March 15, 1744

1744 March 15 (Thursday).  Often weary and despairing to bring any Thing to issue — but We attended publickly both a. and p.m., to hear etc.  See the minutes.  Three Things dampt the opposing Brethren.  One, the confusion they were thrown into in trying to pick up their Reasons for Separating from 3 different papers — and the Immethodicalness of their paper of Complaints.  2. They were disappointed much in what they expected from Mrs. Matchetts Testimony — as they were in some others.  3. The great Acceptance that Mr. Welds Sermons met with in the Council and assembly instead of being condemn’d and despis’d, as they who had separated from him pretended they had reason to.  In the Evening offers again made respecting accommodations but to little purpose — though the adverse Brethren were much more dispos’d to it than heretofore.  They were now heartily sorrowful for the Wheeler witness.  The Council were to draw up something against the Morning for the Brethren them [sic] to Consider on.