August 20, 1723

1723 August 20 (Tuesday).  Mr. Sparhawk, according to Appointment, came to us in the Morning and we remounted; and coming to the house where Mrs. Nutting was, Mr. Whiting came up to us, and passing his Compliment, told us he was Glad to Meet such Company, etc.  He rode with us.  We came to Lexington, baited, and left Sir Sparhawk.  But Mr. Whiting was our Pleasant Company to the Top of an eminent Hill in a Farm of his, whence we had one of the most Delightfull Prospects that ever I had in my Life.  From this Hill we Sunk a little to a Country House — into which this Good Gentleman Conducted us and bid us Welcome.  Here we din’d and thence rode with very good Speed till we were obliged to Stop at an House upon Cambridge Common, being overtaken with a heavy Shower of Rain.  But we reach’d home before Night.  I went back to College and Lodged there.