April 18, 1746

1746 April 18 (Friday).  Was much engag’d the fore part of the Day in buying black Cloth for a Coat — at length Suited myself at Mr. Lawtons £8 and 5 shillings per yard: improv’d Mr. Owen to make it — but because it was not possible to get it ready for the Funeral, my Brother Samuel was So Friendly as to lend me a Black Coat till my own could be made.  This Eve The Remains of my Honoured Parent were decently interr’d. Mr. Gee not able by reason of illness to be there; but Mr. Webb and Mr. Eliot were. The Bearers were Deacon Procter and Elder Baker, Deacon Hunt and Deacon Townsend, Deacon Larraby and Dr. Archibald. After we return’d and the Company, except near Relations, gone, we again pray’d together.  And O that now both Father and Mother Forsake us the Lord would take us up! N.B. Mr. Gee (by means of Deacon Larraby) Sent to me to preach for him next Sabbath — which I was not against if I did preach any where in Town. Lodg’d at sister Bettys.