July 11, 1768

1768 July 11 (Monday).  In the Morning came Enoch, and appeared very Singular in his Behaviour and positive in his Demands, which if he could not have he would stay no longer — he would go off.  I answered him that I did abide by the Agreement and would fulfill it, so that he must go to work.  He went.  Received a Letter from Dr. Hill of Boston concerning a stone which some Brookfield man had carryed him to try it.  I Suppose it was Mr. Adam Rice.  Mr. Gale calls and talks about the Deacon’s Case.  I visit Mrs. Bellows (wife of Ithamar) who has had a bad fall and broke her Leg.  Prayed there, as well as dined with them.  Visit Mrs. Belknap, who is low in Body, but in a good spiritual Frame.  Prayed with her.  Called at the other Houses on the Road.  Especially Mr. Bradish who gave me a promissory Note for the Money he owes me, viz. 12/5 lawful.