1765 February 2 (Saturday). God takes Care of us from Day to Day, though this Season is so singularly difficult, especially as to Wood. Sundry Neighbours come and bring what they can. Deacon Tainter comes to see how we fare and brings Some in his sleigh. Messrs. Nathan Maynard and Artemas Bruce bring one Load with a large Team, of wood nigh them. And dine here. P.M. Mr. Nathan Maynard and his Brother Ebenezer bring another Load. Mr. Chamberlin another Load. Messrs. Benjamin and Jonathan How another. All gratis. N.B. Mr. Le Blanc from Salem dines here. I ask him to come to Meeting and dine with me tomorrow. He consents; which I think he never did before. At Eve my son Baldwin and Alexander Oliver from Boston in a two Horse sleigh; and tarry with us.