October 4, 1756

1756 October 4 (Monday).  A great Frost last night.  Visited again Mr. Ebenezer Forb.’s Child, who is now exceeding low.  Attended at the Funeral of a Child of Mr. John Rogers, he himself remaining in a very low Condition.  Dined at my Sons and p.m. went to see another Child of Lieut. Maynard, his daughter Elizabeth very dangerously ill.  Visited Mr. Noah Hows wife also; Mr. Daniel Warrins Children, 4 of which are Sick; old Mrs. Hannah Rice; and Mr. Tinnys, himself Lame and 2 Children Sick.  At Eve a Quarter of Beef (weighed 107) of Mr. Nathan Maynard.  Mr. Gardner Ends his School among us.

October 6, 1756

1756 October 6 (Wednesday).  Visited Several Sick, viz. Little Ebenezer Forb., Dr. Chase’s Wife and little Daughter: Mr. John Rogers — and attended the Funeral of Lt. Maynard’s Daughter Elizabeth.  After which I rode up to Mr. Samuel Fay junior, his son Hezekiah being very dangerously ill.  N.B. Old Mr. Maynard and his Children in much sorrow intermixed with their Joy.  Neighbour Nathans Wife is brought to bed and has a Son — but Mercy likewise and the Latter has a black one.  Thought to be by Mr. Masons Essex.  A most grievous and Sore Evil!  God grant her Repentance and her Wicked Companion also: and Support the wounded Relatives, and give to each of that Grace which may be sufficient for them!

October 7, 1756

1756 October 7 (Thursday).  Early in the Morning walked to Mr. Daniel Adams’s to See his son, being in a very low and dangerous State.  Mrs. Rebec. Warrin here, and dined with us.  P.M. attended the Funeral of two of Mr. Daniel Warrins Children (of the other Precinct).  The Children were Daniel of about 6, and Asaph, of about 2.  After waiting upon that Duty I turned in to Mr. Noah How’s to see his Wife who is yet alive.  I endeavoured her instruction and Edification by the most Seasonable Discourse I could think of, as also of those who were in the room besides  but when I put Some Questions to her that were very close and trying (indeed whether they were the Closeness of those or no that caused her to say so, I cant tell) she said, my Discourse worryed her desperately.  Upon this I desisted and bid her farewell, nor did either of them ask me to pray with them.  This was to my great Grief, as I never expect to See her alive again.


A Number of Persons, about 32, came and husked out my West Field of Corn, and that by the Barn.  My son Thomas helped me Yesterday and to Day in Cutting it up and gathering it into Heaps.  Mr. Alph. Newton likewise assisted part of p.m. and Mr. Moses Nurse in the Evening got his Team, and by the help of Some of the Hands brought in what was not carted in the Day.  Lt. Tainter and his son, Deacon Bond, Mr. Jonah Warrin, Mr. Eliezer Rice were part of the Company.  N.B. News of a great multitude of French and Indians consisting of many thousands, coming against our Forts and Frontiers.

October 9, 1756

1756 October 9 (Saturday).  It has been a very rainy Night and Morning.  Mr. Daniel Adams’s only Child is Dead and the Appointment of Burial is nine this Morning.  A Child of Mr. Edmund Rice, Samuel about 2 1/2 old, lies dead, and the appointment Ten, this morning, also: Mr. Noah Hows Wife dyed last Evening and is to be buryed this afternoon.  Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Ebenezer dyed last night.  So that there are 4 lie dead in our Parish at this time.  My son Thomas having Watched with Mr. Rogers, brings word that he is but just alive.  By reason of the Rain I could not attend either of the Funerals of the forenoon: but p.m. it so held up that I went to the Funeral of Mrs. How.  May God be merciful to us in this Day of Adversity and Calamity!  This has been a very remarkable Week for mortality among us.  Every Day since last Sabbath there has been either Death or Buryal: Eight have dyed in 4 Days, viz. the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, and 7 of them in 3 Days.  Such is the Will of the holy and Sovereign God!

October 10, 1756

1756 October 10 (Sunday).  Although the People are, as I apprehend, too backward in moving for a Fast, yet I thought it my Duty to stop the Church at noon, and propose it to them.  They complyed by a pritty general Vote.  The Day to be next Thursday (God willing) — and p.m. I recommended it to the Congregation and requested them to join with us therein.  A.M. I preached on Heb. X.31.  P.M. repeated Sermon 1 Hos. 6.1.  After Meeting attended the Funeral of Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s son Ebenezer which dy’d the night before last.  N.B. There were 18 Notes and Requests for Prayers etc.

October 12, 1756

1756 October 12 (Tuesday).  Capt. Baldwin to Boston.  Mr. Snow makes Window Frames for the Kitchin.  Deacon Kimbal works for me: plaisters in the Cieling [sic] of my West-Chamber, Entry and part of Stair Case.  Attended the Funerals of Mr. John Rogers and Mr. Bathericks Daughter.  They had appointed the Same time of Day, and therefore met at Mr. Rolfs and I prayed with them both there.  At Night Mr. Grout being very ill, Sent for me.  I went: it was between 9 and 10.  Found him but poorly able to converse: tarryed there till between 12 and 1 and then took leave — lodged at Mr. Moses Brigham.  N.B. John is ill; Lucy not well.  Brother Harrington here at Eve.

October 13, 1756

1756 October 13 (Wednesday).  Mr. Grout dyed this Morning.  Mr. Snow and Deacon Kimbal at work.  I rode to Shrewsbury Fast on the Account of the Wasting Sickness among them.  Called at Mr. Daniel Warrins as I went, his Daughter Abigail (of 17) sick, and their Daughter Elizabeth very low.  I did not arrive at Mr. Cushings till noon.  Mr. Morse had prayed and Mr. Hutchinson preached.  P.M. I prayed and Mr. Maccarty preached.  His Text Gen. [blank].  I returned at Eve, called at Warrins again.  My little John worse.

October 14, 1756

1756 October 14 (Thursday).  John’s illness increases upon him.  May God fit him and us for the divine Will!  This Day was observed as a Day of Fasting and Prayer on the Account of the Sickness.  Mr. Hutchinson prayed a.m. and Mr. Martyn preach’d on Hos.  P.M. Mr. Cushing prayed and Mr. Stone preached.  His text Ps. 146.4.  May God accept our Offerings and spare His People!  Dr. Crosby here.

October 16, 1756

1756 October 16 (Saturday).  He takes with him the Horse and Tackling that Lucy rode upon, to return to Brookfield.  I attended the Funeral of Ebenezer Stone.  My little John a little better.  Dr. Crosby here both Yesterday and to Day.  Alexander is followed with the Fever and Ague, at t’other House.  I am informed that a Family of Neutral French, as they were called, are come into Town and dwell in Mr. Hammonds House.

October 17, 1756

1756 October 17 (Sunday).  Could not Seasonably accomplish my preparation of one Sermon which I undertook; So continual were my Interruptions and Engagements every Day last Week.  I therefore repeated with Additions my Sermon on Prov. 14.9 a. and p.m.  Which may God most gracious please to bless and prosper!  Mr. Bazaleel Smith is yet living and desires prayers for him.  My little John is worse; his Flux continues, and a great Aversion to take either Medicine or Food.  Must leave him in the Hands of God who alone can help him.  My son Ebenezer is ill also.

October 18, 1756

1756 October 18 (Monday).  John remains in a very low Condition.  We are waiting the divine Will: but need His Special Aids that we may be conformed thereto.  Visit Mr. Zebulun Rice, Two of his Children being ill.  Mrs. Death, Wife of Mr. Jotham Death, for whom we Contributed, was here; and I delivered her the Money that was collected.  Mr. Jabez Snow Shingling the north side of my Kitchin.  Mr. Thomas Frost with Billy carting in Stalks, Husks, Pumpkins.  I visited Mr. Ebenezer Maynard whose youngest Son is Sick.  And made a Visit to poor, Miserable Mercy Maynard, and find her in Some Penitent Way, which may God please to forward and ripen!  At Eve little John still continues; but very ill and Weak.  My Wife almost disheartened about him.

October 19, 1756

1756 October 19 (Tuesday).  I ‘waked early; a great while before Day: being full of deep Concern for my little Son, my Heart wrought much.  Was very fervent and importunate in Addresses for him: as also for Pardon of Personal and Fam. Offenses — for the great Grace likewise of preparation for the divine Pleasure.  When I went into the room where my Wife and son were, I found he was much revived; and hopes gladdened us of his Recovery.  D. Opt. Max. Grates per plurim. ex imo Corde per solva!


I made a Visit to the French Family lately brought among us.  They dwell at Mr. Biglows.  The Mans Name is Simon LeBlanc.  He is about 55.  From Nova Scotia about 9 Leagues off from Annapolis.  Has with him a Wife and 4 Children: himself Rheumatic — appears Sociable; is a roman Catholic; but is able to read.  N.B. My own Rheumatism continues in my right Arm so bad that I have applyed another Blister.  Breck fetches Winter Apples from Mrs. Barnes.  N.B. towards Night a strong Tempest.

October 20, 1756

1756 October 20 (Wednesday).  Mr. Snow came to work again.  Little John grows Still better.  D.G.  Dr. Crosby here.  Mr. Bezaleel Smith dyes.  P.M. Mr. Hutchinson here, returning from a Fast at Framingham.  N.B. his Talk about Mr. William Crawford.  Mr. Snow breaks off before Night, to go to Lt. Maynards to choose some Boards for me, but without success.  Finished reading Fordyce on the Art of Preaching and the Eloquence of the Pulpit.

October 24, 1756

1756 October 24 (Sunday).  Mr. Pierpont of New Haven on his Journey from Rochester home, came here this Morning: and tarrys with us over the Sabbath.  I preached a.m. on Heb. 10.31 and p.m. repeated sermon on Jer. 6.8.  May God give His Blessing!  At Evening I had the great Pleasure of Conversing with my dear Friend Pierpoint about his late eminent and memorable Spouse.  He has brought me her private Papers, containing many of her Spiritual Experiences.  He has also a Draught which the Rev. Mr. Jacob Johnson, minister of New Groton, has made therefrom; containing with all an Account of her Life and Character — in order to publication but imperfect.  And Mr. Pierpont requests me to review both this Draught, and the Journals, and if I think it may be for the Divine Glory and for the Service of the Christian World to publish Memoirs of her, to prepare them accordingly.  He Shewed me also divers Letters, upon this Affair.  I accept the Papers to read, but under my present Circumstances, can’t give him Encouragement that I will do it.  N.B. Alexander in a relaxed state, after Fever and Ague, returns to tarry at Home.

October 26, 1756

1756 October 26 (Tuesday).  Mr. Pierpoint was purposing to set out for home, but I importuned him to tarry another Day with us.  N.B. he shewed me Mr. Edwards of Stockbridge’s Letter, directing him to Me to publish an Account of the late worthy and pious Mrs. Pierpont.  I visited Lt. Brigham, who with his Wife and most of his Children are Sick of the wasting Sickness — his Son Antipas in Special very ill.  P.M. attended the funeral of the Youngest Child of Mr. Reuben Maynard.

October 27, 1756

1756 October 27 (Wednesday).  My Wife and Daughter Lucy rode over to Mr. Martyns to Lecture after parting with our dear Friend Mr. Pierpoint, who this Morning left us to pursue his Journey home.  I was called to go to Mr. Edmund Rice’s, to the Funeral of his Child, his son Edmund.  After prayer at the House of Mourning I rode to the Lecture though late.  And Mr. Stone, who was spoke to to preach, not being come, I preached — Text 1 Sam. 4.22.  We all returned home at Evening in safety; Except that My Rheumatic Pain in my right Arm is increased.

October 28, 1756

1756 October 28 (Thursday).  N.B. Mr. Daniel Stone in trouble, on account of my Son Thomas who had sued him for a Debt of his sons which he had undertaken to pay, but neglected.  Fast at Southborough.  Mr. Stone had Sent Mr. Ephraim Woods to me to assist him; but it proved so rainy that (under my indispositions especially) I could not venture to go in the morning.  After 11 a.m. it held up so that though Cloudy and lowery, I rode there.  Mr. Stone had prayed and Mr. Smith preached a.m.  P.M. Mr. Bridge prayed and I preached the Same Text as Yesterday, viz. 1 Sam. 4.22.  May it be accompanyed with the Divine Blessing; especially into my own Soul!  That I may be duely concerned for the Ark of God, the Signs and Tokens of the divine Presence among us; that I may be humbled for the Hand I my Self have had (which has been alas!  not small) in provoking the Lord’s Displeasure against His People and that I may do my Utmost to prevent the Glory departing from us!


N.B. Mr. Stone, when I returned to his House, in Conformity to one Head in the Discourse (he said), viz. concerning Brotherly Admonition gave me his fraternal Correction, for stopping to Speak with Some Persons near the Meeting House after the Exercise was over, which I gave him an account of — Scil: that it was to Enquire how my Wife’s Nephew, Dr. Gott, did; we having heard that he was dangerously sick at Marlborough and my wife was greatly concerned about him, so that She had been endeavoring for some time to go and see him, but she had been prevented by the Sickness of Several of our own Children and Several Other Things that had occurred.  This Enquiry was made by me of Mrs. Susanna Gleson who had been nursing Dr. Gott and was lately come from him.  The Other person I Spoke to was Old Mrs. Phillips who stopped me as I passed along, She being glad to see me abroad again, and wanted also to Enquire of me concerning her Children who dwell among us.  When I gave Mr. Stone this Account he said he was Satisfied as to this.


In returning home I was detained some time at Bruce’s by a Storm of Rain, Thunder and Wind.  N.B. Mr. Huston, a preacher, was there.  When it cleared up I came home, though late, in safety.  D.G.

October 29, 1756

1756 October 29 (Friday).  My Wife and Lucy to Marlborough in the Chair, to See Dr. Gott etc. etc.  Mr. Francis Gardner from Stow, calls here; and is better in Health, than when he left our School.  N.B. I have applyed another Blister to my right Arm, to remove the Rheumatic Pains which still affect me.  May God give His Blessing, on which alone Success depends!

October 30, 1756

1756 October 30 (Saturday).  Mr. Solomon Woods here and informs me they are very ill at Deacon Forbushs and desire me to visit them.  I went accordingly and found the Young Deacon not well, but growing worse.  Several of his Children ill, but especially two of his Daughters in a Dangerous State, Joanna but especially SarahRufus Putnam also very ill there.  All of them the Distemper.  I dined there.  Old Mrs. Forb. is also drooping.