1757 August 1 (Monday). Adam Rice mowed for me in the Ministerial Meadow a.m. only. Amon Blanc did not work for me but for Mr. Joseph Bruce. Jonathan Livermore junior a Sophomore, who keeps School at Mr. Whipples, informs me that Mr. Martyn did not appoint any Lecture yesterday; which much Surprized me, and the rather because it was So agreed upon at the Association and the Time and Place were written down; and it was also laid upon Me to preach; which therefore I had expected to do. Rev. Mr. John Searl dines with us. N.B. Neighbour Eliezer Williams young Child very bad. I went in the Eve to See her. Transcribed and Sent a Result to Deacon Greenough at Boston.
Month: August 1757
August 2, 1757
1757 August 2 (Tuesday). Amon Blanc at the Meadow. Adam mowed there p.m. My Wife and I Visit the South East Corner. Particularly observed Mrs. Mary Bradish’s manner of teaching Children to read. Dined at Mr. Chamberlins. At Mr. Jonathan Bellows’s Entreated his Wife to put an End to our Trouble with her — but She resists it as much as ever. N.B. Mr. Tinney tells me Mr. Martyn appointed no Lecture.
August 3, 1757
1757 August 3 (Wednesday). Amon at the Meadow, a.m. and comes home with Mr. Edwards Whipple who brings a sixth Load from that meadow — and worked for Mr. Whipple p.m. to pay him for it. There was a Lecture at the North End but I was not informed of it till it was over. Mr. Martyn neither came nor sent to me — but Mr. Cushing there and preached as I heard afterward. I transcribed a Result for the Brethren at Leominster.
August 4, 1757
1757 August 4 (Thursday). Thomas very earnest about buying Merchant Rice’s House. I visit Mr. Williams’s Child, which is much revived. My son Thomas works for me at the Meadow — p.m. worked for Neighbour Eliezer Rice who brought up the last Load out of the Meadow, and run it into his own Barn till morning. P.M. I preached at the Private Meeting at Mrs. Grout’s on Joel 3.13, first part. My Wife with me. We visited old Mr. Fay and his Wife and at Capt. Woods. At our Return home found Mr. Oliver Carter of Leominster here, who is come for the Result. He lodges here. N.B. Mr. James Bowman brings me One of Mr. Niles’s Books against John Taylor of Original Sin. N.B. Amon Blanc works not for me, but for Mr. Edwards Whipple.
August 5, 1757
1757 August 5 (Friday). Mr. Moses Twitchel and Amon mowe a.m. in my Newton Meadow. Mr. Carter after Breakfast (Coll. William Ward also with us) receives the Result. With it I lend a select Volume of Choice Tracts, viz. the London Ministers of the Necessity of Believing the Trinity; Mr. Boyse of Dublin against Mr. Emlys etc. P.M. Rain.
August 6, 1757
1757 August 6 (Saturday). My two sons Alex and Breck rake in Newton Meadow.
August 7, 1757
1757 August 7 (Sunday). Sorrowful Tidings! That the French and Indians have shot, and carryed off prisoners, nigh 300 Men, who were a scout from one of our upper Forts; and that a great Army were coming to beset Fort William Henry. I read 2 K. 24. Preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 119.126 and finished what I had to say on that subject. P.M. read Mark 16. May God set home by His holy Spirit what has been delivered agreeable to his Will.
August 8, 1757
1757 August 8 (Monday). Amon all Day. Mr. Twitchell half a Day. Got home one Load from Newton Meadow. Visit Moses Nurse who is Sick. News flies thick and fast of the Troubles at the Forts. May God prepare us for all Events! Read part of Mr. Niles against John Taylor.
August 9, 1757
1757 August 9 (Tuesday). Mr. Twitchell and Amon mowing at Newton Meadow and the Balks round the Island Field. My son Thomas p.m. in carting home 2 Load. I visited Moses Nurse. Went to t’other House. The Well Mr. Batheric and Amon dug in the back Pasture, dry. Visit Mr. Ebenezer Maynard who and his wife have Fever and Ague — it has his Brother Daniel also. Went to see their Father and dined there. The Antient man is grown very weak; and I treat him as one Near his End: prayed with him. We finish Haying. News by Posts very frequently. The Hearts of all Seem much moved.
August 10, 1757
1757 August 10 (Wednesday). My Wife has Number of Young Women to quilt for her a Bed Quilt. They were, Susan Newton, Elizabeth Chamberlin, Lavinia Baker, Persis Rice, a.m. and p.m. Mrs. Morse (who was Sarah Warrin) and her sister, p.m. Amon works for Mr. Moses Twitchell, for his work for me Yesterday. I rode to Marlborough to the Lecture as agreed upon by the Association at Hopkinton. Dined at Mr. Smiths. I prayed the first prayer. Mr. Loring preached on 1 Thess. 5.[1]7, pray without Ceasing. Mr. Martyn prayed after Sermon. He prayed 1/2 an Hour. Mr. Loring was to have offered a Concluding prayer after his — but he grew tired. He gave the Blessing. O that God would pity His people at this remarkable Juncture! For another Post came down last night who says, that though the Fort was not taken, yet the Enemy were all round about — and that except they have relief speedily they can’t keep it. I visited our Kinswoman Mrs. Anna Brigham — and paid [Miss?] Nanny Woods (£3.7.6 Old Tenor) in full for making her Stays. In returning home went to see also Mrs. Grace Barns widow one of my Creditors, whose Patience I am obliged to ask, as my Collector fails in paying me my dues. My sons Alex. and Breck try to reap my Oates.
August 11, 1757
1757 August 11 (Thursday). It grow grows very dry — Grass much diminished — a burning Sun and drying Wind — yet Some Sprinkling of Rain. Boys reaping Oates. Betty Chamberlin helps my Wife a.m. in Quilting. I take Notice of her kind Disposition — and Sympathize in the Distresses her nearest Relations must be Supposed to be in at Stockbridge when our Enemys are so numerous, and the People in those exposed places in so imminent Dangers. May an infinitely Merciful God appear for their Help and Deliverance! At Eve Mr. Larkin Williams here in his return from Mendon, whither he had been to warn that part of the Regiment (as I suppose this had been) to be ready at a minutes Notice. My wife blooded by Dr. Chase.
August 12, 1757
1757 August 12 (Friday). P.M. Great Rain. At Eve a comfortable Visit from Capt. Woods.
August 13, 1757
1757 August 13 (Saturday). My son Thomas in going to fetch some sand, broke my Chair Wheel and returned empty. News that Fort William Henry is taken. Joseph Bowman here.
August 14, 1757
1757 August 14 (Sunday). Read 2 King 24. Preached a.m. on Prov. 18.10. P.M. read Luk. 1 to v. 39 and I preached on Isa. 31.6 but used chiefly Sermon on Act. 3.19, from p. 14 to 19. Joseph Bowman propounded. Rainy. After meeting so cloudy there was no making any Observations on the Eclipse.
August 15, 1757
1757 August 15 (Monday). There has been of late much Talk of Indians Seen in our Woods — at Uxbridge, Mill-river etc., which raises in many people Suspicions of what may be the Cause of it. Amon came to work. He reaps the rest of my Oates. P.M. he mows Bushes. I visited his Father. Dined at Mr. Nat. Whitney’s. The Company under Capt. Fay called together and every 4th man is taken to go out against the Enemy. The Troop also meet at Capt. Bezaleal Eager’s, They being warned to go. N.B. my son Thomas trades with William Stone to go in his Stead. N.B. Capt. Wood and his wife here.
August 16, 1757
1757 August 16 (Tuesday). William Stone goes into the service in stead of my son Thomas but he has my Gun and my Mare. The Association meets here, viz. Mr. Cushing, Barrett, Stone, Smith, and Morse. Mr. Morse gave an Exercise on Rev. 3.1.2. At night Mr. Barrett went up to Capt. Woods to lodge there. N.B. The public Troubles much increase for we hear that there is a French Fleet come to Louisbourg, of 20 Sail and 10,000 Troops: and can’t understand that Lord Loudon has Sailed from Hallifax. Former Troubles were but Drops; now our Distresses come down in full Shower and storms. Amon did not work for me.
August 17, 1757
1757 August 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Martyn came — and Mr. Loring. Mr. Morse prayed before the public Sermon: Mr. Loring preached; his Text was Ps. 2.6. N.B. Elizabeth Chamberlin assists my Wife. Amon not here. N.B. Major Keyes, Mrs. Cushing, the widow Smith and Miss Molly Cushing dined with us.
August 18, 1757
1757 August 18 (Thursday). I went to See Old Mr. Maynard who is very low. Mr. Martyn came to me there, and informed me that his Daughter Minot was delivered of a son. He also tells me that a post is gone along who informs that Fort Edward is besieged. May God most Gracious and mercifull appear for our Succour! May our Refuge be ever more in God! I walked to Mrs. Rice’s (Eliezers Wife) to talk with her about her Williams going for Thomas and to know whether she did indeed Consent to it, Since he is gone; though I had Charged him not to go without her Allowance. She was not at home. Hephzy told me She did not Consent — but She see he would go: and She did not appear displeased with me or my son for if he did not go for Thomas he would for some body else. I replyed that I was not willing to be the instrument of his Rebellion against his Mother — and therefore bid him be sure, See to this, if he went, that he had his Mothers good will in it. Hephzy Said her Father (his Guardian) consented to it.
August 19, 20, 1757
1757 August 19, 20 (Friday, Saturday). There Seems to be no certain News of any thing but the dismissing the lower Companys that have marched up the Road; the Roads being full of Confusions. General Winslow is gone up, and has given Orders for the soldiers Return who belong this way and Eastward. I visited old Mr. Maynard again, who grows weaker and weaker: and gives this Character of himself that he is worn out.
August 21, 1757
1757 August 21 (Sunday). My Mare being gone into the service I rode one of Mr. Nurse’s to the North End, and Mr. Martyn came there. I preach’d there a. and p.m. on Dan. 4.27. He preached here on 1 Cor. 3.18. We, each of us, returned home at Eve. N.B. I visited Old Mr. Maynard both in the Morning and Evening. O that God would accompany his Ordinances with His special Blessing! And Whilst I am concerned for the public Weal, may I especially take the Divine Counsel my self, that it may be a lengthening out of my own Tranquility!
August 22, 1757
1757 August 22 (Monday). Rainy. Amon Blanc did not come to work. I read the Remarks on Mr. President Claps History and Defence of the Doctrines of the New England Churches. Hear that William Stone is come back to his Master Rolf’s — and my Mare is brought home to me.
August 23, 1757
1757 August 23 (Tuesday). Rain a.m. No Amon to day. Adam Rice setts his Nett in my Field, and catches Pidgeons, about 4 Dozen this forenoon. William Stone comes here and gives Some Account of his Journey — that he went as far as Westfield — that the Men are not finally dismissed, but must be ready to go again when called. At night came my Son and Daughter Baldwin from Brookfield. He gives me account of the late Fight and surrender of the Fort William Henry from his Brother Nahum who was there.
August 24, 1757
1757 August 24 (Wednesday). My son Baldwin and his Wife left us to go to Sudbury. I rode to Southborough to the Fast there on Account of the Great Troubles of the present Times. Mr. Stone prayed and Mr. Smith preached on 1 K. 8.44 to 49 a.m. Mr. Barrett prayed and I preached p.m. on Ps. 119.126. Returned home at Eve. May God be graciously pleased to accept our Offerings, and Succeed His Messages! Mr. Batherick brought Two Barrells of New Cyder. Mr. Nurse had one of them.
August 25, 1757
1757 August 25 (Thursday). I had no help in my Lecture. Preached my Self on Isa. 31.6. Used sermon on Act. 3.19 from page 19 to 24.
August 26, 1757
1757 August 26 (Friday). [No entry.]
August 27, 1757
1757 August 27 (Saturday). Rainy Seasons — Still Sat out Cabbage Plants. Joseph Bowman.
August 28, 1757
1757 August 28 (Sunday). In the Morning two Soldiers were here who came [from] fort William Henry, and were there both when it was takin and six Days after. Their Names Samuel Howard and Thomas Lee. Read 2 K. 25 and preached on 1 Cor. 10.4 — This Rock was Christ. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Widow Woods (who has lately lost her son, Mr. Joseph Woods) and Mrs. Dunlop, dined here. P.M. read Luk. 1 from 39 v. Preached on Prov. 18.10. Baptized Joseph Bowman and admitted him into the Church. N.B. It was about 5 o’Clock when our Exercises were over.
August 29, 1757
1757 August 29 (Monday). Amon Blanc comes no more to work for me, having Leave from me to work where he can Employ, and for any better wages than I can afford, my haying being over.
August 30, 1757
1757 August 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Campbell of Oxford, on his Journey to Boston, calls here and dines with us.
August 31, 1757
1757 August 31 (Wednesday). I Sat out with my Wife to go to Mr. Martyns and thence designing to go with Mr. Martyn to Mr. Morse’s Lecture — but on the way we heard that Mrs. Martyn was not come from Concord yet. Left my Wife at Mr. Noah Hows (who is lately married) and to visit that Neighbourhood; and I rode over to young Mr. Martyns, who informed me his Father was gone to Concord. This I wondered at, because Mr. Morse, I supposed had engaged him to preach his Lecture. I proceeded to Mr. Morse’s: And though Mr. Smith was there, and Mr. Davis, and afterward came Mr. Cushing, yet I was obliged to preach. It was on Ps. 46.1.10. N.B. Some persons who have come from the Forts, have the Small Pox: In Shrewsbury one has lately dyed of it, and another is Sick of it. Mr. William Crawford at Worcester, is Sick of it. I returned home at Evening. My son and Daughter Baldwin came and lodged here. They have been at Boston and kept sabbath there.