1748 June 1 (Wednesday). It has been the dryest Time we have known for a great While, but at night and
Month: June 1748
June 2, 1748
1748 June 2 (Thursday). In the morning were refreshing Showers of Rain. A great Mercy and Blessing! A.M. I walk’d over to Eliezer Rice’s — his Father in Law Bootman there. Mr. Breck[1] here, in his Journey to Springfield, and lodg’d here. Lent Neighbour Rice my mare for him to ride to Sutton tomorrow morning, with his Father in law and others. Joseph and Ebenezer Cabbage Plants etc.
[1]The Reverend Mr. Robert Breck, Jr., of Springfield.
June 3, 1748
1748 June 3 (Friday). Bright Day, Mr. Breck left us. Mr. Leavitt[1] of Sommers here and din’d. Neighbour Jonathan Rogers here again and I took pains with him in examining him for some Hours. Ebenezer and Joseph carting fencing-Stuff. Receiv’d a Proclamation for a Fast on account of the Drought, dated June 1 the very Day the Rain came.
[1]he Reverend Mr. Freegrace Leavitt (Yale 1745), the minister of Somers, Conn., 1748-1761. Dexter, Biographical Sketches, II, 43-44.
June 4, 1748
1748 June 4 (Saturday). Mrs. Joanna, wife of Jonathan Rogers here to be Examin’d. P.M. Divers Gentlemen from Grafton going over to Mr. Martyn in order to obtain a Church Meeting. They were, Captain Willard, Mr. Brooks[1] and Mr. Simon Tainter.[2] I sent my Desire to Mr. Martyn to Change Tomorrow (as I had done to Mr. Smith without success) but the Return was that Mr. Morse was already there to Change with him.
[1]Ebenezer Brooks.
[2]Simon Tainter, Jr., the son of the Westborough deacon.
June 5, 1748
1748 June 5 (Sunday). A.M. on Mat. 15.1.2. P.M. on John 6.45. And they shall all be taught of God. Repeating some parts (the Heads much chang’d) of Sermon on John 17.3. I began with page 33 Article 6 and then deliver’d the propertys beginning with the second. N.B. Omitted the Object in page 35. Us’d Some of the Hints of Application and added some other. Propounded Jonathan Rogers and his wife.
June 6, 1748
June 7, 1748
1748 June 7 (Tuesday). Ebenezer and Joseph undertook to kill a Fatt Calf for me.
June 8, 1748
June 9, 1748
1748 June 9 (Thursday). In the Morning (being Publick Fast because of the Drought) came 2 Chairs. Mr. Gay[1] of Suffield and his Wife, his Brother also and Mrs. Ballentine with her little Daughter from Horns[2] at Southborough. Mr. Gay preach’d for me both parts of the Day on 2 Chron. 7.14. After Early Supper and Prayers they left us to prosecute their Journey as far as Shrewsbury. I was very much griev’d that we were So turn’d aside from serious Meditation and that so much was done in Entertainments beyond the Nature of a Fast. The Lord forgive us that in our Fast we find pleasure!
[1]The Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Gay.
[2]Robert Horne.
June 10, 1748
1748 June 10 (Friday). Mr. Martyn here in his Way to Grafton, to hold a Church Meeting there. Mr. Lull and Townsend here going to see Jonathan Rogers who is Sick. A very hot Day. Ebenezer and Joseph who began their half-hilling on the eighth follow it again to Day.
June 11, 1748
1748 June 11 (Saturday). [No entry.]
June 12, 1748
1748 June 12 (Sunday). Deliver’d the sermons which I had design’d for the Fast, Scil. on Jer. 14.22.
June 13, 1748
1748 June 13 (Monday). Visited Neighbour Jonathan Rogers who is sick of a Fever. Training of North Company. Rain at Night. I pray’d with them and din’d at Captain Maynards. Ebenezer and Molly and Betty rode to Colonel Wards.
June 14 ,1748
1748 June 14 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing, Mr. Morse, Mr. Davis and I rode to Hopkinton to the Association. No Concio. The Report of the Committee was read, but Mr. Smith and Mr. Mellen did So except against our Declaring ourselves respecting Doctrines that there was a great deal of Debate. At Supper a little Clash between Mr. Smith and Me how our People in Westborough were disturb’d at my not accepting (as ‘twas reported) the 400£ which they voted me, and that ‘twas understood I design’d to leave ‘em.
June 15, 1748
1748 June 15 (Wednesday). Mr. Loring ask’d advice concerning his dismissing members to Mr. Solomon Reeds Church in Framingham. I preach’d the Public Lecture on 2 Cor. 3.18. After Dinner we return’d to Consider the Report of the Committee and passing over what related to declaring our principles, we concurr’d pritty well in all the rest. In particular came into Resolves and votes about guarding our Pulpitts; and to send some of our Members to Cambridge and to the South East Associations, that we might have their Concurrence if it might be, or know their Minds and Methods touching Examining Candidates. As to Mr. Abraham Williams who had begun to preach, it was thought best to let him alone for the present. In returning home (Mr. Cushing my Company) I call’d to see old Mrs. Graves. Mr. Cornelius Biglo sick, and hear of divers others taken ill. But through God’s Goodness found my own Family in peace. N.B. Ebenezer and Cousen Betty Parkman set out this Morning for Boston. Molly went with them in the Chair to Marlborough. Bad News from many Towns that it is very Sickly, in Boston especially — one if not more meeting Houses shutt up Some sabbath past. Some Number of Ministers ill.
June 16, 1748
1748 June 16 (Thursday). Visited Neighbour Jonathan Rogers who is very bad. P.M. preach’d to young people on 1 John 2.15. Few at Meeting. After Exercise much Communication with serious Mr. Bradish. Sent by him to have Mr. Cook come to me tomorrow. Helped Joseph pole in the Yard and Garden Hay.
June 17, 1748
1748 June 17 (Friday). Mr. Cook came — after much Discourse I Said to him “If you do agree that Since the Conversation and Assistance of the Brethren that were together upon our Affair (Mr. Bradish, Mr. Belknap and Mr. Chamberlin, at Mr. Cooks House Some Time ago), we wholly lay aside the Difference which Subsisted at that Time; and if you will Endeavour by the Grace of God to watch over yourself, and to walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ, then I consent to administer the Ordinance of Baptism to their Child.” To this he answer’d that he did not consent thereto — and we parted this Time in peace.[1] P.M. I rak’d Hay for a good while with Joseph (N.B. a.m. he work’d for Neighbour John Rogers) between the House and Barn. Mr. Mellen of Chauxit here. Cherrys and Currans [sic] begin to be prey’d upon.
[1]Abigail, the daughter of Cornelius and Eunice Cook, was not baptized until Aug. 17, 1748.
June 18, 1748
1748 June 18 (Saturday). Thunder and Lightning. At Eve I rode to Marlborough. Met Mr. Smith on the Road.
June 19, 1748
1748 June 19 (Sunday). Bad News from the Frontiers. Last Thursday 10 men assaulted by a great Body of Indians between Hinsdells Fort and Fort Dummer. Three kill’d and Seven Captivated. We hear also that Colonel Stoddard[1] of Northampton is dead at Boston. Mrs. Colson likewise (hitherto Abigail Boardman) dead at Boston. I preach’d at Marlborough on 2 Cor. 3.15. P.M. 10.14.18. N.B. Mr. Jenison and Dr. Gott at meeting a.m. and not p.m. I return’d to Westborough at Eve. N.B. Dr. Gotts exceptions (made at his House before Colonel Williams[2] and Mr. Jenison) against the passage in sermon on 10, 15 page 7. “Faith Springs from the Love, Unbelief from the Hatred of God.”
[1]Colonel John Stoddard.
[2]Abraham Williams of Marlborough.
June 20, 1748
1748 June 20 (Monday). Visited Neighbour Jonathan Rogers again, who we think is growing better.
June 21, 1748
1748 June 21 (Tuesday). My Wife and I rode over to Mr. Martyns, to the raising of their New House. Ruth and Hannah Hicks[1] came to see us. Thomas Rogers borrowed money, 40 shillings. More Mischief by the Indians. The last News is from Kenderhook, 5 out of 7 English kill’d.
[1]Daughters of Parkman’s brother-in-law, John Hicks of Sutton.
June 22, 1748
1748 June 22 (Wednesday). Catechetical Exercise on the Third Commandment. After the Exercise I went to Mr. Amsdens to the raising of his New House. My Wife not well and therefore could not go with me. N.B. Mr. Gale, Father of Thaddeus there.
June 23, 1748
1748 June 23 (Thursday). Mr. Martyn in his way to Grafton Church meeting brought his Daughter to see us. She din’d here and tarry’d till Evening, till her Father return’d from Grafton. Neighbour Barns bought a Barrell of boil’d Cyder. £3.10.0. P.M. marry’d Abijah Gale to Abigail Amsden. N.B. Mr. Amsden and Mr. Gale present, with many young people. Mr. Amsden excepted against that passage in the marriage Covenant, Obey him. This was clear’d up from Eph. 5.24. My wife very ill all Day. Mr. Martyn at Evening. Sorrowful account of the broken state of Grafton — very nigh to breaking up the Church.
June 24, 1748
1748 June 24 (Friday). Exceeding Hott dry Season. Joseph and Ebenezer mowing and raking. P.M. came Mr. Stephen Fay with a Warrant from Captain Edward Baker Esquire with which he press’d Joseph Bowker, my Young Man, into the service! I went over to the Captain to see if nothing could be done to release him. The Captain said he would do his utmost: and accordingly Sent his son to try to hire Robert Cook,[1] and he should offer him 50£. Nay not come without him if 60£ would procure him. I am afraid of the Temptation of too great Anxiety — but I beseech God to enable me to put my Trust in Him! and Committing all to Him, to be at Rest! Joseph went to Lieutenant Tainters who I am perswaded would do what in him lies. Two or Three Things made this impressing feel the worse. Its falling out at this Season, when I cannot get any Body in his stead; and it being on Friday when I was more disturb’d: (It was So exactly when Captain Baker press’d Thomas Winchester) And when they want but one Man out of the whole Town. My Daughter Mary not return’d from Marlborough till this p.m. Dr. Gotts young man, Breed, and Mrs. Sally Gott rode up with her in Mr. Lorings Chair, but Breed and Sally return’d. N.B. They inform me that Mrs. Smith was lately seiz’d with a Lethargy — and her Friends from Cape Ann are Sent for.
[1]The son of Cornelius Cook of Westborough.
June 25, 1748
1748 June 25 (Saturday). Still exceeding Hot, but was oblig’d to turn out and Pole Hay both Yesterday and to Day also. Joseph Bowker is oblig’d to go to the Frontiers and accordingly left us. May God be his Guardian and his Helper, and return him in Safety! The Interruptions I have had prevent my preparing more than part of an Exercise for tomorrow.
June 26, 1748
1748 June 26 (Sunday). Another very hot Day and the Earth exceeding Dry. Unless the Lord have Mercy on us the Event must needs be very terrible. A.M. on Mat. 15.3-6. P.M. repeated sermon on 1 John 2.15 latter part. N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbush[1] brought me the very Sorrowful Tidings of the Death of sister Hannah[2] on the twenty third at 5 in the Morning. An unspeakable Loss to my Brother and his Family; and to us all! She was a very worthy person and a great Blessing among us. My Brother was marry’d to her when I was so young, that she has always seem’d as a Blood Relation. The Lord Sanctify the wide Breach to my dear Brother and his Children. And since we are all so frequently Smitten, O that we might be more and more in Readiness! Lord make me know my End! O might I be as one that waits for his Lord!
[1]The son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.
[2]Parkman’s sister-in-law, Mrs. William Parkman of Boston.
June 27, 1748
1748 June 27 (Monday). The Heat Continues. Ebenezer began hilling. Wrote to Brother William on occasion of his Wife’s Death. Mr. Maynard made us a Visit and brought Mr. John Nichols of Boston and his Spouse. Mr. Barns and his man fetch’d away the Cyder which he bought on the twenty third.
June 28, 1748
1748 June 28 (Tuesday). Visited Neighbour Jonathan Rogers. Mr. Jason Whitney here and desires me to write to Colonel Ward about recalling Joseph Bowker; and I comply’d with it, and Sent it by him. A very great Dew and some distant Thunder last night, and Somewhat Cloudy this morning also, yet it clears off and is hot and Dry. P.M. after Some Time of distant Thunder, there came up a great Storm here, and we had several very hard Claps of thunder accompany’d with sharp Lightning and Some very refreshing Showers of Rain. Blessed be God! Towards Eve Captain Warrin was here to discourse with me. Our subject was those disagreeable Contradictions we had at the precinct meeting May 30th last.
June 29, 1748
1748 June 29 (Wednesday). The Great Mercy of God is magnify’d in the Refreshing Showers again. Cloudy all Day. Rain’d most of the afternoon.
June 30 ,1748
1748 June 30 (Thursday). I greatly expected Mr. Martyn to preach my Lecture but to my considerable Disappointment he did not come. I preach’d from 1 Cor. 11.24, last Clause — but was oblig’d to repeat my old sermon 2 on Luke 22.19. I was requested to stop the Church that the Deacons might acquaint them with the Deficiency of the Contributions to Supply the Communion Table. N.B. I Spake to the Congregation just before the Blessing, to the following purposes. “In my present peculiar Circumstances I am obliged to acquaint the Inhabitants of this Precinct that my Help being taken away I must depend upon you to help me. I must depend upon you respecting my Temporals, if you would have me attend to your Spirituals.” After meeting Lieutenant Tainter here, and spake Comfortably of Sending Help, but though others were here no one else Spoke a word of it. I desire to rest in Gods Providence. N.B. Mr. Jason Whitney brought a Letter from Colonel Ward[1] to Captain Baker about recalling Joseph Bowker as I suppose. A bright good Day. Ebenezer mowed a.m. round the Great Field, and partly round the old Well etc.
[1]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury.