1752 January 14 (Tuesday). My daughters Molly and Lucy were last Wednesday at Mr. Martyns, and heard their Disgust at my not having been to see ‘em for so long time. They pitched upon to Day for us to go, and they would stay at home for us — but though it was a most agreeable Day and fine slaying, yet I was so very ill that I could by no means go. Mrs. Parkman and Molly went. I grew so ill, so faint, feverish, etc. that I sent for Dr. Chase,[1] who came. N.B. The Vagrant Baker dined here: and I gave him some friendly admonition, he seemed to thank me and to take it kindly. Mr. Thomas Axtell of Grafton here about his keeping of my piggs. He leaves it to Mr. Phinehas Hardy to judge between us.
[1]Thomas Chase, Westborough’s young physician.