1766 September 15 (Monday). Mr. Stone left us in the Morning. See the work done by Caleb etc. in the Almanack. At 9 o’Clock I attended the Funeral of Mrs. Thurston. After the Burial Mr. Tainter informed me that a Number of the Brethren designed to be at my House, upon the Affair of Mrs. Andrews. It was now 1/2 after 11 o’Clock. I told him I was obliged to visit Mrs. Smith who was in a very distressed Condition. Her son Ezekiel had acquainted me with it: and I perceived her Case was growing desperate apace, and could not be neglected: I had also Company at my House (My Daughter in Law and Grand Daughter, who would leave me in the Morning, and under take their Journey home); Mrs. Parkman was preparing also to go with them designing to go further than Brookfield: Besides other pressing Affairs that would engage me this Evening — so that I was very sorry they Should come at Such a Time, and give me so short warning; that I could not be prepared for them. P.M. I visited Mrs. Smith and found her in a very melancholy, desponding State. Much in the Same Road to Despair, that her poor Brother (the late Mr. Joseph Miles of Shrewsbury) was in. Capt. Benjamin Fay came there also. We prayed — and I did my utmost to comfort her; but it seems to be in Vain. I had run to See Mr. Artemas Bruce’s Wife, because of her weak State — and called to See Mr. Eleazer Pratts Wife who is Sick again; and prayed with her. In the Evening, instead of my being in my Preparation for so remarkable Day with me, as to morrow, or attending upon the Affair of my Wife’s Journey, or enjoying the Company of those whom I so rarely see, and are so soon to leave me, there came in no less than 16 Brethren of the Church, viz. Deacon Bond, Capt. Fay, Capt. Brigham, Messrs. Nathaniel Whitney, Daniel Forbes, Zebulun Rice, Ithamar Bellows, Daniel Hardy, Elijah Rice, Thomas Twitchel, B. Tainter, James Bowman, Daniel Adams, Constantine Hardy, John Wood. And I can’t tell but there were more. I gave them to understand how unhappy it was to come at this Time; how unprepared I was for it — that I could not attend upon it — that it was unkind not to give me more seasonable Warning of their Design. I prayed ‘em to consider how my Case was. Nevertheless they tarryed and some of them especially were very Zealous in Mrs. Andrews Behalf — rejecting what ever Defence I could make: especially making light of the Results of the Councils, Letters of Ministers, Informations which a Number of Ministers have given me, besides other Persons, especially of late, of the great irregularity among that people at Chebacco. Nor could anything I could Say appease them who so warmly withstood me — nor did it signifie for me to endeavour to Set them right in Things they had taken wrong. Yet vehemently urging and pressing that I must be reconciled — that I must — though I had assured them that I had done many Things in order to it, and had informed them so, over and over — yet it was in Vain — especially with Capt. Brigham, Mr. Whitney, Forbes, Tainter, D. Hardy — and I fear I must add Deacon Bond. This Altercation lasted till full, if not past, Nine o’Clock. For I think it was 1/2 past nine when they left me. May God look upon it and be gracious to us! A Sorrowful Manner of concluding this Year of my Life. The Lord Sanctifie it to me and give me Grace and Wisdom to conduct Suitably in this Day of Temptation — that I may be patient, and resigned, humble and penitent — and may God be gracious to all those who are dissatisfyed with me when I have taken so much Pains to give them no Cause for it! My Wife is preparing to go to Stafford and if Brother Breck be so bad as we hear, I suppose She will go to Springfield also. Secretary Oliver went last Monday through this Town in his Way to Stafford-spring.