1759 December 16 (Sunday). A Cold Day. I omitted public Reading forenoon and afternoon. Preached a.m. on 1 Sam. 3.18, last Clause, only as a decent Introduction to another Exercise on the Subject of Resignation and Submission under Affliction. P.M. On the Occasion of Mr. Thomas Balls Sudden Death I repeated a sermon on 1 Cor., former part. [“Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.”] At Eve read Mr. Eliots sermon on Ps. 126, Oct. 25 last.[1]
[1]Andrew Eliot, A sermon preached October 25th. 1759. Being a day of public thanksgiving appointed by authority, for the success of the British arms this year; especially in the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada (Boston: Daniel and John Kneeland, 1759; Evans 8343)