1748 May 12 (Thursday). My wife and I rode to Sutton and din’d at my Cousen Fullers,[1] and Trasks.[2] Preach’d the Lecture on Rom. 6.13. After Lecture Mr. Wellman rode with us first to Mr. Singleterrys,[3] where we were kindly entertain’d and refresh’d, and then to Mr. Halls[4] — where was Mr. Aaron Hutchinson (of Connecticut) Preacher at Grafton, who had preach’d the Lecture this Day for Mr. Hall. We all lodg’d at Mr. Halls. N.B. Mr. Hall had had a Church Meeting on account of the Separatists among them.
[1]Jonathan Fuller.
[2]Samuel Trask had come with Jonathan Fuller to Sutton from Salem.
[3]Amos Singletary was a justice of the peace and a representative of Sutton.
[4]The Reverend Mr. David Hall of Sutton.