July 14, 1768

1768 July 14 (Thursday).  Went to Deacon Wood and shewed him a Line I had received from Rev. Messrs. Stone and Smith, containing their Judgment of what is expected to be done in his Case.  He appears humble and willing to Submit to make an Acknowledgment.  I thought it necessary to make Mr. Rice and his Wife acquainted with Enochs Conduct: went therefore and read a Draught I have made of the Substance of the Matter.  Mr. Rice says he has a mind to go to my House to talk with him.  I told him I Should Stand by our agreement.  Said it before witness — his wife and Levi heard.  But as I have now little or no Hope of recovering Enoch, I mounted for Hopkinton p.m. to hire a man, viz. that Stimson beforesaid.  Rode to him.  Agreed with him at his Fathers — for 8 Dollars the month ensuing, to begin next Monday morning, if he heard nothing from me to the Contrary.  Visit Mr. Barrett — consult him about Deacon Woods unhappy Case.  He advises to take the advice of the Church, but he thinks Confession before the Church many Suffice.  In returning home have Capt. Joseph Woods Company part of the way — who himself speaks of his Brother and the anguish of his mind about him, Some time agoe.  Capt. Benjamin Fay has brought up Mr. Whipple’s Horse from Mr. Moore.  The Charge to him, for his keeping and pains, is 18/ old Tenor.  Mr. Nurse has brought my Oxen and new Cart, from Ashby.