October 13, 1754

1754 October 13 (Sunday).  The Pulpit etc. are not dry.  We make a convenient Station for preaching and Communion Table before the Deacons Seat.  Many Shrewsbury people here — Mr. Cushing being gone a Journey.  Mrs. Amy Maynard grows worse.  Read 1 Sam. 14 to number 23.  Preach’d on Mark 16.19.  Administered the Lords Supper.  P.M. read Rev. 7, and having Spent my Preparations in the forenoon I repeated Sermons on John 11.24.  Deacon Miles[1] and his Wife, Mrs. Foster[2] of Holliston and her Daughter Twitchel[3] din’d here.  At Eve I visited and pray’d with Mrs. Maynard, and My Wife watch’d with her.

[1]Samuel Miles of Concord.
[Additional note:  This may have been Deacon Samuel Miles of Shrewsbury, son of Deacon Miles of Concord.]

[2]Mrs. Jacob Foster.

[3]Mary Foster married Moses Twitchell of Westborough.