1747 July 19 (Sunday). Early in the Morning I rode away to go to Grafton — but nigh Mr. Grouts I perceiv’d I had left my Baggs — was oblig’d to go back for them and then proceed’d to Captain Willards. Design’d’ to have preach’d on Song. 1.7.8, but perceiving that Some of the people were so very wavering and not able to bear at present the least Severity I drew up a Conclusion to treat them with great Gentleness and therefore preach’d a.m. on 1 John 17 and p.m. on Rom. 6.13. Mr. Prentice at meeting — and all the Deacons, even Deacon Cooper,[1] who it was fear’d would go to Day to the Separates. I din’d at Mr. Isaac Harringtons — about which Time there was a very great Storm of wind, Rain and Thunder. N.B. I baptiz’d Manoah son of Thomas Drury and Elizabeth, Daughter of Abraham Temple. After Exercises I went up to Mr. Prentice’s. Dodge of College with me. After a while came in Mrs. Prentice from her Separate Meeting, and a Number along with her — Mr. Hedge of Worcester etc. above half a Dozen Men and Women. Presently Mrs. Prentice stretch’d out her hand and declar’d how she, and their Society had enjoy’d the glorious presence of God among them this Day etc. I told her I hop’d there were Some good Tokens among us, and reasons to conceive that the Lord had been in our Assembly to Day. She soon went on in her Strain. Dodge and I went to Captain Willards and after refreshment, Prayer and Singing I return’d to my own House. N.B. I earnestly caution’d Mrs. Winchester against Separating. Mr. Wilson[2] preach’d a. and p.m. at Westborough.
[1]Samuel Cooper.
[2]Presumably John Wilson, an Edinburgh graduate, minister of Auburn, N.H.