1757 September 1 (Thursday). My Baldwins left us for Brookfield. N.B. Delivered the Paper to Lt. Rolf which Contains the agreement between my Son Thomas and William Stone. N.B. as it was agreed that Lt. Rolf Should keep it, so I had sent to him to come and take it, but he neglected it. N.B. He owned before several Witnesses that he had Received the word which I sent him, to take it. P.M. Catechized at Mr. Joslins: had 42 Children. Mrs. Mary Bradish’s Scholars all attended. She her self went to the House; and was at the Entertainment with me after the Exercise, as were also my little sons Samuel and John. Visited the Widow Woods (Mr. Joseph Woods’s) and her Children.
Month: September 1757
September 2, 1757
1757 September 2 (Friday). Have been Somewhat engaged in transcribing my sermon on Ezek. 22.30, hoping to change with Mr. Hutchinson next Sabbath (to whom I had writ) but have heard it is to be their Communion. Mr. Campbell of Oxford, in his return home calls here, with one Mr. Wesson. Mr. Ebenezer Forb. paid me £20.15.6 Old Tenor.
September 3, 1757
1757 September 3 (Saturday). Obliged to prepare a sermon for the sabbath. Mr. Martyn Sends Nathaniel with a fretfull Letter about the Shrewsbury Lecture. To which I wrote him an Answer which manifested my hearty Grief.
September 4, 1757
1757 September 4 (Sunday). I read 1 Chron. 1 to 23 and gave some account of the Design of this Book and Contents of the first Eight Chapters. Preached on Prov. 18.10. Old Mrs. Rogers, widow, dined with us. P.M. read Luk. 2. Preached an old sermon on Joel [3?].13 Concerning Gods Judgments.
September 5, 1757
1757 September 5 (Monday). Amon and Magdalene Blanc here early, going to Cambridge etc. Could not get a piece of Gold changed — therefore paid them only 5£ and Sixpence old Tenor. Viz. to Amon £[5]3/, to Magdalene 47/6. Settled all accounts with Mr. Beeton and paid him all to this Day. N.B. Near Esquire Bakers had some Discourse with him about visiting — for I went for that End. When he spoke of my going in to See ‘em (which was upon my saying that I had been thinking to make a Time on purpose to make ‘em a visit) I told him he did not give me leave, by coming to See me. He answered that they were very busy, and were hard driven. And When he asked me to walk on, he soon told me that he must come out again to his work. I remarked to him how odd a Thing it was that such a Person as he would not afford so much as One half an Hour in a Twelve Month to spend with his Minister — for he had not bin once to see me this twelve month.
September 6, 1757
1757 September 6 (Tuesday). Visited Mr. David Maynard another who has an intermitting Fever and divers of his Children, the Fever and Ague. Prayed there. Visited the old Gentleman also and prayed with him. Transcribing but with much interruption. At Eve Mr. Biglow — tells me they have probably a Penobscot Indian in Concord Jayl.
September 7, 1757
1757 September 7 (Wednesday). I rode to Shrewsbury Lecture and preach it: on Ps. 78, v. 34-37. Dined at Mr. Cushings — my Daughter Sarah with me. N.B. Mr. Morse and his Wife, and Mr. Davis there. The last prayed before sermon. N.B. Capt. Nat. Allen of Boston has bought the House and Place that was Gershom Keyes’s; and is making great Alterations there. Returned at Eve. Poor Dolly Fay is a Bed — was delivered last Lord’s Day.
September 8, 1757
1757 September 8 (Thursday). Stalks Secured. Am diligently transcribing.
September 9, 1757
1757 September 9 (Friday). Alexander and Breck Thrash Oates which were on the Floor — and then Rye.
September 10, 1757
1757 September 10 (Saturday). Mr. Batherick brings me 3 Barrells of Cyder — one of which Thomas boils p.m. Mr. Batherick dined with me and carrys over more Barrells. Rain after much dry weather.
September 11, 1757
1757 September 11 (Sunday). Read 1 Chron. 9 and preached on Isa. 31.6. N.B. Besides the 4 pages I had writ, used three pages and ½ of Sermon on Acts 3.19, viz. from page 24 to 27. P.M. read Luk. 3. Preached on Jer. 13.23. Rainy Day. N.B. Mr. Ben Tainters Wife dined with us.
September 12, 1757
1757 September 12 (Monday). Rain.
September 13, 1757
1757 September 13 (Tuesday). Am Still at Times transcribing for the press.
September 14, 1757
1757 September 14 (Wednesday). My son Baldwin came here in the morning. He had lodged at Mr. Martyns — tells me his wife is out of Health and depressed. He left us to go to Brookfield. Mr. Forb. and his Wife came the Same forenoon. Took Mr. Forb. with me to Hopkinton Lecture (on Account of the public Distresses). We dined at Mr. Barretts. Mr. Prentice of Holliston and his Wife there. Mr. Stone preached on Deut. 29.24. I prayed before sermon. Mr. Stone tells me he designs to go next Sabbath to preach at Cumberland. In returning at Eve Mr. Forb. and I called at old Mr. Kelleys to see him in a very low Condition and (as seems) nigh to Death. Old Mrs. Lovell also lying in a very dangerous state at her son Pierce’s they besought me to go in. Those Visits made us late by that we got home.
September 15, 1757
1757 September 15 (Thursday). Mr. Forbush and his wife to Boston. At Parting he gave me a Letter from Ebenezer. He tells me he has sent for sundry Goods by a Team. Mr. Batheric comes and informs me that the Team will call about noon for them. Thomas goes over to see to the putting ‘em up. P.M. Lecture to Young people on Eccl. 1.2. N.B. Master Nathan Stone (who keeps our school) here after meeting. Send to Boston by Capt. Fay.
September 16, 1757
1757 September 16 (Friday). It being 5th Day old Style, See Natal. At Eve Mr. John Harwood took Charge of a Letter from me to Mrs. Abigail Stoddard at the Cornfields Boston.
September 17, 1757
1757 September 17 (Saturday). I could not have rest in my own Mind without going to See Old Mr. Kelly again and Old Mrs. Lovell. I accordingly walked as far as Mr. Jonah Warrins (calling at Mr. Hammonds and Saw his Wife ill, with Something. She went out and vomited. It filled me with Trouble!). Mr. Warrin furnished me with an Horse and I endeavored to discharge my Duty to the sick old people above mentioned. P.M. I rode up to Mr. Ebenezer Cutler’s in Grafton, he lying Sick of a Fever. Proceeded — and arrived at Mr. Hutchinsons; but he was gone to Westborough. Went in to the School House to see the French Family there, Claude du Gas. They are not so Sociable, as our Neutrals.
September 18, 1757
1757 September 18 (Sunday). Preached at Grafton a. and p.m. on Heb. 10.31 and baptized the Child of Mr. Hezekiah Taylor, the Name Simeon. N.B. Mr. Prentice not in Town. Mrs. Prentice at Meeting a.m., not p.m. Returned Home at Evening. Mr. Hutchinson on Mat. 19.16-22. P.M. on Gen.4.7 at Westborough.
September 19, 1757
1757 September 19 (Monday). We are in the Family Much put by, for want of Water in our Well. There not being enough for the Kitchin use. Washing deferred on that Account.
September 20, 1757
1757 September 20 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbush and his Wife come from Mr. Martyns; for whom he preached last Lords Day. Molly got no further on Saturday Night than Mr. Smiths at Marlborough. They lodged at their Uncle Holloways last Night. They Dined with us and then took leave to go to their Father Forbush’s and then design home by the way of Brother Hicks’s at Sutton.
September 21, 1757
1757 September 21 (Wednesday). Mr. Barrett came and preached my Lecture on Rev. 3.4. Mr. Cushing also came — and both dined here.
September 22, 1757
1757 September 22 (Thursday). At Such times as I can make from Family Cares, am transcribing etc.
September 23, 1757
1757 September 23 (Friday). Part of this Day also. My wife’s Leg grows bad.
September 24, 1757
1757 September 24 (Saturday). Mr. Joshua Winter and his Wife (from Boston Yesterday) came to see us, and dined with us. They lodged last night at Brother Baldwins at Sudbury. N.B. This morning Coll. Tim. Brighams Wife dyed. She was taken (as is Supposed) with an Apoplexy last Evening and continued till about 2 this Morning. They Sent Jonathan Johnson to me to desire me to attend her Funeral next Tuesday. Such a sudden Death administers Solemn Warning to all survivors. May God grant us all the Grace needful that we may make a fit improvement of it! And get ready our selves!
September 25, 1757
1757 September 25 (Sunday). My Kinsman Winter and his Wife here. Read 1 Chron. 10. Preached on Jer. 8.6. P.M. read Luk. 4. Preached on Prov. 13.21. Evil pursueth sinners. Used part of Sermon on Isa. 33.14. Used viz. from page 15 to 26, Top. N.B. I did not discover till next morning, that I had ever repeated pages 15 and 16 before. Though it be set down upon the Cover, yet I did not See it. N.B. Mr. Nathan Stone junior our present School-Master, dined here. N.B. I stopped the Church to desire their minds about my going to preach at Cumberland the 3d Sabbath of the next Month. It was voted, I think, unanimously. I did also put the Church in Mind of two Other Articles, viz. the Affair of Sister Judith Bellows; and the Ordination of Deacons, both which articles I might reasonably have expected that Some or other of the Church would have Spoke about at Some time or other; but having waited for that in Vain I was now obliged to desire them to ripen their Thoughts that we might do Something to Effect. I am much troubled with Soreness in my Eyes.
September 26, 1757
1757 September 26 (Monday). Mr. Winter and his Wife p.m. ride to Deacon Tainters; I went with them but my Wife confined with her lameness: Which increases.
September 27, 1757
1757 September 27 (Tuesday). My Kinsman Winter and his Wife left us. I rode down to Southborough. Dined at Mr. Stones as did Mr. Smith. I prayed at the Funeral of Coll. Brighams Wife. An affecting Occasion! May the Impression last! I returned home at Eve — part of the Way Esq. Baker and his Wife Company.
September 28, 1757
1757 September 28 (Wednesday). Mrs. Tainter yesterday brought and applyed a Tobacco Ointment to my Wife’s Legg — but it is no better. I am also troubled still with sore Eyes, the Effect of a Cold which hangs about me. Mr. Ebenezer Forbush brought me 11£ O.T. N.B. Mr. Nathan Stone junior called at his leaving our School, and returning Home.
September 29, 1757
1757 September 29 (Thursday). I finished my transcript of Discourse on Ezek. 22.30, but now I can’t send it. At Eve visit Joseph Baker who has Rheumatism. Alexander has an Ague. Mr. Batherick brought home 6 Barrells of Cyder. Had a Quarter of Beef of Mr. Jonah Warren — weighed about 104. Dr. Chase bleeds my wife.
September 30, 1757
1757 September 30 (Friday). Old Mr. Maynard Sends for me, thinking he is near his End. I went, but did not find as I feared. He was able to Converse. I dealt freely with him — and prayed with him. Went to Lt. Maynards upon the unavoidably necessary Affair of Disposing of my Old Place. Borrowed an Horse there. I rode over to see Mr. Jacob Rice who lies Sick of a Fever — he and his Wife being still of our Church. Returned to Lt. Maynards at about 2 p.m. Eat there. Bought 200 of Boards of him which Mr. Gashit brought home. My Wife in great smart her Leg growing Worse. My mind much exercised for my son Ebenezer. Mr. Batherick and Noah How here — Mr. Gashitt. They all eat here. Alexander thrashes.