1742 February 22 (Monday). Mr. Jennison returned — informed that they had no meeting on the North Side, nor did he preach. Jonathan Green[1] here with a Message from Mr. McAllister[2] who lay bad with the Rheumatism that I would go over and see him but my own illness was so great that I could but little more than go about House. The Snow is likewise so very deep that were I well it would be impracticable to get to him unless upon Racketts. No School to Day.
[1]Jonathan Green, possibly a son of Joseph Green (d. Sept. 2, 1758).
[2]John McAllister (also spelled in the records as McCollister) and his first wife Jennet had their son Charles baptized, Nov. 29, 1724 (WCR, 1), with the church records noting “recommended to us from Stow.” Although there is no record that he joined the church, he may have been regarded as a half-way member. Thus, when five members of the church asked to be dismissed to join the new church in the north precinct (later Northborough), Parkman noted “the Desire of John McAllister to have a Certificat,” May 4, 1746 (WCR, 74-75). Parkman noted McAllister’s death in Northborough, Mar. 5, 1769, “Above 90.”