March 20, 1744

1744 March 20 (Tuesday).  My Wife and I rode to Grafton Fast.  Mr. Prentice pray’d and Mr. Haven[1] preach’d on Hosea 11.4.  I drew therewith the Bands of Love.  We went and refresh’d at Mr. Prentice’s — and there were also Mr. Halls and Mr. Havens wives.  N.B. Mr. Goddard[2] a.m. but went to Leicester p.m.  At Eve Mr. Prentice sollicited me to Stay and assist them in their Church Meeting which was to be upon their sad Differences and Divisions among them — but I utterly declin’d — however the Church sent a Committee to me, Deacon Whipple,[3] Deacon Miriam and Lieutenant Drury[4] to desire me, with the other ministers to go into Meeting.  I comply’d for a few minutes — but could not tarry, my wife being in the cold, and a Young Child at home, the ways dirty and like to be Dark.  I took leave and we rode to Winchesters and thence home.

[1]Rev. Elias Haven of Franklin.

[2]Rev. David Goddard of Leicester.

[3]James Whipple of Grafton.

[4]Thomas Drury of Grafton.