December 17, 1759

1759 December 17 (Monday).  After a great deal of Debate with my Son Baldwin respecting the Terms of Billys living with him; in which I manifested my great dissatisfaction with Mr. B.’s having the Wages of this last year as he had of the year before.  My backwardness to comply with the Proposal to me to bind him unless, he might at least be made equal with the other ‘Prentice that did go out in the service (viz. Daniel Wyman) upon Billys consenting if he would pay for a Gun for him, and being desirous to be bound, Mr. B. paying him now in Cash all his Extra Wages as his Clerk, the Indentures were filled up and Signed reciprocally.  These Things were not accomplished till after noon.  Then Cold as it was Mr. B., my Daughter and their son took leave to go as far as they could upon their Journey to Brookfield.  N.B. They went in a New Chair which he had bought last week.  Mr. William Nurse came p.m. and I went over to Neighbour Moses Nurse to settle the Affair of the Barrells which I had of his Uncle and those which he had of me.  I made a Visit to Mrs. Rolf in her loneliness.  At Eve came Brother Hicks, who tarryed with us.  N.B. He is going down with a Petition to the Commissioners about Land Bank Affair again.  I oblige him with drawing it over for him; and hope his being further assessed will be prevented.