July 1, 1747

1747 July 1 (Wednesday).  Mr. Smith and I rode to Cambridge.  I went over to Mother Champneys.  N.B. They tell me Brother Champney has Sold the Place to one Mr. Fletcher, Merchant in Boston.  Remarkable and Joyfull News again this Third Commencement.  What we have now is that the Admirals Anson and Warrin had destroy’d 11 Sail of French Men of Warr, and it comes with such Tokens of probability that most Gentlemen believe it.  N.B. What We had last Year was the Defeat of the Rebels by the Duke of Cumberland: and what we had the Year before was the Taking of Cape Breton.  I din’d at Dr. Wigglesworths.[1]  N.B. Mr. Searing[2] Minister of Rhode Island there, as also Mr. Bours, a very well bred, pleasant, free Gentleman of the Same place.  P.M. at Meeting.  N.B. Mr. Abraham Williams[3] disputing against the Respondent Mayhew,[4] and advancing that the Christian Religion was opposite to Reason because of its maintaining the Doctrine of original Sin, Mayhew though newly ordain’d at Boston answer’d Utraque pare, Domine, Vera est.  Lodg’d at Mother Champneys and was very much indispos’d.  Perhaps Evening air in my walk over the Causey after the Days Melting Heat might be the Cause of my Disorders.

[1]Edward Wigglesworth, Professor of Divinity at Harvard College.

[2]James Searing (Yale 1725), the minister of the Second Congregational Church at Newport, 1728-1755.  Dexter, Biographical Sketches, p. 318

[3](Harvard 1744).  The son of Colonel Abraham Williams of Marlborough.

[4]Jonathan Mayhew (Harvard 1744), the minister of the West Church in Boston, 1747-1766.

July 2, 1747

1747 July 2 (Thursday).  Rode to Boston. Visited my new marry’d kinswoman, Mrs. Cowell, after I had din’d with Brother Samuel.  Note well, Settled accounts with Brother Samuel and paid all his Demands to this Day. I was exceeding griev’d to find that Mr. Joseph White, my sister Hannahs Brother in Law is dead.  The Lord quicken all of us to be ready for that awful Time! I visited Mr. Brainerd missionary to the Indians who lies very low and like to die at Mr. Bromfields. I rode to Watertown and lodg’d at Captain John Tainters, but was not very well.

July 3, 1747

1747 July 3 (Friday).  I rose early and was refresh’d with my Rest, Blessed be God! I got upon my Horse  I suppose by Sun rise for though I had requested Mr. Stone to preach my Lecture to Day yet I know not what might fall out; and therefore hasten’d home.  Broke Fast with Mr. Seccomb at his Father Williams at Weston. He (and Mr. Cheney afterwards came up) was my Company as it was at Election Time. I call’d at Captain D. Baldwins and both he and his wife were full of Courtisie.  I din’t at home. Reverend Mr. Stone came to my House just as I came myself, he going in at one Door whilst I did at t’other. He preach’d my Lecture on Jer. [blank].  I have sent unto you all my Prophets rising Early etc., but ye have not hearken’d [Jer.25.4].  Understood that Thomme came up on Commencement Day to work at Home.

July 6, 1747

1747 July 6 (Monday).  Ebenezer and Thomme Hilling.  Mr. Joseph Williams of Marlborough here to finish our agreement about Thomme.  The Indentures were Sign’d at this Time But Thomme is to Stay with me 3 weeks to help me get my Hay.  Letter from Mr. Taylor[1] of Milton to request me to send him all I could collect about Benjamin Tainter, he being about to write to a Gentlemen in Canada.  Mr. Loring came from Sudbury and lodg’d here.

[1]The Reverend John Taylor (Harvard 1721), the minister of Milton, 1728-1750.  Sibley, VI, 569-571.

July 7, 1747

1747 July 7 (Tuesday).  We went to the Council at Grafton.  Only 3 Churchs came, viz. the Reverend Mr. Lorings, Mr. Goddards[1] and ours.  We were entertain’d at Mr. Joseph Rice’s.  N.B. Grim and formidable Evils related concerning the Reverend Mr. Prentice’s[2] Conduct towards his Wife and the rest of the Separatists, so lately as last Lords Day Eve — Tore her Gown, Struck them that resisted him etc.  But among us to Day he is amicable and Sweet.

[1]David Goddard of Leicester.

[2]Solomon Prentice of Grafton.

July 8, 9, 1747

1747 July 8, 9 (Wednesday, Thursday).  Constantly devoted to the public hearing of the grievances and Difficultys among them leading the Church into the properest steps we could.  One of those Evenings Mr. Ebenezer Wadsworth came and acquaint’d me with Mr. Prentice’s Conduct and that he was about to prosecute him.  The other of these Evenings Madam Prentice came and was at Supper with us, together with her Husband.  We hear that Two Canterbury Exhorters were come into Town, viz. Samuel Wadsworth[1] and one McDonald.  I lodg’d from night to night at Mr. Joseph Rice’s.

[1]An uneducated preacher who was ordained and served the third church at South Killingly, Conn., 1746-1762.

July 10, 1747

1747 July 10 (Friday).  There was a meeting (we heard) at Mr. David Wadsworths[1] this forenoon, but it was impossible for us to regard it being most closely engag’d in our private review of what we had been several Days hearing in Publick.  N.B. Mr. Loring thinks that Mr. Prentice is not to blame for baptizing after Objections were made by 3 (Two Deacons and one particular member with them) and after the Church had shown Man by Man their Desire that Mr. Prentice would ask a Dismission.  He and I had a few words upon this.  P.M. we drew up our Result.  Mr. Goddard Said he could not recommend him to the work of the Ministry again.  Neither was there anyone found that could.  Upon the public reading the Result Mrs. Prentice’s Voice was Suddenly lifted up and she scream’d in the assembly — the Chief was in defence of their (the Separatists) Convenanting together and to exhort and p[r]ay the Members of the Council not to fight against God.  Mr. Prentice reflected very hard upon the Council as doing what was very unjust; and especially towards Mr. Fletcher[2] and he further added that he took notice how some of the Council Whisper’d with the disaffected, a foolish aspersion!  After the Assembly we went into his House: Where upon my Saying I hop’d I had done in Integrity what I had done.  He reply’d that he Saw very little signs of it.  I took leave of the Town this Evening and repair’d Home, accompany’d to Westborough by Deacon Newton and Mr. Whitney the Delegates.

[1]David and Ebenezer Wadsworth were members of the separatist group in Grafton.

[2]Eleazer Fletcher of Grafton.

July 12, 1747

1747 July 12 (Sunday).  Mr. Loring is left at Grafton to preach there to Day, though his own people were without; there being great Danger in Grafton that those two Canterbury Teachers would do much mischief.  I had made part of a sermon but could not finish it and therefore preach’d on Eph. 2.21.22. Mrs. Wheeler, of the north side din’d with us, she is in new sorrows by the Death of her son in law, Mr. Asaph Wilder, a likely man — his Death seems to be much lamented.

July 13, 1747

1747 July 13 (Monday).  In the Morning I rode over to Mr. Dunlop to get him to come and reap.  Found him at Lieutenant Tainters.  Our Girls Bekky Hicks[1] and my Lucy pull’d Flax.  Mary Bradish came and pull’d another Piece of Flax.  Old Mr. Axtell[2] from Grafton here.  He tells me Mr. Loring is gone along, fearing the Storm which threatens.  He says Mr. Prentice sat in the Pulpit — divers at meeting in the forenoon that were not in the afternoon.  N.B. Jonas Brigham[3] here on the Affair of his joining to the Church.

[1]Rebecca was the daughter of Parkman’s brother-in-law, John Hicks of Sutton.

[2]Thomas Axtell.

[3]The son of David Brigham of Westborough.

July 14, 1747

1747 July 14 (Tuesday).  Captain Willard[1] and Mr. Brooks[2] here going to Mr. Martyn to wait upon him with the Church’s vote of him for their Standing Moderator.  Ephraim Sherman here to acquaint me with their Desire that I would preach in Grafton next Lords Day and that they had got Mr. Wilson of Hopkinton to preach in my Room.  N.B. Noah How and Nathan Maynard p.m. mow’d for me.  I suppose Nathan works for Mr. Abraham Batchellour who design’d to give me a Lift.  Ebenezer and Thomme went to Cart Hay from the Meadow.  They brought one Turn.  N.B. Catechetical Exercise.

[1]Joseph Willard of Grafton.

[2]Ebenezer Brooks of Grafton.

July 15, 1747

1747 July 15 (Wednesday).  Ebenezer and Thomme Carting Hay from the Meadow to Day also.  Batherick with 2 more Hands mowing the meadow.  My wife and her Babe gone with Mrs. Whipple to see Old Mrs. Knowlton[1] at Shrewsbury.  Ebenezer and Thomme Two more Load from the Meadow.  I rak’d and tended Hay some part of the Day as I could bear it.  Mrs. Persis Brigham (wife of Jonas) here on the Affair of her joining to the Church also.  At Eve my wife return’d in safety.  Mr. Francis Whipple came to see her well home.

[1]Mrs. Joseph Knowlton.

July 16, 1747

1747 July 16 (Thursday).  My Boys work’d at Home. They Cutt the Barley.  A great deal of Hay in Making. P.M. a thunder Storm arose which drew out all Hands of us to work.  Bekky and I pol’d in what was round the Barn and near at Hand. The Barley in part rak’d and Cock’d, the rest left in Wind-rows.  A part of our Hay we were forc’d to leave spread around. And Neighbour Batherick did not pretend to go to the meadow till the Afternoon, if he went then; So that doubtless the great Quantity of Hay there is wash’d.  But the Storm went chiefly to the South. We had not a great deal of Rain. Another Thunder storm in the Evening went mostly South also. This working in the Hay worry’d me not a Little — But I hope I got over it.

July 17, 1747

1747 July 17 (Friday).  Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Martyn Pratt came to reap Rye for me.  P.M. Joseph Grout came to reap also.  They got the Southside down and Load in, the other part was Shock’d in the Field.  Ebenezer and Thomme are getting the Barley into a Stack, with Joseph Grouts Help.  Great likelihood of Thunder storm, but it went over.  Mr. Batherick rakes and Cocks the South part of the Meadow.  Molly rode over to Mr. Martyns with Hannah Forbush,[1] and return’s at Evening and Hannah lodg’d here.  These Two Days have been extreme Hot, and it seems as if men could not undergo their Labour.

[1]The daughter of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.

July 18, 1747

1747 July 18 (Saturday).  Assisted what I could in raking Hay.  My whole House has lent an Hand before a storm.  At Eve I stood dress’d in order to go up to Grafton but the Showers and Thunder prevented.  Neither did Mr. Wilson whom I expect’d from Hopkinton come till about nine o’Clock. So that I was forc’d to lay aside going till the Morning.

July 19, 1747

1747 July 19 (Sunday).  Early in the Morning I rode away to go to Grafton — but nigh Mr. Grouts I perceiv’d I had left my Baggs — was oblig’d to go back for them and then proceed’d to Captain Willards.  Design’d’ to have preach’d on Song. 1.7.8, but perceiving that Some of the people were so very wavering and not able to bear at present the least Severity I drew up a Conclusion to treat them with great Gentleness and therefore preach’d a.m. on 1 John 17 and p.m. on Rom. 6.13.  Mr. Prentice at meeting — and all the Deacons, even Deacon Cooper,[1] who it was fear’d would go to Day to the Separates.  I din’d at Mr. Isaac Harringtons — about which Time there was a very great Storm of wind, Rain and Thunder.  N.B. I baptiz’d Manoah son of Thomas Drury and Elizabeth, Daughter of Abraham Temple.  After Exercises I went up to Mr. Prentice’s.  Dodge of College with me.  After a while came in Mrs. Prentice from her Separate Meeting, and a Number along with her — Mr. Hedge of Worcester etc. above half a Dozen Men and Women.  Presently Mrs. Prentice stretch’d out her hand and declar’d how she, and their Society had enjoy’d the glorious presence of God among them this Day etc.  I told her I hop’d there were Some good Tokens among us, and reasons to conceive that the Lord had been in our Assembly to Day.  She soon went on in her Strain.  Dodge and I went to Captain Willards and after refreshment, Prayer and Singing I return’d to my own House.  N.B. I earnestly caution’d Mrs. Winchester against Separating.  Mr. Wilson[2] preach’d a. and p.m. at Westborough.

[1]Samuel Cooper.

[2]Presumably John Wilson, an Edinburgh graduate, minister of Auburn, N.H.

July 21, 1747

1747 July 21 (Tuesday).  As I was reading Mr. Brainerds Journal, he appear’d at my gate, his brother Israel and Mrs. Jerusha Edwards of Northampton with him — ‘twas just at Eve.  I rejoic’d much to see him yet alive.  They all lodg’d here.  Mr. Beriah Rice brought us Some Metheglin.[1]

[1]A beverage made of fermented honey and water that was sometimes called mead.

July 22, 1747

1747 July 22 (Wednesday).  When the Morning Clouds were clear’d off, Mr. Brainerd and his fellow Travellers got upon their Journey.  I rode with them as far as to Mr. Cushings where after a little Halt we parted. In my returning lit of Mr. Sergeant of Husatunnock, who with his Wife’s sister Elizabeth Williams was going to Boston.

July 29, 1747

1747 July 29 (Wednesday).  Our Friends rode to Worcester and my wife and I accompany’d them.  Mrs. Sarah Whipple[1] taking Care of Alexander.  N.B. my mare went in the chair and drew the Two Women.  Mr. Barns lent me his mare and Captain Maynard lent Mr. Bass his horse.  We din’d at Brother Brecks[2] — drank Tea at Mr. Maccartys, Mr. Maccarty being gone to Boston.  We met him on the Road.  I only call’d at Colonel Chandlers office.  My wife did not so much as that.  Mr. Campbell of Oxford Stop’d with me and I suppose stay’d over night — but we all return’d to Westborough.  Through divine Goodness we found our Habitation in Peace.

[1]Mrs. Edwards Whipple.

[2]Parkman’s brother-in-law, Dr. Samuel Breck.

July 30, 1747

1747 July 30 (Thursday).  Mrs. Biglo here to be examin’d.  Am inform’d that Mrs. Miller dy’d last Evening.  The Lord awaken us all to a serious reallizing Meditation of Death and Judgment.  Mr. Bass and I rode over to Mr. Martyns. Din’d (though late) there. Thence we rode to Mr. Wheelers (who wanted to see me upon the Affair of the Great Bible etc.) we went to both the Ball’s.  We went and came by Mr. How’s.