August 10, 1769

1769 August 10 (Thursday).  Have writ to my Wife at Rochester in answer to hers of the 1st.  Write to Mr. Gray about the Feathers, that he mayn’t wonder that I ha’n’t sent.  Write to Mrs. Holbrook for the Laborator.  Send by Mr. Moses Harrington.  Miss Kezia goes back to her uncle Morse’s.  At Eve Lieut. Baker, at my Desire, calls here.  I again Apply to him for an Horse instead of what I have.  He Says he has none that will do.  But says he is ready to take this again, as Soon as I can get one that will Suit me better.  A Letter from Mr. Hutchinson desiring to Change next Sabbath.  One of my Daughters, having borrowed of Mr. Whitney the History of Lady Julia Mandeville in 2 small Volumes, I run through the first.

August 11, 1769

1769 August 11 (Friday).  Finish the 2d.  Though there are Dangers by the Softnesses in these Books and Young people had need beware, yet there are in this work, some strong and worthy Sentiments; and it exhibits a most affecting Tragedy!  It holds forth also a lively Picture of the utter uncertainty of human Enjoyments and Dependencys.  “Boast not thy Self of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a Day may bring forth”!  This divine passage might with great propriety be inserted; but Such Authors are afraid of having their Works smell of Christianity and the Word of God.  My Daughter Sarah, who is So much my Comfort, and Guide of the House now her Mother is gone, grows ill; goes to bed before Dark.  She is Worse.  After I was got to Bed, She wants to see me.  She has been so sick as to Vomit some Number of Times.  I call John to go to the Doctor.  Temple readily offers to go — and the Doctor Came, leaves various Things, besides an Anodyne.  It is nigh 11 in the Night when he leaves us.

August 12, 1769

1769 August 12 (Saturday).  Sarah not much better.  Has Vomited Several Times.  I gave her Sal Absynthii.  May God be grac[torn] for her!  I went to the Doctors for Sarah, but she does not vomit sin[torn] of womwood [sic].  John Arnold brings a Letter from Mr. [torn] dated the 8th giving me account of his own being ill of a [torn] requesting me to go to Brookfield to preach th[torn] row; whereas Mr. Hutchinson depends upon me, Since I have [torn] word to the Contrary.  But Sarah’s Illness forb[torn] not able to set up any longer then while her B[torn] P.M. Temple asks me to Consent to his joi[torn] Men in their Meeting.  After Some Discourse [torn] Charge, and Solemn Caution, I consent.  [torn] Sincere, and Grace to be stedfast!  Rode to Gr[torn].

August 13, 1769

1769 August 13 (Sunday).  Mr. Hutchinson to my Disquietment not only tarryed till morning, but now stays long before he setts out for Westborough.  I preached at Grafton a. and p.m. on Gal. 1, former part of v. 15 and former part of v. 16.  P.M. baptized 3 Children, viz. Elijah, of Mr. Aaron Kimbal, Cyrus, of Mr. John Stow, and Anna, of Mr. Dan. Willard.  Returned to Westborough at Evening and Mr. Hutchinson to Grafton.  His Texts were Luk. 16.3, Mat. 20.31 to 34.  Moses Brigham grows worse.  Mr. Hutchinson called there and prayed.  I also called there and talked very Seriously to him, warning, cautioning, etc.

August 14, 1769

1769 August 14 (Monday).  Sarah is weak yet, but is Somewhat more comfortable and has got down below.  I am concerned about going to Brookfield.  Went to Mr. Dan. Forbes to see if he would not go.  He concludes either to go, or provide me an Horse to ride there.  Was at Lt. Harringtons — her Conversation was gracious and generous.

August 15, 1769

1769 August 15 (Tuesday).  Rode to Southborough to Ministerial Meeting.  Dined at Mr. Stones.  None came to the Concio, of members, but Mr. Goss and Mr. Jos. Bridge.  Mr. Goss shews Displeasure at what (not only Mr. Loring, but what) Mr. Stone and I did at the Fast at East Sudbury in inducing him to give us any [Th?]ing under his Hand concerning what the Church of Bolton has voted of Satisfaction with him.  At Eve came Father Loring.  Lodged there.

August 16, 1769

1769 August 16 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring prayed at the Public Lecture.  I preached on Prov. 4.18.  Mr. Smith, to our surprize, came to Meeting.  Mr. Benjamin Brigham Examined and approbated.  I engaged him to preach for me when I shall be gone to Rochester as I [torn] secured Mr. Steward to preach for me next Sabbath [torn] as I purpose to go to Brookfield.  Mr. Cushing wai[torn]is mother there, and on me home.  Dr. Hawes and Wife visi[torn]r. Cushing lodges here.

August 17, 1769

1769 August 17 (Thursday).  [torn] Brookfield to See my son Forbes who has been [torn] Deacon Wood accompanied me to Worcester.  At Lei[torn]d with Mr. Matthew Watson the Sadler about taking [torn] Mr. Conklins — called at Deacon Oliver Watsons in [torn]s sake.  Lodged at Mr. Forbes.  N.B. Mr. John [torn]es there also, following his studys.  [torn] Baldwins.  Visit my Children and Friends.  [torn] to the W[illegible] Inhabitants [torn] Mr. Daniel F[illegible].

August 21, 1769

1769 August 21 (Monday).  Visit divers Families and Old Mr. Charles Rice, at his son Zebulun’s.  Dined at my Son P______s.  P.M. Mr. Forbes and I visited Rev. Mr. Parsons — Mr. Mic. Martyns, and the Manufactory House, which they begin to work in.  We return at Eve to Mr. F.’s and I lodged there, as I have done every Night, and with Brother Eliot aforesaid.

August 22, 1769

1769 August 22 (Tuesday).  Sat out on my journey from Brookfield.  Mr. John Eliot accompanys me to his Father’s, where we breakfast.  Squire is gone a Journey.  I called again at each of the Watsons on my son John’s Account but neither of them inclined to take a ‘Prentice.  Dined at Mr. Conklins.  Called at Mr. Maccartys, Capt. Curtis’s, Mr. Sumners etc.  Arrived at Eve in safety and found all well.  To God be Glory.  My Daughter Sarah informs me that Samuel has been at home, came on purpose to consult me about his undertaking to keep a store for Henry Barns Esq.  of Marlborough as far off as Northfield.  And that my Daughter Lydia and her little William have been here, from Ashby.  Mr. Steward preached for me last Lords Day a.m. on Hos. 13.9 and on Act. 4.12.

August 23, 1769

1769 August 23 (Wednesday).  My Son Samuel having left his Request relative to his keeping Mr. Barns’s Store, I rode down to Marlborough.  Breakfast at Mr. Barns’s, conferred with him on the Business and wrote to Samuel by Dr. Crosby, that if the way was clear with respect to Mr. Capon, and it Should appear to be for his Benefit (or to Such purpose) I was willing.  Sent also by Mr. Sumner to Mrs. Holbrook for the Laboratory.  Visit Mr. Smith, and dine with him.  Take Advice of him respecting Samuels Undertaking.  Call at Squire Brighams and at George’s with respect to an Horse he has to sell.  Returning Home call at Edmund Brighams to make him a Visit, but he was gone to Boston.  Am very pensive on Samuels Affair.  Write to him again by Mr. Moses Harrington of Grafton.  May God be pleased to grant Wisdom!  Enoch Rice of Brookfield came to me, and confessed freely his Evil Conduct and saucy Language when he contested with me last Year: and asks forgivness, upon which I forgave him.  May God forgive!

August 24, 1769

1769 August 24 (Thursday).  Wrote to Master John Eliot, and sent therewith the Life of the renowned Eliot, per Enoch Rice.  Visit Mr. Moses Brigham; dined there: Prayed with him.  Meet Mr. Phineas Hardy in the Road as I was endeavoring to go to the Widow Persis Warrin, to talk with her about Sending her son Moses to live at Ashby.  Rode back with Mr. Hardy to Mr. Beetons, Mr. Phinehas Maynards, Capt. Maynards, etc.  The last has commenced Inn-holder.  Between 9 and 10 o’Clock at Night came Mr. Timothy Ruggles from Rochester with Letters from Mrs. P______, Mr. Moore, and Suse, who is not yet o’ Bed, and praying I would defer my Journey there, till first or second Week in September.  He lodges here.  The Letters dated yesterday.

August 25, 1769

1769 August 25 (Friday).  Mr. Ruggles goes on his Journey to New Rutland.  Mr. Moses Harrington returns from Boston, but no Letter from Rochester by him.  Mr. Sumner and Dr. Crosby from Boston.  The former brought from Mrs. Holbrook the Laboratory for which I gave, and he paid one Dollar, for Mr. John Potter at Brookfield.  Dr. Crosby brought from my Son Samuel Letters relative to his going into Mr. Barns’s Employ.  He brings also a Letter from my Brother, which respects the Settlement made with us the [Heirs?] etc. last Commencement Time.  He likewise brings me a pair of black Leather Breeches from Mr. Freeman.

August 28, 1769

1769 August 28 (Monday).  Mr. Tainter and his Wife wait upon their Father and Mother Wood from Summers, here.  They all dine with us.  I was going out upon various Affairs, but Squire Whipple, considering how lonely I must needs be (and yet I ought to have it to say, Nunquam minus Solus eris, quam enin Solus eris:), made me a kind, friendly Visit and brought his Daughter Eliza to See Sarah.  I made a Business of talking over the Affair of Mrs. Bruce’s Petition, but he said little about it.  I had read him the Case of Sarah Green, as I took it from her Mothers mouth, which he said he could subscribe to.

August 29, 1769

1769 August 29 (Tuesday).  A.M. at Deacon Woods, but hastily returned to Send to Ashby by Neighbour Arnold.  Mr. P. Whitney, Miss Mary Sherman and her sister dined here.  Mr. Whitney buys Dr. Hawes Chaise 106£ old Tenor.  Richard Temple’s Sister Phebe here.  Wrote to Samuel about his going to Mr. Barns’s Store etc.  Sent by Mr. Daniel Nurse.  And to Mr. William Gray about the Feathers.  Sent by Mr. Phinehas Hardy.

August 31, 1769

1769 August 31 (Thursday).  Catechized 55 Boys.  Brother Hicks dines with me.  P.M. he leaves us.  Sophy was drooping yesterday, and is to Day, but is better.  P.M. Catechized 20 Girls.  Rode to Capt. Maynards to See our Cousen Witt, who is there, and not well.  Read a Discourse entitled, “The Baptism of Infants a reasonable service,” by the Author of the Dissenting Gentlemans Answer to the Rev. Mr. Whites three Letters.