1766 September 26 (Friday). Caleb goes to Mr. Nurse’s to get a Well-Sweep, but without Success. Mr. Simon Tainter of Sutton, and his Wife here. By them I return to Mr. Welman, his Henry Vol. 1 and to Mr. Taynter I return his Pamphlet relating to turning to the Church of England. Capt. Clark of Hopkinton was So good as to come to see me; and dined with us. Mr. Solomon Millers Wife came and brought her Relation. And because of her Deafness I read over the Church-Covenant to her, loud and into her Ear, so as that She declared before two Witnesses, that She understood it, and freely consented to it. Deacon Tainter from Boston, brought me 1/8 of hundred of Sugar from Mr. Loyd; and 4 large Oranges from my Son Samuel. N.B. Deacon again declared that he heard Mrs. Andrews say “I don’t believe that Mr. P. has a spark of Grace in him, for I never could see any.” Deacon repeated and I wrote the words from his Mouth. The Occasion of this was, She t’other Night stiffly denyed it. O how my Heart grieves for this bitter Contention, and Sad Contradiction!