July 12, 1756

1756 July 12 (Monday).  Mr. Forb. left us to go to Commencement.  Sent the History of Mary Queen of Scotts to Sir Rice at Cambridge.  Mr. Wellman also here, on his Journey.  This was a dark Morning with me on account of the Increase of the Oppresing pain in my Breast, and the Increase also of my Fever: My abhorrence of Food, and my Weakness add to my Distress.  But may God enable me to resign my self wholly to him!  I sent for Dr. Chase, who came — gives me [Confactio Alkermes?], etc.  Very hot weather.  Thomas and Billy hoeing in the New Field and finished it.  Deacon Jonathan Forb. here p.m.  I was so very low that (upon his having mentioned his going to Hopkinton upon his Busness) I prayed him to go to Dr. Willson for me: which he resolved to do.