1769 August 22 (Tuesday). Sat out on my journey from Brookfield. Mr. John Eliot accompanys me to his Father’s, where we breakfast. Squire is gone a Journey. I called again at each of the Watsons on my son John’s Account but neither of them inclined to take a ‘Prentice. Dined at Mr. Conklins. Called at Mr. Maccartys, Capt. Curtis’s, Mr. Sumners etc. Arrived at Eve in safety and found all well. To God be Glory. My Daughter Sarah informs me that Samuel has been at home, came on purpose to consult me about his undertaking to keep a store for Henry Barns Esq. of Marlborough as far off as Northfield. And that my Daughter Lydia and her little William have been here, from Ashby. Mr. Steward preached for me last Lords Day a.m. on Hos. 13.9 and on Act. 4.12.