January 7, 1748

1748 January 7 (Thursday).  In the Morning Mr. William Goodhue of Holliston was here to desire me to go down to Captain Maynard’s, his Brother would be glad to see me.  I complyed and the Special Reason of his sending for me was to assist him in Making his will. His Senses were sound — he confirmed what he said to me t’other night of his Experiences of the Divine grace at Ipswich, and was earnest in his Defence of the late work of God in the Land.  My taking Minutes of his Will detained me till past Noon and was obliged to dine there. After prayer I returned home and drew the will. At eve I went to him again and compleated it. Having prayed with him again at Captain Maynard’s earnest Desire, I came home. Forbush from College here, he tells me he keeps School in Town to make up some of Mr. Jenison’s Time.