1765 January 1 (Tuesday). Glory to God for His unmerited Goodness in Vouchsafing the Revolution of this Light, with the great Priv. and Benefit I enjoy this New Years Day — notwithstanding it is a Time of uncommon Difficulty by the Rigor of the Season. I was to have preached to Day at Mr. Jonah Warrins; but by reason of the Depth of the Snow I can’t get there; and the Meeting must be deferred to another Month. We were wholly out of Loggs for the Fire: but Capt. Wood tackled an Horse to an Ox sled and brought me five from home, or was forced to come from his wood, round by his own House. I thank God for such kind Neighbours and may He reward them!
Month: January 1765
January 2, 1765
1765 January 2 (Wednesday). Exceeding Cold Day. The Morning especially. But people are trying to break Roads. May God Pity His people — the poor and distressed especially!
January 3, 1765
1765 January 3 (Thursday). Mr. Batherick and Mr. Ebenezer Forb. came, and Neighbour Lock assisting, killed two Hoggs for me. One weighed 11 score and about 6 lbs.; the other 10 Score and about 4 lbs. They dined with us, and Neighbour Lock kindly came at Eve and cutt up and salted. N.B. a Number of Neighbours went with Teams to Mr. Daniel and Timothy Warrins, who gave Wood, and brought me 5 Load. They were Capt. Wood and his son with a Team, Mr. Timothy Warrin, Lt. Joseph Baker, Ezra Baker, Barnabas Newton, each with a Team. With Lt. Baker came also Silas Hill. Besides these, Neighbour Zebulun Rice and his son Adam, and Moses Wheelock, went to chop. A Great Kindness at this Time! The Lord graciously reward ‘em for it. We had not time to get ‘em an hot meal; but treated ‘em with what we could set before them.
January 4, 1765
1765 January 4 (Friday). I have bought 2 store shoats of Mr. Moses Nurse, at 12 d. old Tenor per pound alive: he comes with them. They weigh, one 67, the other 71 lbs. Having read out Mr. John Mason on Self Knowledge (a useful Piece) I sent it back to the owner, Mr. Smith of Marlborough by Mr. Lock.
January 5, 1765
1765 January 5 (Saturday). [No entry.]
January 6, 1765
1765 January 6 (Sunday). A.M. read the first 14 verses of Prov. 28 and preached on the 14th. It was so stormy I expected but few, yet there came a considerable Number. Deacon Tainter dines with us. P.M. on Mat. 17, v. 5. May the Lord be pleased to add His Blessing!
January 7, 1765
1765 January 7 (Monday). Efforts of northern Neighbours to break the Road that way — by driving Cattle, Riding, etc.
January 8, 1765
1765 January 8 (Tuesday). Our Neighbours above us Strive to break Road down to Widow Strettons.
January 9, 1765
1765 January 9 (Wednesday). Sleds and Whirrys move more briskly to Boston. But I am much confined — but in Comfort. D.G.
January 10, 1765
1765 January 10 (Thursday). Mr. Rufus Putnam here; desires me to go up to Mr. Zebulun Rice’s at Evening. But neither my Wife nor Sarah are invited. At Eve I rode up. Marryed him and Miss Persis. N.B. In the time of the first prayer, the Bridegroom had an Epileptic Fit — fell suddenly on the Bed; but presently rose again and took his place. Supped there. I returned about 10 o’Clock.
January 11, 1765
1765 January 11 (Friday). [No entry.]
January 12, 1765
1765 January 12 (Saturday). [No entry.]
January 13, 1765
1765 January 13 (Sunday). Read the latter part of Prov. 28. P.M. omitted Public Reading. Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.14, first part of the verse. P.M. preached on the latter part. Mr. Cushing dined here. At Eve read after family Exercises in Mr. Bolton, Sect. 2, part 1.
January 14, 1765
1765 January 14 (Monday). I visit old Mrs. Warrin and dine there. Got up to Deacon Tainters with Difficulty. Visit Mrs. Bowker in her Husbands absence — he being ill at his Fathers at Sudbury. We are straitned for Wood. Capt. Wood kindly brings a Load at Evening at my Special Request. And he bears me a Message from Mr. Andrews, that he desires that some persons might hear our Difference; To which I return Answer that I consent; and request him (Capt. Wood) to go with me to him. But he does not Care to go alone with me, but would have some other. I mention Mr. David Maynard. But we don’t set any Time. Mr. Rufus Putnam and his Wife make us a Visit, and tarry into Evening.
January 15, 1765
1765 January 15 (Tuesday). I rode with Mr. Putnam as far as Capt. Maynards, to get Money to send to Brookfield but obtain only 16£ old Tenor for Interest, which I deliver to Mr. Putnam for Mr. Forbes, and took his Receipt. Visit at Mr. Parkers and Bathericks. P.M. Mr. Beeton here, and intimates he does not expect me to cut Timber or carry off Hay from my old place. He offers his Acre at 42£ 10. old Tenor and must have speedy Answer or he will give a Deed of it to Mr. Andrews, who he says urges to buy it, and to give him 50£ O.T. for it. Mr. William Brown of Framingham, calls here in his Return home. Mr. John Wood here at Eve, and was examined.
January 16, 1765
1765 January 16 (Wednesday). I visit Ebenezer Brigham (who lives at the Joslin place) having heard he was ill. Discoursed with him. Instructed and prayed with him. Dr. Balls young man, Fales, came. I dined there. At Eve went to Capt. Woods and consulted him about Sending a Letter to Mr. Andrews.
January 17, 1765
1765 January 17 (Thursday). I transcribe what I have prepared to Send to Mr. A. and Send it by Deacon Tainter, who returns late in the Eve and tells me Mr. A. and his wife are extremely Violent and charge me with many Untruths. She believes I have not a spark of Grace etc. May the Lord sanctifie this Rebuke of His Providence to me!
January 18, 1765
1765 January 18 (Friday). [No entry.]
January 19, 1765
1765 January 19 (Saturday). Sent by Lt. Lock to Coll. Williams for Conveyance, a Letter to Brother Breck, inclosing a Copy of F. Brecks Will and my Account against Br. S. Brecks Estate.
January 20, 1765
1765 January 20 (Sunday). The Snow has been so prepared by the late storms, to bear people up, that I have a large Assembly. Read Rev. 29. Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.14, latter part. Which may God succeed! Capt. Maynard and his Wife, and Master Cushing, dined here. P.M. read Mark 3. Preached on Mat. 17.6 to 9. And O that it might not be lost! At Eve much impressed with the Thoughts of Death and Eternity. God be praised! And beg it may not be lost.
January 21, 1765
1765 January 21 (Monday). Samuel Brigham returns, to go to school. I went over to Mr. Beeton with a Deed writ of the Acre — except the Bounds. But he had not his Deed from Capt. Forbush at home. Promises before Deacon Tainter and Mr. Artemas Bruce that no man besides Me Shall have a Deed of it. He induces me to go down to Capt. Maynards about the Money the Captain owes me now, and which I owe at Brookfield. Deacon Tainter and I ride there. We Sup with him. Miss Hephzibah rides to our House with me in the Deacons Sleigh. Capt. Wood here.
January 22, 1765
1765 January 22 (Tuesday). I rode to Marlborough. As I went, I called at Mr. Andrews’s in Conformity to his Message last Week to me by Capt. Wood. They treated me with more Decency and Civility. Their minds were much the same in General. But there were strangers come in — and more kept coming, so that I did not care to tarry in warm debate and contest, in their hearing. We drew up no determinations. He would not come to my House for an hearing of our Affair, before men to be Judges between us, and I told ‘em I Should not come there, it being a Tavern and liable to continual Interruption. With this I left them. Dined at Mr. Smiths with Miss Patty and Suse. Their F. is gone to Shrewsbury. Was at Coll. Williams and wrote a line further to Brother Breck concerning the Administration on Brother Samuels Estate. Called at Mr. Amsden’s as I came home.
January 23, 1765
1765 January 23 (Wednesday). Visit the Widow Parmentor and widow Bellows — but dined at Mr. Ithamar Bellows; himself not at home. N.B. I went on Rackets from Widow Bellows to Mr. Moses Parkers, where Mrs. Parmentor lies. I prayed with her — and visited and prayed with Mr. Ebenezer Brigham. In returning, Visited Lt. Forb. and wife etc. Mr. Tainter brought Billy an Hog. Weighed 9 Score and 14 lbs. at 2/. I hired 60£ old Tenor of Billy.
January 24, 1765
1765 January 24 (Thursday). Wrote to both my Brethren at Boston by Deacon Tainter. Mr. Pierpoint returning home from his long Journey (to Portsmouth, Boston and Rochester) came, with Neighbour Pratt, who took his Horse to keep. Master Cushing came and received the Money which I hired of Billy; I add 6/3 old Tenor and gives me a Receipt. Supps with us and lodged here.
January 25, 1765
1765 January 25 (Friday). Master to his school, and Mr. Pierpoint goes on his Journey.
January 26, 1765
1765 January 26 (Saturday). Though it is extream Cold, Deacon Tainter returns — but without any Letters or Magazines. Nor have had any of a great while. At Eve came here Mr. Asa Haven from Brookfield and lodged here.
January 27, 1765
1765 January 27 (Sunday). So exceeding Cold we have hardly ever known it Colder. But partly through my Watch’s going too fast, partly because I saw some persons were come, and I thought they would be uneasy if I was late, I went too early to Meeting, and waited some time before I began — by which means I was too much chilled to prolong the Exercise. I read a little part of Prov. 30 after Singing and gave some Exposition of it — and chiefly insisted on v. 8. Came home some time before noon; my fingers hurting as if touched with Frost. Deacon Tainter, Master Cushing, Mr. Haven and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. Omitt Reading by reason of the Extremity of the Season. Preached on Mat. 17.10 to 13. Dr. Crosby here after Exercise. Mr. Haven lodges here. At Eve read another chapter of Mr. Bolton.
January 28, 1765
1765 January 28 (Monday). Billy delivers me from Capt. Maynard (who gave it to him on the 26th) one double Joannes and Six single ones (being 150£ old Tenor). I walked on the snow to Mr. Greens, he being very ill. Dined there. Visit 4 familys more, that way. N.B. I made a Bus’ness of talking with poor Lydia Green, who is pregnant. May God Succeed my admonition!
January 29, 1765
1765 January 29 (Tuesday). I laid hold of an Opportunity to ride with Mr. Davidson of Grafton, in his Sleigh to the Warrins — especially to visit Timothy who has been very ill of late; but he was gone to Dr. Wilsons; and Jo. Joslin with him. Deacon Tainter being there with his Sleigh, I rode home with him, visiting Lt. Bruces wife, and Mrs. Barns, as we returned. At Eve visit old Mrs. Woods and Settle Accounts with Mrs. Newton and her son Barnabas.
January 30, 1765
1765 January 30 (Wednesday). Deacon came with his Sleigh and carryed me a visiting — to Mr. Joseph Grouts where we dined, Capt. Jonathan Fays, Mr. Moses Brighams, Ensign Jeduthun Fays — and at Lt. Bakers, where we Supped. We hear that Mr. Mason (on t’other side the River) dyed this Morning. The Lord awaken me to prepare!
January 31, 1765
1765 January 31 (Thursday). It proves a very Sorrowful Time, by Such heavy Snows. But The Lord is our Preserver. May we be [Cared?] for by Him!