1748 May 8 (Sunday). On Mat. 14.28 to 31. P.M. on Heb. 9.27. John Rogers and his wife restor’d to Charity,[1] and his wife Baptized. O that God would keep alive the Impressions made this Day; and might they be Saving! Heard Mrs. Wheeler is better. Gave public Notice of the Funeral of Isaac Amsdens Child to be tomorrow morning 8 o’clock. N.B. I wrote to Mr. Martyn at noon, and sent it this Eve after meeting by Mr. James Ball to let him know of this Funeral — we having agreed to go tomorrow morning over to Lancaster to see Mrs. Wheeler before she dyes; but now I may not hinder his going, though I be prevented myself by the Funeral aforesaid (Though I fear whether some Evil mayn’t come of it, that I have written upon the Lords Day.)
[1]In the church records Parkman noted “John Rogers and Elizabeth his Wife offered their humble Confessions of the Sin of Fornication, and were restor’d—the Latter own’d the Covenant and, was baptiz’d herself and then their Children Persis and John were also baptiz’d.”