October 19, 1759

1759 October 19 (Friday).  Had a very bad Night last, the worst of any yet, this sickness.  It was by reason of the Fever, and a most terrible oppression at my stomack, which gave me great pain in drawing my Breath — held me for 2 Hours in the Dead of Night, but either by taking a Portion of Polychriston, or putting on Rie Cakes, to my [Face?], or rather by the merciful Hand of God with them, I was greatly relieved, and about one o’Clock could lie on my right side and went to sleep for some time.  But still it was a tedious Night.  This morning Alexander went again to Dr. Wilson to acquaint him with what had occurred, and to desire another Visit.  Deacon Tainter here a.m.  I write to young Mr. Dorr, to desire him to preach for me next Lords Day; and Deacon undertakes to carry it.  I feel exceeding poorly to Day, and wait the Will of God!  The Doctor came, judges with me that there are Pripneumonic sumptions.  He takes away about 5 ounces, or not more he thinks than 6, of Blood.  Orders a Blister on my left side, and leaves me to take plentifully of Volatiles.  [60?] Drops every three or 4 ho.  He desires Counsel — Dr. Morse of Sutton — and Dr. Hemingway of Framingham.  I obtained Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt to go for the former.  No body goes for the latter.  I somewhat dreaded the Night — but