1747 August 1 (Saturday). Neighbour Batherick cut the Northside of the meadow.
Month: August 1747
August 2, 1747
1747 August 2 (Sunday). On 2 Cor. 11.3. Mrs. Thurston din’d here. P.M. repeated with many Alterations sermon on 1 Cor. 15.58.
August 3, 1747
1747 August 3 (Monday). Hear that Mr. Wilson preach’d at Grafton yesterday. A Very refreshing Shower in a very dry Time, but Mr. Batherick had got my Hay in Cock, except 4 Cocks before the Rain came. At Eve came Mr. Hancock[1] and Mr. Thomas Marsh[2] from Cambridge and lodg’d here.
[1]Belcher Hancock, the tutor of Harvard.
[2](Harvard 1731). Another Harvard tutor. Sibley, IX, 67-70.
August 4, 1747
1747 August 4 (Tuesday). The Two Fellows left us to go to Sutton and Worcester. Deacon Kimball[1] of Hopkinton here. P.M. Mr. Bowker and his wife from the Northside. Mr. Jenison — several Neighbours more. Forbush with his Theme. My son Thomas went to Marlborough, Apprentice to Mr. Joseph Williams. At Eve Mr. Beriah Rice came (when we were short enough as to grain) with a Bushell of Indian Corn and a Bushell of Rice. N.B. Captain Maynard sent Rody and Jonathan Devereux to Mow for me the forenoon.
[1]Ebenezer Kimball.
August 5, 1747
1747 August 5 (Wednesday). Very dry Time. Ebenezer to the Meadow for the Last of the Hay. One very large Load. Mr. Edwards Whipple help’d him and work’d till night upon the Hay and Home, which a.m. I tend’d myself. P.M. Mr. Martyn here, and tarry’d till Eve. Brother Hicks does not return from Cambridge yet, I fear what may be the Cause of his Stay.
August 6, 1747
1747 August 6 (Thursday). We are so belated in our Haying that after Morning Studys I went to raking Hay with Ebenezer and my little Billy. P.M. Came Brother Hicks and his wife. They inform me that Mother Champneys Thirds are settled and Mr. Fletcher (the Purchaser) comes to the place. N.B. as I was raking (p.m.) came Mr. Jonas Brigham and his wife to have their Relations writ. Mr. Brigham took my Rake whilst I wrote for his wife. Load got in. At Eve came Mr. Prentice of Grafton. He shews me a Letter of Invitation to Easton and wants something should be done about the Article in our Result where in we cannot recommend him. Brother Hicks and his wife lodg’d here, but Mr. Prentice went home.
August 7, 1747
1747 August 7 (Friday). Neighbour John Rogers help in with one Load of Hay. Jonathan Devereux help’d Ebenezer get in 2 Load of Hay. Mrs. Rogers (John’s wife) had my mare to go to her Fathers. Mr. Bridge of Framingham here, going to Rutland. Mr. James Keys’s wife (heretofore Rugg) from Shrewsbury here, about her souls Distresses.
August 8, 1747
1747 August 8 (Saturday). Eli Forbush here, and being able to go to live at Cambridge took leave. At Eve Mr. Wilson of Hopkinton going to Change with Mr. Martyn is stop’d by a Letter from him and therefore goes, though with great Reluctance to Grafton himself.
August 9, 1747
1747 August 9 (Sunday). On 1 Cor. 15, ult. with divers alterations and additions. Widow Woods din’d here. P.M. on Gen. 2.17. Repeated sermon on Heb. 9.27, on occasion of my hearing that Mr. Thomas Ward late of Westborough is deceas’d. He dy’d last Thursday morning at Plainfield; the messenger that brought the News to Captain Maynard was at meeting with us. Refreshing Showers p.m. Some Thunder and Lightning also in a Time of Dryness, especially in Some Places.
August 10, 1747
1747 August 10 (Monday). Ebenezer still about the Hay. P.M. Mr. Jonas Brigham here about his Relation.
August 11, 1747
1747 August 11 (Tuesday). Association at Mr. Morse’s, north Shrewsbury. Met Mr. Martyn at Mr. Josiah Bowkers. A Considerable Number at Meeting. But Father Prentice yet languishes and cannot get there. Mr. Goss read his Concio on John 21.15. N.B. Mr. Marsh of Narragansett, with his Brethren that were against him, the principal of them came with their Grievances and Difficultys. This took up most of our Time to Day. They were advis’d to choose a Council. With this they comply’d, and chose the churchs under the pastoral Care of the Reverend Messrs. Loring, Cushing, Williams of Waltham, Stone and Smith.
August 12, 1747
1747 August 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Campbell of Oxford came, and made proposals about erecting a New Association. Mr. Loring preach’d the Public Lecture on Acts 3.22. After Dinner, when I had invited the Association to my House next meeting I perceiv’d that it was mov’d by one and another that it was Mr. Marsh’s turn to preach — but I privately Signify’d to Mr. Loring that I should be dissatisfy’d if they Should impose Mr. Marsh upon me. Mr. Loring consented that the Turn might proceed in the order in which it would if Mr. Marsh was absent — viz. Mr. Loring and Mr. Millen to perform the Exercises, and thus it was left without any formal Act or Vote. Mr. Loring, Stone, Goss, Smith, Martyn and I rode together after meeting to Mr. Martyns. After I came home there arose a great storm of Thunder and Lightning with some Rain. One Flash of Lightning exceeding Sharp, as we sat in the Kitchen after Evening Prayer — it came in among us as if very near indeed — but through divine mercy did no Hurt. N.B. Ebenezer finish’d Mowing to Day.
August 13, 1747
1747 August 13 (Thursday). Mr. Martyn and his wife came over with Mr. Seccomb and din’d with me. Mr. Seccomb preach’d on John 7.37. N.B. Rainy yet Mr. Martyn etc. return’d home and Mr. Seccomb with them. N.B. Mrs. Wheeler here about the Bible and offers me 18£. Mrs. Biglo brought her Relation. Ebenezer has yet one Load of Hay that lyes abroad.
August 14, 1747
1747 August 14 (Friday). Deacon Meriam and Mr. James Whipple of Grafton here in their Way over to Mr. Martyn and want a Copy of the late Councils Result, and of divers important Votes which I got ready for them when they return’d. N.B. Mr. Martyn accepts the Moderatorship. Continues to rain and mist till towards night. A Token of great Goodness from God! May we have Grace to make a proper Return! Sent Ebenezer with a Team to Deacon Newtons for six Bushels of Lime, which has stood there this Year or Two. Mr. Williams brought us the first pidgeons which he has caught or which we have seen this Year. Ebenezer went to Deacon Newtons for 6 Bushels of Lime, repos’d there, but brings only one Bushel and half.
August 15, 1747
1747 August 15 (Saturday). Ebenezer gets in the Last of the Hay at Home.
August 16, 1747
1747 August 16 (Sunday). Sacrament. I preach’d on [blank]. P.M. from Gen. 2.17. Repeated sermon on Heb. 9.27. N.B. Brother James Fay, now of Hardwick, attempting to tarry at Communion. Deacon Newton withdrew. Divers other Brethren Shew’d their dissatisfaction likewise — viz. Brother Tainter, Brother Miller, Brother Daniel Warrin — upon which I desir’d Mr. James Fay to withdraw, which upon his doing I sent for Deacon Newton, and he return’d to his Duty and Office accordingly. N.B. Brother James Fay din’d with me. P.M. I appointed a Church Meeting upon his affair to be tomorrow 4 o’Clock p.m. and Catechizing at the Meeting House next Friday.
August 17, 1747
1747 August 17 (Monday). In the morning went to Deacon Newtons about the Lime and paid for 2 Bushels. Deacon Kimball of Hopkinton came to whitewash and spot my Kitchin, and Lath and plaister my new Study. Mr. Martyn and his Brother Marritt[1] of Cambridge here. P.M. My wife and I went to Esquire Bakers to raising of west end of his house, and before 5 was at the Meeting House, few members being come — but presently more — between Twenty and Thirty at Length. Brother James Fay present. His Affair was laid before the Church, and his Desire of his own and his wife’s Dismission to the Church at Hardwick. After some Debate he acknowledg’d himself to blame for his going to the separate meeting at Grafton. His Acknowledgment was writ by me, and Sign’d by him — upon which he was restor’d and his request granted. At Eve Brother Daniel Forbush and Brother James Bradish junior here, complaining that Deacon Newton (from what he said in Church Meeting) had not done his Duty to Brother James Fay, in private dealings with him, when Fay first told him of his going to the separate meeting. They hinted also that John Rogers Should be dealt with for neglecting to make his peace with the Church.
[1]The Reverend Mr. Martyn had married Mary Marrett of Cambridge.
August 18, 1747
1747 August 18 (Tuesday). I Catechiz’d the Children at the Meeting House a. and p.m. About 70 Children of both sexes, viz. about 44 Boys and 26 Girls. N.B. Mr. Benjamin How at work for me a.m. Casing my study window, putting up a Shelf. N.B. I sent a Letter to Deacon Newton upon his not dealing previously and privately with Brother James Fay. Deacon Kimball at work here and lodges again.
August 19, 1747
1747 August 19 (Wednesday). Deacon Kimball finish’d today and went home at night. Mrs. Winchester here p.m. tells us that about 170 Captives are Come from Canada to Boston, and that Benjamin Tainter is come, but that Phinehas Forbush is Dead. Betty Ball[1] here to be examin’d.
[1]The daughter of James Ball.
August 20, 1747
1747 August 20 (Thursday). In the morning I rode over to see Deacon Forbush and his Daughter in law the widow of his son Phinehas to mourn with them under their Bereavement and pray’d with them. Went to Lieutenant Tainters to rejoice with them but was somewhat troubled to see Lieutenant’s Indifference about going down to Boston for his son. I did not ‘light — but, hasten’d home and rode over to Mr. Martyn’s. Mr. Morse preach’d his Lecture from 1 Cor. 6.11 — alas I was much too dull and heavy in my attendance! The Lord pardon it for Jesus’ sake! N.B. The Church then chose their Deacons. Mr. Livermore[1] and Mr. Matthias Rice. N.B. Mr. Morse’s wife with him. I return’d at Eve. N.B. Neighbour Benjamin How picks Apples in my Orchard to make my Cyder (this early) to the Halves.
[1]Jonathan Livermore.
August 21, 1747
1747 August 21 (Friday). Benjamin Tainter, I hear, got home. Ebenezer mow’d Rowing. I was somewhat feeble.
August 22, 1747
1747 August 22 (Saturday). Benjamin Tainter came to see me and gave me a narrative of his Captivity and Return. P.M. I rode to Worcester. Met Mr. Maccarty going to Westborough. Lodg’d at Mr. Maccarty’s.
August 23, 1747
1747 August 23 (Sunday). I preach’d at Worcester on Luke 19.10, a. and p.m. Baptiz’d a Child of Mr. Ebenezer Flagg. Mr. Maccarty preach’d at Westborough but he return’d home at Eve. After Exercises I went over to Dr. Brecks but Supp’d and Lodg’d at Mr. Maccarty’s.
August 24, 1747
1747 August 24 (Monday). After Breakfast Mr. Maccarty and I went over to Dr. Brecks. N.B. Changed my Two octavo Volumes of Baileys Dictionary[1] with the Doctor for his Folio of the Same Work and gave him 45/ old Tenor Difference. Din’d at Colonel Chandlers. In returning home call’d at Mr. Cushings,[2] but he was not at home. Found my Family in Peace. Blessed be God!
[1]Nathan Bailey, the eminent English philologist, published An Universal Etymological English Dictionary (London, 1721). At least 10 editions appeared by 1742.
[2]The Reverend Job Cushing of Shrewsbury.
August 25, 1747
1747 August 25 (Tuesday). One Mr. Abner Ely of Springfield here. P.M. Joseph Bowker examin’d. At Eve Dodge (of College) here. He gives me a notable account of Mr. Williams of Easton preaching last Sabbath at Grafton and disputing with the Separatists.
August 26, 1747
1747 August 26 (Wednesday). Ebenezer about the Rowing and cutting Stalks.
August 27, 1747
1747 August 27 (Thursday). Mrs. Hardy (Phinehas’s wife)[1] here with her Sister Hannah Rice[2] of Sutton, with her son Thomas Rice, and they all din’d here. P.M. I preach’d at old Mr. Graves’s[3] — his wife having been long confin’d from public ordinances. Acts 20.21, was the Text. N.B. I deliver’d a particular Address to the old Woman. She having been ordinarily but too insensible. N.B. Reverend Mr. Barrett there and pray’d after Sermon.
[1]Prudence Warren.
[2]Mrs. Noah (Warren) Rice.
[3]John Graves.
August 28, 1747
1747 August 28 (Friday). [No entry.]
August 29, 1747
1747 August 29 (Saturday). Thomme came up from Marlborough to see us.
August 30, 1747
1747 August 30 (Sunday). On Mat. 13.47 to 50. Dr. Gott here and din’d with us, as did Captain Willards wife from Grafton. P.M. Repeated with some Alterations and additions sermon on Ps. 126, on occasion not only of Benjamin Tainters but a great Number of Captives returning from Canada. Mr. Norton their Chaplain being among them.
August 31, 1747
1747 August 31 (Monday). I carry’d Molly as far as Esquire Brighams[1] at Marlborough (she having the Toothach) in order to her going to Dr. Gotts. Thomme went with us part of the way to Carry my Portmantle. I went on my way to Cambridge. Mr. Maccarty overtook me at Marlborough, and rode with me to Cambridge Bounds and then proceeded to Boston. I went to Mr. Danforths and to Mr. Boardmans, gave Bond and receiv’d a Letter of Guardianship for my Children. Lodg’d at Mother Champney’s.
[1]Samuel Brigham.