1780 September 4 (Monday). Deacon Wood in no small Trouble on account of his Wife’s Difference with his son John and his Wife, who have had grievous Contentions and Threatening to complain to the Grand Jury tomorrow. P.M. The Grand Meeting of the Town to choose a GOVERNOR, LT. GOVERNOR, and SENATORS; Mr. Batherick and Lieut. Grout came with a Message from the Town to desire me to go and open the Meeting with Prayer — went and prayed — the Chairman of the Selectmen prevented my going out by asking me to tarry and sit with them. The hon. Mr. John Hancock was elected Governor by sixty-one votes. There was one vote only besides, which was (mine) for Mr. James Bowdoin. Votes for Lieut. Governor were for Hon. James Warrin, out of 55, 50. I voted for Mr. Bowdoin. The meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, 4 p.m.