April 8, 1746

1746 April 8 (Tuesday).  Mr. Davis and I rode over to Association at Hopkinton.  Mr. Loring,[1] Mr. Cushing and Mr. Stone[2] were all (except Two Young Gentlemen) that came besides.  Mr. Seccomb, who was to have deliver’d the Concio, did not come.  Mr. Barrett repeat’d his sermon at Mr. Millens Ordination. Mr. Bridge of Framingham told us a Council call’d by the Dissenting party, was to sit at that place tomorrow, and he desir’d advice.  The advice given him was not to concern himself with them.  The Council which had ordain’d him having sufficiently Examin’d him already.

[1]The Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[2]The Reverend Nathan Stone of Southborough.