1765 February 3 (Sunday). Read the other part of Prov. 30. Preached again on v. 8 and 9. Master Cushing, Mr. Le Blanc, who was at Meeting a. and p.m., Son Baldwin, and Alexander dine with us. P.M. Read Mark 4 to v. 21. But by reason of Visits and Funeral for 4 Days last Week and frequent interruptions about Wood etc., could not prepare for the Afternoon sermon, except Introduction, Alterations and Additions to a sermon on 2 Pet. 3.9, by the Help of which I was enabled to form I hope a useful Exercise from Ezek. 18.23. After Sermon admitted John and Martha Wood into the Church before the Congregation. At Eve, besides our usual Exercise, Repetition etc. read further in Mr. Bolton. Which may God bless to the awakening of each of us!