September 7, 1766

1766 September 7 (Sunday).  Read Isa. 35 and John 6 to v. 35.  Preached a. and p.m. on Luke. 2.14 which I had delivered before in 3 Exercises.  But now in two — having omitted the Beginning and altered and added in many places.  I had prepared sufficient for a sermon, but could not finish the Subject I am there upon; which I shall choose to do if I can: but I could not prepare another for the Communion by Reason of the many Engagements and unavoidable Avocations of last Week from Day to Day.  I administered the Lord’s Supper.  Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined here: as did Dr. Wilson and Jos. Joslin who Visits Sarah, and opens her Breast again.  At Eve read part of Mr. Henry Grove on the Lord’s Supper, p. 161.