1756 November 1 (Monday). The Committee for the Burying Place — I offer them that if they have a Mind to Alter the Bounds on the East side I will give them two Rods for one, on the North — but Nothing is done to Effect. The Precinct met to see whether they will Alter and settle my Yearly Sallery — or if not, add to my Sallery for this Year. The former they would not do, though it was long debated. Mr. Daniel Forb. came to me from them. I sent them a paper of this Day — but the Vote went in the Negative notwithstanding. A Majority of one only carryed it so. The latter was granted — and they made this years to be in old Tenor 470 and 30 to Lt. Tainter for wood; in all £500 old tenor. At Eve visit Deacon Forb. who lost his Daughter Sarah; his Daughter Joanna very bad; his son Jonathan ill — So is his Mother, and the Young Man Rufus Putnam, whose Mother, Sadler, is with him: but especially Deacon Forbush is himself very bad and growing worse still. He took a Vomit to day, but still renches and Strains; nor does any thing relieve him.
Month: November 1756
November 2, 1756
1756 November 2 (Tuesday). A.M. at the funeral of another of Mr. Reuben Maynards Children, the Name, Bethiah. Dined at Mr. Joseph Bruce’s with his Wife, he being from home. Visited and prayed with Mrs. Hannah Tainter, who is sick. Thence I rode to Deacon Forb. who is grown extremely bad and fears he shall not live through the Night. His Daughter Sarah buryed. The rest of the House, not worse than they were. Am much affected with the Deacons low Condition. Wrote to Mr. Forb. of Brookfield. N.B. Dr. Minot of Concord here to invite me and my Wife, my Son Thomas and Daughter Lucy, to his Wedding next Thursday come se’nnight.
November 3, 1756
1756 November 3 (Wednesday). So Stormy I can neither visit Deacon Forb. nor expect Mr. Martyn to preach. Was obliged to preach my self, to an handfull of people. Text was Heb. 13.14. Deacon, I hear, is somewhat better. D.G. But his Daughter Joanna is dead.
November 4, 1756
1756 November 4 (Thursday). I hear that to Day there is a Fast at Hopkinton and that I am sent to, but no Message has reached me. I attended the Funeral of Deacon Forbs. Daughter Joanna. The Deacon Seems to be more comfortable both in Mind and Body — thinks he knows in whom he has believed etc. Sister Forb. low yet: and the Youngest Child ill. But Rufus Putnam is recovering. My Daughter in Law here, and is very earnest to know what I will do for her Husband. She lodges here.
November 5, 1756
1756 November 5 (Friday). Daughter Eliza urges me still with the Same Affair. Billy brings over 4 Bushell of Turnips from Ebenezer and works for him p.m. in gathering or cutting up his Corn. Am sent for to visit at Lt. Brighams (am forced to borrow Mr. Nurse’s Horse) and went. Antipas very bad — Barny also dangerously ill; and Jonas (the oldest son) taken sick. So that now all their Family, but a Boy that lives with them (Jonas Twitchell) have had the Distemper.
November 6, 1756
1756 November 6 (Saturday). Mr. Forbush of Brookfield here: came last night to his Fathers. He returns back as far as Worcester that he may preach there tomorrow. Billy thrashes Rye. Mr. Mason here and informs me his Idiot son Aaron, is dead of the Distemper. He has Gloves here for the Funeral; and engages me a Shoat in payment — but leave my Wife to trade with him, being Shortned for Time for my Preparations in these Extraordinary Times.
November 7, 1756
1756 November 7 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Heb. 10.31 and finished the Subject. Administred the Lords Supper. Desired Mr. Francis Whipple to assist instead of Deacon Forb. who is Sick. Deacon Bond and his Wife, and old Mrs. How dined with us. P.M. I repeated sermon on Rev. 22.14 to page 68. Mr. Forb. having preached at Worcester, returns hither and goes to see his Mother and Brother this Eve.
November 8, 1756
1756 November 8 (Monday). Sister Forb. very ill yet: but especially her Son is very low, and his youngest Child, Hannah. As I went to see them I called to See the French Family — and it being p.m. when I was there, they made Tea and I drank with them. Thence I walked to the House of Chief Distress and tarried into Evening. Assisted in writing Deacon Forb.’s Will. Find him very much composed in his Mind as to his Spiritual state also, and willing to depart and to be with Christ which is best of all. He said he wanted to Speak to the world round about him. (I suppose it was upon the Same head that he Spake once before, viz. to exhort to get ready for dying) but says he, it must be by your Mouth. The young Child dyed while we were at prayer. I left ‘em about 10 at Night, commending ‘em to the infinite Mercy and Grace of God through the Glorious Redeemer.
November 9, 1756
1756 November 9 (Tuesday). I catechized at Mr. Joslyn’s. Had about 20 Children. N.B. After the Exercise came Mrs. Judith Bellows again but it was much the Same fruitless Talk as it used to be. The Lord pity her, and grant her the Grace of true Repentance! N.B. Mr. Jonah Warrin with a Yoke of Oxen, Billy with his Brothers Oxen, and Mr. Nurse’s Plough, ploughed part of my Field behind the Meeting House: but Mr. Warrin tarryed only a.m., the Coulter of the Plough being worn too much, and we could not get it immediately Mended. Billy having done Some small Jobbs with Ebenezers Oxen, went home with them before Night.
November 10, 1756
1756 November 10 (Wednesday). Am informed this Morning that about ten o’Clock last night Deacon Jonathan Forbush junior departed this Life. I hope in Christ, and that he is gone to Glory! But an heavy and sorrowfull Loss to his dear Wife, to his distressed Parents and Children, to his mournful Brethren and sisters, Nei[gh]bours and Friends; in a Peculiar Manner to the Church of God here, of which he was a shining Ornament, especially for his Integrity and Uprightness. This Death affects me very much, as he was a very singular Friend to the best Interests among us; and one on whom I might as well depend (under God) as upon any Man in the whole Place. I may take up Davids Lamentation, “I am distressed for thee (on the Account of the Loss of thee) my Brother Jonathan. Very pleasant hast thou been to me!”[1] May God teach us all, and me especially to profit by His holy Stroke upon us! O for Grace to be ready also! Mr. Jonah Warrin with his Oxen, and Billy with his Brothers plough again. P.M. instead of burying Deacon Forb.’s Child at one, the Funeral of both the Father and the Child are appointed to be at 3. They are buryed in one Coffin. There is an Universal Lamentation. N.B. Capt. Baldwin brings my Daughter Forb. who came from Brookfield yesterday, and her Daughter Lydia.
[1] 2 Sam. 1:26, “I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.”
November 11, 1756
1756 November 11 (Thursday). Rain a.m. P.M. My wife and I, Thomas and Lucy accompanied by Capt. Baldwin, go over to Mr. Martyns, and at Eve we celebrate the Nuptials of Mrs. Molly to Dr. Minot of Concord. Mrs. P________ and I lodge there.
November 12, 1756
1756 November 12 (Friday). We Stayed till after Dinner at Mr. Martyns; In returning home we made a short Visit to Mr. Ebenezer Maynard and Wife.
November 13, 1756
1756 November 13 (Saturday). Sister Forb. lies in a very low Condition yet. I made her another Visit. Billy brings home a shoat which I bought of Mr. Mason — weighed 84 lb. at 12 d. per pound alive. P.M. I attended the buryal of Lt. Jonas Brighams Son Antipas, of about 6.
November 14, 1756
1756 November 14 (Sunday). My Son Forb. preached for me, a.m. on Mat. 12.13, p.m. on John 6.28.29. Which may the Lord accompany with His Special Blessing! My Cousen Sadler and old Mrs. Tainter dined with us. At Eve Mr. Forb. went to See his Mother, and tarryed there, She remayning in a low Condition.
November 15, 1756
1756 November 15 (Monday). I visited her once more my Self. She tells me She is not only willing to die; She is desirous of it. And when I asked her whether She thought it was upon good Grounds? She answered If it were not why Should she Wish for it? I dined there. P.M. called to See Monsieur LeBlanch again.
November 16, 1756
1756 November 16 (Tuesday). Billy has his Brothers Oxen and a Yoke of Mr. D. Hardy’s, and Nathan Kenny helps him in ploughing; and in harrowing in Rye, in the field behind the Meeting House. Mr. Aaron Nurse sows the Grain. N.B. Samuel Hicks here. Dines with us; and informs me that his Father is at Worcester; and, as he expressed it, has taken the Strong Fort there.
November 17, 1756
1756 November 17 (Wednesday). My Wife and Lucy ride to Marlborough and buy of Mrs. Anna Brigham nigh 70 £’s Worth of her Goods; at Eve return home. Ebenezer with his Oxen, Mare and my Mare harrow the Field abovesaid, Billy driving, and Mr. Aaron Nurse sowing. N.B. they dined here. Mr. Forb. and his Wife went to his Father’s, his Mother lying in an extremely low State: and they tarry there.
November 18, 1756
1756 November 18 (Thursday). This Morning Mr. Forb. and his Wife returned, and inform me that their Mother Forb. expired last night about 9 o’clock. She had led a useful Life, and had hope in her Death. This is now a wide and awful Breach! The 5th that has dyed in that House of late. The aged Deacon is also taken with the Distemper, though he be not bad yet. Surely O Lord thou art a God that dost hide thy Self. Thy Judgments are a Great [Deep?]! Mr. Forb. etc. ride over to the North End. I preached a Lecture to the Young Men — the Text Tit. 2.6, from page 17 to middle of p. 23, and used part of page 27. But few at Meeting besides the Young people. May God Himself give His Almighty Blessing!
N.B. My little Anna-Sophia goes alone across the Room, She being this Day 13 months old.
November 19, 1756
1756 November 19 (Friday). Attended the Funeral of old Deacon Forbush’s Wife, my kind Sister in Law, who I hope is gone to inherit the Promises. At Eve My son and Daughter Forb. and their little Lydia left us to go on their Journey to Brookfield. May God grant ‘em to be brought on their Journey after a godly sort!
November 20, 1756
1756 November 20 (Saturday). Alexander remains in but a feeble State. Breck remains at t’other House.
November 21, 1756
1756 November 21 (Sunday). I preached on Mat. 25.6 and part of 10th verse a. and p.m. Deacon Forb. dined with us. Divers persons give Thanks for recovery and there is now no one that I know of, who is Sick, but is in the way of Restoration. D.G.
November 22, 1756
1756 November 22 (Monday). [No entry.]
November 23, 1756
1756 November 23 (Tuesday). Mr. John Child (the Glazier) here and mends our Windows.
November 24, 1756
1756 November 24 (Wednesday). I made a visit a.m. to the French people. Invited the Man and woman to come and dine with me tomorrow.
November 25, 1756
1756 November 25 (Thursday). Publick Thanksgiving. I preached on Ps. 150 from the 3d v. to the End. A stormy time. Snowed hard. Monsieur Le Blanche was not well enough to come out but his Wife, and Daughter Mary, were at Meeting and dined with Me.
November 26, 1756
1756 November 26 (Friday). Master John Martyn here, and bears a Message from his Father, desiring me to change next Lords Day. Mr. John Mead here and dines with me. Winterlike Weather.
November 27, 1756
1756 November 27 (Saturday). Magdalene and Mary Le Blanch here p.m. and behave them Selves with decency. Billy finishes thrashing our small Crop of Rye. At night I was under great Indisposition by a Lax.
November 28, 1756
1756 November 28 (Sunday). I have not had my Cloths wholly off all night being obliged to rise so frequently. Early in the Morning sent Billy to Mr. Martyn to acquaint him with my Indisposition: It was also misty and Sloppy uncomfortable stirring. But though I could not venture to ride to the North End, yet I went to Meeting here and preached — a.m. on Rev. 22.14 and p.m. on Mat. 25.6. Widow Joanna Forb. and her sisters, Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Sadler, as also Mrs. Chamberlin, dined here. In the afternoon I felt such disorder in my Bowels just as I was going to name my Text, that I feared I Should be obliged to go out: but I went through what I had prepared and made what decent dispatch I could in the whole Exercise, and hastened home. Found it needfull to lye down, but am not to day followed with very frequent evacuations. I find that others are in this working State — almost all my Family were obliged to get up last night, and I hear that others were so last week.
November 29, 1756
1756 November 29 (Monday). Was at Mr. Rolf’s, where came Mr. Solomon Prentice. I was also at Lt. Forbush’s, a.m. P.M. and Evening am reading some of the incomparable writings of Mrs. Rowe. To which are added some of her Husbands: Mr. Thomas Rowe. But I have abundant Reason to humble my Self before God for the Great Unprofitableness of my Life; and am divers ways under Gods holy Frowns. May the Lord grant me the Grace necessary for me that I may seriously reflect; and that I may be Quickened to New Obedience, that through the Merits of the glorious Jesus I may be recovered, and obtain the divine Favour!
November 30, 1756
1756 November 30 (Tuesday). Snow’d Night and part of the Morning — then Rain. Capt. Baldwin came from Brookfield, and arrived here at Night.