1752 February 1 (Saturday). Mr. Eliezer Rice was here and brought me a written request for a Church Meeting. Brother Hicks lodged at t’other house last night, here today.
Month: February 1752
February 2, 1752
1752 February 2 (Sunday). Read Numb. 38 and preached on Job 33.27, last clause. P.M. read 1 Cor. 7 to number 24 omitting the rest. Stopped the Church and read the Holliston result and Neighbour Eliezer Rice’s request for Church Meeting. At Eve was very much worryed and tired, but I bless God He has enabled me thus far, May His Grace be perfected!
February 3, 1752
1752 February 3 (Monday). Rain. I attended the Church Meeting at which Mr. Eliezer Rice gave a paper containing his opinion about Original Sin. I made some reply to it which the Church was desired to show their minds whether he should enjoy the priviledge of baptism for his child. No hand was lifted up.[1] N.B. Dr. Gardner returned from Marlborough last Eve to t’other house.
[1]There was some debate over Rice’s petition and Parkman opposed it. Westborough Church Records, Feb. 3, 1752.
February 4, 1752
1752 February 4 (Tuesday). Cold and blustering weather. The season is still severe. Read second volume of Secret History of Europe. Mr. Grow here and brought me £12, 12 shillings, Old Tenor. Never were the times more difficult with me than now respecting money when I owe so many and have so little to pay ‘em with. This troubles me chiefly that I should be so unrighteous especially when not only a professor but a preacher of Righteousness. Lord deliver me out of this snare!
February 5, 1752
1752 February 5 (Wednesday). Dr. Gardner would find Horse while I find slay to ride to Mr. Martyn’s. His horse proves too untractable. We put in my Mare. It is cloudy and cool and nigh Eve but we got over comfortably and lodged there. N.B. Mr. Martyn has bought Ridgely etc.[1]
[1]Thomas Ridgley, D.D. (c. 1667-1734), a nonconformist English divine, was the author of several works, none of which was published in America. The work mentioned here may have been A Body of Divinity: wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are Explained and Defended, 2 vols. (London, 1731, 1733).
February 6, 1752
1752 February 6 (Thursday). We feared a Storm but have a very fine Morn. Return home. N.B. Sir Forbes[1] has received a call from the town of Waltham and he is come up. Captain Baker was here in the morning to acquaint me that the private meeting is appointed to be at his house today and yet that he must unavoidable be at Worcester — therefore requests me to be in his stead. I accepted and preached there — Jer. 6.16 from page 13 on. Lieutenant Tainter came home with me. The sorrowful news of Mr. Peabody’s[2] Death which was confirmed,
[1]Forbes did not accept this call but later in the year was ordained at North Brookfield.
[2]The Reverend Oliver Peabody of Natick.
February 7, 1752
1752 February 7 (Friday). next morning; and t’is said that he is to be buried this Day. Help Lord! May this Death be sanctified to Thee in particular that since I live I may live unto the Lord. Mr. John Witt of Brookfield lodged at my other house last night and is here and meets Sir Forbes today here.
February 8, 1752
February 9, 1752
1752 February 9 (Sunday). Read Numb. 34. Preached on Rom. 14.8. P.M. read 1 Cor. 8. Preached on 1 Cor. 1.30, using mostly the first sermon on 2 Cor. 12.2. N.B. Daniel Hastings dined here and went at Eve to the other house.
February 10, 1752
1752 February 10 (Monday). My Wife this Day 35 years old. I went over to the other house. Daniel Hastings there. He assisted Ebenezer in killing two swine, one nigh fourteen, the other near thirteen score. P.M. Carryed Molly over to take her mother’s place whilst my Wife and I rode in the slay to Grafton. Mr. Hutchinson[1] just gone to Sutton. Tarried with Mrs. Hutchinson til nigh night. In returning at Eve it was cold. Called at Mr. Winchesters[2] and at Mr. Benjamin Fay’s[3] and the presents made us did well reward us for our trouble.
[1]Aaron Hutchinson of Grafton.
[2]Benjamin Winchester of Westborough.
[3]The son of the late Captain John Fay of Westborough.
February 11, 1752
1752 February 11 (Tuesday). My Wife and I rode to Marlborough and carryed the child, Mr. William Winter and his Wife and his Wife’s Sister at Colonel Williams[1] — the ladys are fleeing to Worcester from the smallpox which is now in Three familys in Boston. I went to Mr. Jacob Felton’s. My wife and I dined at Colonel Williams. Visited Mr. Smith and Dr. Samuel Brigham[2] who has marryed our Neece Mrs. Nanny Gott.[3] Mr. Smith and Mr. Stone came to us at the Doctor’s in the Eve. We lodged there.
[1]Abraham Williams, the prominent office-holder of Marlborough, was Parkman’s brother-in-law. Hudson, Marlborough, p. 470.
[2]The son of the prominent Marlborough citizen, Samuel Brigham, Sr.
[3]Anna, the daughter of Dr. Benjamin Gott of Marlborough, married Brigham, Jan. 9, 1752. Hudson, Marlborough, p. 373.
February 12, 1752
1752 February 12 (Wednesday). Cold Day. We dined at Esquire Brigham’s, the Doctor and his wife and his Brother Uriah and his wife being there also. P.M. In returning home called at Mr. Jacob Amsdens — found our habitation in peace. To God the Glory!
February 13, 1752
1752 February 13 (Thursday). Read Sydenham on smallpox.[1]
[1]Thomas Sydenham, the English physician, was the author of numerous medical works in Latin and in English. The reference here may have been to Walter Lynn, An Essay towards a . . . Cure in the Small Pox . . . and a Review of Dr. Sydenham’s Works (London, 1714).
February 14, 1752
1752 February 14 (Friday). [No entry.]
February 15, 1752
1752 February 15 (Saturday). The School finishes at Mr. Pratts. Masters David Maynard junior and Jacob Rice here p.m. to pay Dr. Gardner.
February 16, 1752
1752 February 16 (Sunday). Mr. Martyn[1] and I had agreed to change if it was not foul weather or very cold, but it proved so very sharp a morning and was so very slippery that I despaired of his coming out; and therefore although I depended much upon changing I did not venture to go, but turned my mare home that my children might come in the slay to Meeting. However in case Mr. Martyn should be o’mind to come I remember 1.) We had agreed that if it looked doubtful whether the other would set out, yet he that was so disposed should stir early and give the other sufficient time. 2.) I know I could take his horse and ride as far as my other house and there take one of my own. (And Thirdly) I put myself into all the preparation I well could by reading over my Notes which I designed to deliver to his people, skirting, etc. but we were all of us sure, by what he has said in times past, that it was too slippery for him to ride. Yet at more than half after nine o’clock, Mr. Martyn came — and understanding that I was not dressed, nor did expect to go, he was so moved that if I had not used, not only entreatys but force, he would have gone back. I took his horse as I had purposed and rode to my other house, where I left him and took Ebenezer’s mare and proceeded to the north side. Got to Meeting in good Season and broke off in season likewise. A.M. read the chapter of my text, viz. Jer. which I preached on both parts of the Day. P.M. read 1 Cor. 4. Baptized Eli son of Thomas and Persis Goodenow. I tarried not a great while after Meeting before I returned to my other house, for I was much afraid of the evening cold. Mr. Martyn and Dr. Gardner came to me there; and after some refreshment we parted — but it proved a very sorrowful day to me to see Mr. Martyn so extremely raised for I did not in the least refuse to go; nor was it so late but that I got there in proper season and although he found me at home, yet there was much reason for it, it was also the first time that he had ever come to me thus; whereas I have time after time been at his house before he was in any readiness at all, yet I showed no resentment. No, not when he was lingered and delayed so long that he has made it altogether too late, quite!!, when he began the Divine Service for me. But I fear what this will prove the beginning of! Deus avertat omen!
[1]John Martyn of Northborough.
February 17, 1752
February 18, 1752
1752 February 18 (Tuesday). Sent letters to my Brethren at Boston and an advertisement to put my other house and place upon sale. Mr. Pierce’s youngest child which I saw last evening is dead; another very bad and two more are taken sick. Dr. Gardner left us and went to Marlborough. Mr. Grow brought £8.10.0 Old Tenor. The weather foul; Snow, Rain, Snow, etc.
February 19, 1752
1752 February 19 (Wednesday). The weather is become very Fine, but it setts the snow aflowing. Mr. Martyn and his wife came to see us — dined here; Mrs. Nabby Baker made Mrs. Martyn a gown here. P.M. I went to the funeral of Mr. William Pierce’s child. Sir Forbush here, being come from Waltham and goes today upon his journey to Brookfield. N.B. I sent £10 Old Tenor to Jeduthun Baldwin per Mr. Samuel Harrington. Mr. Martyn and his Wife returned home at Evening.
February 20, 1752
1752 February 20 (Thursday). Mr. Haven and his sister Patty lodged at t’other house, and came here a.m. as did Captain Waters[1] of Sutton and his wife. Dr. Chase and his wife and Mrs. Newton. These last all went away before dinner. Mr. Haven and his sister dined here. N.B. His answer to the South Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.[2] The Waters flow exceedingly. N.B. Molly brought Breck here, who has canker in his mouth, yet plays about in the house and abroad. N.B. An odd kind of note — Mr. Grows from Mr. Thaddeus Gale for money which I do not owe.
[1]Jonathan Waters.
[2]Samuel Haven (Harvard 1749) became the minister of the South Church of Portsmouth, N. H., 1752-1806. Sibley, XII, 382-392.
February 21, 1752
1752 February 21 (Friday). Bright and moderately Warm but very windy. Low grounds, especially hollows exceedingly filled with waters, the snow disappears apace.
February 22, 1752
1752 February 22 (Saturday). Mr. William Pierce’s little son Aaron buried but by reason of the storminess of the weather I could not go to it. This child also died of the throat distemper.
February 23, 1752
1752 February 23 (Sunday). Read Numb. 35. Preached a.m. on Thom. 14.8. P.M. read 1 Cor. 9, and took some notice of the providence of God which has ordered these two Chapters to be read the same day. Preached on Rom 6.21. We took into the Church Messrs. Jonathan Bond and Eleazer Whitney, Mary Bond, Margaret Chaddock, and Lydia Twitchell.[1]
[1]These new members had been dismissed from other towns as follows: Jonathan Bond and Lydia Twitchell from Watertown; Eleazer Whitney from Waltham; Margaret Chaddock from Hopkinton; Mary Bond (wife of Jonathan) from Mendon. Westborough Church Records, Feb. 23, 1752.
February 24, 1752
1752 February 24 (Monday). Billy to Mr. Allen’s Mill and to Mr. Woods’ fulling Mill with a pair of blanketts to be fulled. Came home so late p.m. that I could not go to Mr. Pierce’s to see his son William who is sick. In the morning I went to Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s and talked with his wife about her drinking which she denies herself guilty of.[1]
[1]Anna, the daughter of Charles Rice of Westborough married Ebenezer Rice of Southborough, March 23, 1743. This couple made their home in Westborough but were evidently not admitted to the church.
February 25, 1752
February 26, 1752
1752 February 26 (Wednesday). Although I sent to Mr. Hutchinson to come and help me in my lecture today, yet I was obliged to preach it myself. Text 1 Cor. 1. Used the notes on 2 Cor. 12.2 with a new plan and many alterations and additions. And oh that the Blessings of God may accompany the serious things that were spoken for the highest good of all! That we may both be in Christ and have the great Happiness and Comfort of well grounded Evidence that we are so! N.B. Samuel Bumpso and an hand with him, viz. Elijah Hardy clearing behind the Meeting House. A.M. they dined here. And Sam took a small turn at the same work after lecture.
February 27, 1752
1752 February 27 (Thursday). Samuel Bumpso and with him Charles and Abner Rice and Constantine Hardy came and cleared the bushy land behind the Meeting House. My sons Ebenezer and Thomas also came and helped. N.B. Sam and Constantine dined here. P.M. Mrs. Nabby Baker[1] here and my wife took opportunity to take discourse with her about some reports with regard to my son Ebenezer courting her.
[1]Abigail, the daughter of Squire Edward Baker, later married John Martyn, Jr., of Northborough.
February 28, 1752
1752 February 28 (Friday). Sam, Charles and Abner cleared again. Sam dines here. The others go home. Mr. Hall of Sutton here, bought Two Cloth for Thomas of him. Ebenezer was here at eve.
February 29, 1752
1752 February 29 (Saturday). Sam Bumpso brought a parcel of Apples here from Mr. Jonathan Fay’s and from Mr. Grout and dined with us but did not work. Mr. Winchester comes from Boston here. Smallpox doth not spread as t’was reported. May the Lord Pitty his People! Thus has the Lord carried us through the tedious Winter and the changes of it. Blessed be His Name for all his Goodness to Us!