1723 August 1 (Thursday). I got to Cambridge by noon, return’d my Horse, paid 1/2 a Crown to Mrs. Fessenden.[1] Mr. Bridgewater[2] was at College. I went to Boston about 5 p.m. Met at Barrett’s.[3] Green[4] was absent. Barrett pray’d first. I read part of a Discourse from 1 Sam. 16.7, and concluded. I lodg’d at my Fathers.
[1]Sarah Fessenden, who was licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail. Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge (Boston, 1877), p. 22
[2]Probably Edward Bridgewater (Harvard 1718) who was in Cambridge in August, 1723. Sibley, VI, 231-232.
[3]Samuel Barrett (1700-1772), son of Deacon Samuel Barrett of Boston. A classmate and lifelong friend of Ebenezer Parkman. First minister of Hopkinton. Sibley, VI, 428-432.
[4]Joseph Green (Harvard 1720) of Boston. Minister at Bamstable, 1725-1770. Sibley, VI, 385-387.