1766 September 23 (Tuesday). Having received a Line from Mr. Andrews that they consented to my Proposal, Walked to Mr. David Maynard and Mr. Solomon Baker to get them to come to my House, to Meet Mr. Andrews and his wife, and such Brethren as they Should bring. I went also to Squire Whipple’s, that I might have him either to bear Testimony or take mine, if the Case Should require it. He said he would be at Mrs. Johnson’s. Mr. and Mrs. A. came and Capt. Jonas Brigham and Mr. N. Whitney with them. Also Messrs. Maynard and Baker here: I proposed that Mrs. A. should first exhibit her Complaint, which it seems is very bitter against me: To which I would make Reply: and then the Brethren having heard us, on both sides, they must use their best Endeavours to reconcile us. Mr. Andrews began. He attempted the story of the Beginning of their Conversing with me: but sadly mixed Things that occurred some time after — by which mixing, the story was Set in a Strange Light. Mrs. A. helped it along. The Complaint seems to be briefly This, that when She first came into the Town, she asked me to let her Communicate, but I would not: and that She desired me to lay her Request before the Church, but I would not. After a great deal of Jarr and Difficulty by reason of Interruptions, I undertook to deliver a Narrative (about 8 pages) of the very first Visit I made them and what occurred afterward, that it might be seen how Mrs. A. had asked — and what kind of Denial I gave her; and whether I ever gave her the least Ground of Offence. Although Messrs. Maynard and Baker, I think very hardly Spoke at all, openly or Audibly to us, Capt. Brigham and Mr. Whitney, did abundantly especially the former, as if they were their Advocates, instead of Peace makers between us. In brief, although on each part we professed to be for Peace, yet we unhappily broke up without Reconcilement to my great Grief and sorrow. They did indeed desire to throw up all — and they wanted that my papers might be burnt. But I was not willing to accept of their Offer, unless they would give some sign of their being Sensible of the Wrong they had done me — namely by being so causelessly and so deeply affronted with me, which they have manifested by continual Revilings, Staying at Home, etc. Capt. Brigham and Mr. Whitney ought not to have come upon this Occasion, because they were Such Men as are excepted against in my Letter of Proposal of this Meeting: for they were men that had so shewn their Judgments before — as witness what was said by both of them with great Zeal, on the 15th at Eve. Yet I thought I would try them. Memorandum. I did not pretend to meddle with the other part of the Case, viz. relating to the Society which she comes from. It had been well if we could have made up what lay only between us two only. Capt. B. and Mr. W. would have it that We had both of us been to blame. I entreated them to tell me wherein I had. They answered In my calling them Separates. I replyed, that I was Sufficiently warranted in using that Term, for it was what the Books that were printed about them frequently used, and what they were called in the Letters from the Ministers who had writ about them and what I had my Self found ‘em to be. Again, in saying at Mr. Andrews’s the Night Mr. C. was there that he was a troublesome man among the Neighbours. I replyed, that That was (drawn out I might say) upon my Defence (when he boasted so much of his being a very peaceable, quiet Man among us). And I [ins?]ed in several Things which I had been credibly enough certifyed of. Briefly, I did not think that these were so blameworthy Articles as to bring me upon a par with them, and to such a Degree as to cut me off from that Christian Satisfaction which was due to me from them. They would lump and drop all now, without their being in the least sensible that they had done me any Wrong. And yet I would heartily go as far as can be just in coalescing and comprimising — being very weary of the Contest. N.B. Mr. A. did not go away near so warm as she did: so that there was more hope of him than of her. Mr. A. told me Mr. C. was coming up again, would preach at his House, and he hoped I would come and hear him. I answered that as they were some of his people and they would not put them Selves nor theirs under my Care (for I had about the same time been inviting them to Meeting and to send their Children to Catechizing and they positively refused) it might not be very improper, if he preached anywhere. (However, I Should be afraid of the Evil Consequence of it among my Neighbours.)