1723 August 8 (Thursday). There was a Raising of an House, a Suiting Diversion for Mr. Rice, while Mr. McKinstry, his wife and I took a Ride to Oxford to See Mr. Cambell.[1] This is Six Miles and 1/2. This was very diverting, and I found Mrs. Cambel[2] in pretty Good Humour. We had a good Contrivance in or going to a Water Melon house, for Mrs. Cambel must ride upon the Easyest-going horse which was Mr. McKinstry’s, and So my old Friend must ride with me. This was a lucky Stroke to bring me an opportunity to discourse of Matters and things formerly in Requests. She was more Contented with her Irish Mate than I expected to find her. She said he was a good-natur’d Soul indeed, and She wanted Nothing on Earth but to be a little nearer her Friends. She Desir’d I would come and live at Worcester, etc. Mr. McKinstry, his Wife and I returned to Sutton just about Dark. N.B. We pray’d in the Family by Turns.
[1]Reverend John Campbell (1691-1761), first minister of the First Congregational Church, Oxford, Mass., 1721-1761. George F. Daniels, History of Oxford (Oxford, 1892), pp. 49-52.
[2]Esther Whittle, Wheatly, or Whately of Boston, who married the Reverend Mr. Campbell, Feb. 6, 1722. Daniels, Oxford, p.426.