1759 May 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Pratt came again a.m. to Sow and plough in Grain and Flax in my Orchard. Rode to Lt. Forb. to get him or his son to plow for me — but with little success. Saw only his son. P.M. at private Meeting at Mrs. Grouts — preached on Mat. 7.7.8. Would bless God for the Impressions on my own Heart, wish they might be preserved! Too few men there. In returning called to see Squire Bakers Wife who is Sick of a Fever or Fever and Ague. At home found Mr. Abner Bailey Minister of New Salem, in New-Hampshire Government and Master Fessenden.
Month: May 1759
May 2, 1759
1759 May 2 (Wednesday). Was designing to Marlborough but Deacon Tainter came and invited me and my Wife to dine at his House. Though it was a warm, pleasant Day, and though my wife went to the Door, yet she did not venture to go so far. I went and dined there. He invited Mrs. Blanc, and I visited there; but she also was too poorly to go. Her daughters went. Mr. Edward How of Rutland (Son of the late Mr. Nehemiah How) here. He is trying to enlist men. Hear my son Thomas has already ‘listed as a Batteau Man, under Lt. Rolf.
May 3, 1759
1759 May 3 (Thursday). A.M. came my son and Daughter Forb. with their Daughter Molly. They last night got only as far as Capt. Maynards. I catechized at the Meeting House a. and p.m. but had but few Children. P.M. Mrs. Dolly Rice and her Daughter Maynard here. Mr. Forb. rides to Dr. Wilson to get him to go chief Surgeon in Brigadier Ruggles’s Regiment.
May 4, 1759
1759 May 4 (Friday). My wife so much better that She rides in a Chair to Neighbour Nurse’s. I had been there in the morning and prayed with him. Alex. and Enoch Rice with two Yoke of Cattle, viz. Mr. Zebulun Rice’s and Capt. Woods — and Mr. Nurse’s large plough, plow part of my stubble. P.M. ride with my Daughter Forb. to her Brother Forb. and thence to the Funeral of Mr. Elijah Rice’s Child Sarah of about 3 and ½. Visited Ensign Miller who is sick. N.B. My son Forb. goes to Uxbridge, to See Mr. Jos. Manning in order to obtain him to preach for him, when he goes into the Camp. N.B. By reason of the Extraordinary Heat and Dryness of the Season there is an Extraordinary putting forth of the Trees — and some Trees are blossomed, full out. A great Alteration this very day. Baldwin and his wife came.
May 5, 1759
1759 May 5 (Saturday). [No entry.]
May 6, 1759
1759 May 6 (Sunday). Read Neh. 4, Act. 14. My Son Forbush preached on Exod. 15.3. The Lord is a man of War. P.M. on [blank]. Deacon Forb. dined with me. A pleasant agreeable Sight to have my dear Daughters and their Husbands here with me.
May 7, 1759
1759 May 7 (Monday). Mr. Forb. Wife and Daughter leave us to go to Boston. Baldwin returning to Worcester expecting that the Muster-Master would be there for the mustering of his Company.
May 8, 1759
1759 May 8 (Tuesday). I rode to the Council at Sutton. Deacon Bond does not go with me but designs to meet me there. Mr. Smith of Marlborough and Deacon Wood come. Deacon Tainter also accompany me. N.B. Neighbour Joseph Baker sends an Hand to plough. Capt. Woods and Neighbour Nurse’s Oxen. At Sutton we repair to Mr. Bucks. Rev. Weld and Delegates absent. Rev. Rice and Delegates came, but not having been there at the former session, were not of the Council because they were not before — 12 Churches by their Pastors and Delegates constitute this Council. We proceeded to our Business. I lodged at Mr. Welmans, and Mr. Dorr, Mr. Dunbar and Mr. Smith lodges there also.
May 9, 1759
1759 May 9 (Wednesday). Somewhat unhappy by the divided Sentiments of the Council. The Contending Parties with us. I go to Squire Goddards at Eve and lodge there. Mr. Maccarty with me. N.B. Deacon Bond came but by vote was Refused to sit, because he was not with us at the first session last Fall. At Home — Adam Rice and some part of Team, helps in ploughing a.m. P.M. Alexander works at Mr. Nurse’s — and at Eve is wounded in the Legg.
May 10, 1759
1759 May 10 (Thursday). N.B. Contests in Council. Mr. Webb and Fish very Opposite to Sundry others. The latter breaks out with the Meazles and goes home. Deacon Tainter, with leave of the Moderator, goes home, but N.B. we vote by Churches. I go to Mr. Wellman to lodge. At home — p.m. Thomas goes with his sister Baldwin to Sudbury, and designing for Boston. At Eve comes a young man learning the Practice of Physick with Dr. Prentice, and come to Neighbour Nurse, lodges here.
May 11, 1759
1759 May 11 (Friday). A very dark, distressing Day to the Council, on consideration of what we feel in it. The Council Last night had determined there Should be a Result, and the Committee to draw it were Parkman, Dunbar, the two scribes, viz. Morse and Maccarty, and young Mr. Dorr. To Day they accomplished it — and about 11 a.m. were ready to present it, but the aggrieved Party sent the Council a Paper Shewing that there were some Evidences which they wanted we should hear, which had not yet been called for. Therefore the Partys were called in, and a great Conference ensued, and hearing of more Evidences. This not only retarded the Council, but much embarrassed us. Nay some of the Members, Mr. Webb and Mr. Gleason, had hot Contests. Late p.m. our Result being finished was voted, signed and we published it. Rev. Mr. Dunbar prayed after reading it. Then the Council was Dissolved, and I returned home. Mr. Smith with me, and he though late and in the Rain continued his journey, designing to reach his own Family.
May 12, 1759
1759 May 12 (Saturday). My Family much indisposed. My Wife has much of her Illness remaining, though she is about House. Sarah lies by. Suse has grievous Head-ach. Alexander lame. Samme Fever and ague. Hannah very tendfull. I am much affected with what was done at the Council, and write my Exceptions against our last vote. Do something in preparing a Sermon on Phil. 2.1-5 but cannot make Dispatch by reason of the abovesaid Troubles.
May 13, 1759
1759 May 13 (Sunday). My Wife goes to Meeting. Read Neh. 5. Preach a.m. on v. 10 using my Exposition on the 8th Commandment that part which is on Usury. P.M. read Act 15. Preached on Ps. 34.14, using sermon on Rom. 12.18 from p. 14 at the bottom to the End, omitting the Additions. Mr. Fessenden dined here; as did Mrs. Tainter and her sister Harrington of Framingham. N.B. I publickly acquainted the Church in general with what we did at Sutton; and both the Church and Congregation with the Association Fast at Shrewsbury next Wednesday. Sundry Upton people here, Mr. Fish being confined by the Meazles.
May 14, 1759
1759 May 14 (Monday). Suse breaks out with the Meazles and keeps her Bed. Mr. Richard Kelly comes to work for me. Alexander gets a Yoke of Deacon Bonds Cattle and a Yoke of Mr. Warrins, and they harrow the Ground at the Island and behind the Meeting House. Thomas returns home from Sudbury so as to be at Dinner. I visited Mr. Nurse, whose sore has now turned out as big as an Egg. I prayed with him. My Samme and Sophy have each of them their Fit of Fever and Ague.
May 15, 1759
1759 May 15 (Tuesday). Suse’s Meazles come out full. She keeps her Bed, but, through Mercy, is not extreme bad. Am troubled about my planting, having no body to work, not so much as Alexander freely, he having much Lameness in his wounded Legg. Yet many of my Neighbours have done planting. I went to Mr. Ebenezer Forb. and obtained him to come, some time before noon. Neighbour Batherick Sent two of his Sons and his Horse to furrow in my Island — but they neither came to dinner nor worked the afternoon. With much pains got a Team for Mr. Forb. to carry out Some Muck, but by various hindrances he accomplished but part of the work. I was obliged to go away from home, to visit Mrs. Bowman who is very bad: and sent for me.
May 16, 1759
1759 May 16 (Wednesday). Mr. Joseph Bruce, Mr. Zebulon Rice with a Boy, Isaac Woods and Benjamin Flood, came kindly and gratis to help me plant: and they accomplished the Island Field of about Two Acres. I left them to themselves and went to the Fast which the Association has appointed to be at Shrewsbury first parish. Messrs. Martyn, Stone, Morse, Buckminster, Maccarty and Davis at Mr. Cushings. Mr. Cushing prayed a.m. Mr. Davis preached on Isa. 1.11. P.M. Mr. Martyn prayed. I preached from Josh. 24.15, first and last Clauses. Returned at Evening. Suse’s Meazels turn as it is vulgarly termed.
May 17, 1759
1759 May 17 (Thursday). Mr. Martyn Pratt and Mr. Thomas Twitchell came to help me in my planting and bringing Horses, they furrowed both ways and finished the Field by the Meeting House. I visited Mr. Nurse and prayed with him. I also visited Mrs. Bowman again, she being in a very hazzardous Condition. Mr. Bowman drooping, several of his Children have the Meazles: I dined there, and prayed with ‘em. N.B. Mr. Ephraim Wards Wife here. Suse Sits up, and is (through divine Goodness) considerable comfortable.
May 18, 1759
1759 May 18 (Friday). Thomas goes with Lieut. Rolf to Bruce’s to the Mustering of the Bateau-Men; and the Lieutenant tells me he expects he will be Clerk, there being no other that he knows of. I myself confined to my Study Send Alexander in Vain to one Neighbour and another for their Help to plough my North-East Yard. Neighbour Batherick here in Difficulty about his Deed of the Rogers Place, which he buys of Capt. Maynard. Little Hannah much out of Health.
May 19, 1759
1759 May 19 (Saturday). Though Suse keeps her room, yet She is able to work with her needle. A fresh Token of the divine Goodness! D.G.
May 20, 1759
1759 May 20 (Sunday). Read Neh. 6, Acts l6. Preached a.m. on Col. 3.9 and on Eph. 4.17.18. Stopped the Church and read the Result of the late Council at Sutton.
May 21, 1759
1759 May 21 (Monday). Visit Mr. Nurse and pray with him. P.M. rode to Marlborough to Mr. Ephraim Hows and pay him my Interest. Return and call at Mr. Larkin Williams but he was not at home. Saw his Wife; his Child ill. N.B. Neighbour Seth Morse works for me in fencing a Yard on south side of the Road and moving the Fence near the Burying place. N.B. A great Number of Men with their Teams are at work in making a Wall on the South Side of the Burying Place.
May 22, 1759
1759 May 22 (Tuesday). Visit Mrs. Bowman who is in a low Condition still, and prayed with her. Mr. Bowman has the Meazles. My son Thomas leaves us to go into the service. He has bought him an old Horse to ride on. Mr. Joseph Manning, and one Dr. Dean with him, visit me and dine here. Towards Evening come Mr. Williams of Long Meadow and Mr. Breck of Springfield and lodge here.
May 23, 1759
1759 May 23 (Wednesday). They leave us for Boston. Thomas returns, and goes off again. Mrs. Tainter and her sister Harrington dine here. P.M. came Mrs. Maynard, and with her Master Wheeler, Miss Patty Smith and her Aunt Little, heretofore Dean, to See us. Miss Betty Johnson part of the Day.
May 24, 1759
1759 May 24 (Thursday). Visit Mr. Nurse. Talk plainly with him in private, of some particular sins. Pray with him. Mr. Daniel Miller works for me clearing and sowing Hayseed. Miss Betty Johnson — also Persis Rice work here — turning my Coat. Mrs. Knowlton here and dines with us. Try in Vain for an Horse to go to Boston next week — my Mare being ready to foal. Visit Mrs. Bowman again, who is yet alive, and pray with her.
May 25, 1759
1759 May 25 (Friday). Visit at Mr. Timothy Warrins. Deacon Livermore with Banisters for my Stairs. The young Women aforesaid are at work here. Alexander goes with John Wood to get Sand. My Perplexity very great about an Horse to go to Boston — because I am necessitated to go, and none will shew Compassion. It sits very heavy upon Me. Surely they have not that Affection which they ought to have! Surely I deserve it not, through my own unprofitableness! At Eve came Mr. Foster of Berwick and lodged here.
May 26, 1759
1759 May 26 (Saturday). He left us. I visited Mr. Nurse. He desired his Wife and the Nurse to go out of the room. He would fain defend himself against what I said to him on the 24th. He wonders how he can be thought to be guilty of those sins which he says he always hated in others. Yet I endeavour to fasten the Admonition: prayed with him: he desires I would not so much as once think he is angry with me for my plainness. Mr. Marshall Baker here. Mr. Thomas Twitchell informs me that Mrs. Bowman dyed to Day about 12 o’Clock. By my visiting the Sick, by various Company etc., this week, have been greatly taken off from my studys: but especially by Mr. Fosters’s coming; and then pleading off from preaching for me: and by Time spent in trying to get an Horse to go to Boston next Week. Cousen Needham came.
May 27, 1759
1759 May 27 (Sunday). Read Neh. 7, Act. 17. Preached on Col. 3.9 a.m. and p.m. on Eph. 4.17.18. Mr. Fessenden dines here.
May 28, 1759
1759 May 28 (Monday). Cousen Needham left us. A.M. attended Funeral of Mrs. Bowman. Obtain of Deacon Bond his Horse to go to Boston, but I was obliged p.m. to go to Mr. Jonathan Fays for money. His wife delivered me £100 old Tenor. N.B. Esquire Goddard of Sutton here.
May 29, 1759
1759 May 29 (Tuesday). I sat out upon my Journey. Called at Coll. Brighams to Congratulate him and his New Wife upon their late marriage. Called also at Coll. Buckminsters, where were Rev. Messrs. Bridgham, Jones, Buckminster and Parsons of Brookfield. I dined at Mr. Cushings of Waltham. Went to Cambridge. Visit Brother Champney — and sister Barrett who has grievous Lameness. Did not get to Boston till 9 at Night and in the Rain. Put up my Horse at Brother Samuels and lodged there. N.B. his House repairing. Cousen Winter very low.
May 30, 1759
1759 May 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Parsons of Bradford preached the Election sermon on Esth. 10.3. Dined in Faneuil Hall. Attended the Convention at Dr. Sewalls. Mr. Wigglesworth of Ipswich Hamlet moderator and prayed. A message from the Honorable Board, signed by the Lieut. Governor to the Convention concerning the Indecencys and Disorders at Ordinations. A Committee was Chosen to consider this important Affair: All the Convention, as one Man, heartily desirous to have those great Disorders reformed.
I left the Convention before they proceeded to the Choice of a Second to Mr. Balch, the preacher for Next Year. Visit Mr. Procter. Visit my Daughter Baldwin at Dr. Wheats. In the Way there Mr. Jones of Western saluted me as Elected etc. May God grant me a due sense of my Insufficiency, and Direct me to what is my Duty upon this Special Occasion! Lodged at Brother Samuels. N.B. First Visited Mrs. Simson, heretofore Messinger.
May 31, 1759
1759 May 31 (Thursday). At the Convention — expressed my Sense of the Regard Shewn me — but that I know not what to think of accepting it. Was soon overpowered by Mr. Moderator, Mr. Appleton and a Number More. Report of the Committee in Answer to the honorable Board read — and after a few amendments Voted, and a Contribution for printing it. Mr. Pemberton preached on Rom. 11.13. N.B. the Lt. Governor and a Number of the Council present. The Collection something more than £300 old Tenor. Dined at Mr. Pembertons. N.B. His Honour the Lt. Governor, Rev. Messrs. Chipman, Josiah Cotton, Byles, Morehead, Thomas Prentice, Mat. Bridge, Badger — and Mr. Cary, were the Company. [illegible] I Returned to the Convention it was but a few Minutes, having much Business and many visits to make. At Eve at Mr. John Brecks. Lodged at my eldest Brothers.