother Forb. came to bring me a Remedy for my Rheumatism, viz. Piony-Oak to be steeped in West India Rum.  4 Spoonful per Day.  P.M. his Son Daniel and several Others visit me.  They enquire about the Nature of Moral Assurance.  Probably they have reference to Mr. Forb. late sermon which gave some of them Disgust.  N.B. Mr. Asaph Rice sends me word that he can’t come the Next sabbath but will endeavour to the Sabbath after.