1766 September 10 (Wednesday). A very considerable Quantity of Flax this Year. Read Epistolary Correspondence between Pike and Sandeman, which is Sent to me by Mr. John Welch the Carver, at Boston. Received a Letter of Vindication from Cousen Elias Parkman, relative to what occurred July 17th last. Though it was a rainy Day, yet at Evening Billy came and the Young Lady (heretofore Miss Lydia Adams) whom he had last night marryed at Medfield. Besides those that went with Billy then, none except her Brother Mr. Elijah Adams, came hither with them. We were altogether unprepared, having no Expectation at all of them, but designed, tomorrow, to give our Selves to make Preparations for them. Mr. Adams and Barrett lodge here. The Others, respectively, went home.