1780 September 1 (Friday). Breck and Suse return home having been to visit their Brothers Cushing, Levi Brigham and Alexander. Capt. Goddard of Sutton calls at Breck’s Shop and relates, That the Scholars at College (from whence he was come) had so generally signed a petition that Pres. Langdon might be dismissed, that he himself had asked a Dismission and that it was granted him. Whence this has arisen, I know not.
Month: September 1780
September 2, 1780
1780 September 2 (Saturday). Sophy has been poorly several days.
September 3, 1780
1780 September 3 (Sunday). Read Ps. 105. Preached on Isa. 55.12. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. preached on Exodus 18.21 on Consideration of the Election of the Morrow: and therefore added a new introduction and application, to what I heretofore prepared on that text. But it being rainy there were but few to hear it. At eve, Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3.20. Breck read. Mr. Brigham here.
September 4, 1780
1780 September 4 (Monday). Deacon Wood in no small Trouble on account of his Wife’s Difference with his son John and his Wife, who have had grievous Contentions and Threatening to complain to the Grand Jury tomorrow. P.M. The Grand Meeting of the Town to choose a GOVERNOR, LT. GOVERNOR, and SENATORS; Mr. Batherick and Lieut. Grout came with a Message from the Town to desire me to go and open the Meeting with Prayer — went and prayed — the Chairman of the Selectmen prevented my going out by asking me to tarry and sit with them. The hon. Mr. John Hancock was elected Governor by sixty-one votes. There was one vote only besides, which was (mine) for Mr. James Bowdoin. Votes for Lieut. Governor were for Hon. James Warrin, out of 55, 50. I voted for Mr. Bowdoin. The meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, 4 p.m.
September 5, 1780
1780 September 5 (Tuesday). By Deacon Wood’s Desire, I went in the Morning to his House, with Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton and Mr. Thos. Wood of Brookfield. Deacon’s Wife asked me to go alone with her, and manifested a penitent Frame: desired me to go into her son’s Room, and talk with him and his Wife, which I did. Then met together and through the Goodness of God, we brought each of the Partys to Condescentions, mutual acknowledgment, and asking forgiveness and promises of Reformation. The Deacon desired me to pray and give thanks to God. Whereupon we all parted in Peace and Joy. Glory to be God alone! Josiah Brigham goes to Boston. Mr. Gleason came and informed that Mr. Gershom Brigham’s Wife dyed this morning: and the Survivors desire me to attend the Funeral next Thursday.
September 6, 1780
1780 September 6 (Wednesday). Mr. Grosvenor came, dined and preached. Text was Gal. 6.7, latter clause. His voice not only audible, but sonorous, but especially the Matter good, and the Manner agreeable. After Meeting the Church stopped to receive the Answer of the two elected Deacons. The Doctor delivered a paper in which he acquiesced in the Choice if there was no Objection, and if the Choice was unanimous; otherwise he refused. The vote was then tried (though the members present were but few) upon which there was every Hand, and he was declared a Deacon of this Church. Mr. Child’s answer was verbal, and still refused and the Meeting ended. Then came on the Town Meeting by adjournment, and they elected five Counsellors for this County. My son Alexander and his Wife and young Child came and lodged here. Mr. Elijah Brigham privately spoke to me of his joining in Trade with Breck and would be glad to live here this winter. But I could not determine.
September 7, 1780
1780 September 7 (Thursday). I rode of Alexander’s Horses to the Funeral of Mrs. Brigham (wife of Mr. Gershom) and prayed there. When I returned, here was Mr. William Spring from Brimfield. He brought a suit of Clothes for his son Billy. He dined with us, as did Mr. Elijah Brigham (who keeps Shop for Breck). Sister Cushing and Mr. Daniel Goddard’s wife dined here also, but she rode to Col. Brigham’s and lodged there; the rest here.
September 8, 1780
1780 September 8 (Friday). Mr. Spring changes his volume of Royal Magazines, viz: Some parts of Vol. I and Vol. II bound together, but many numbers missing for Osterval’s Causes of the present Corruption. Mrs. Cushing, Alex and his Wife, dine with us, but p.m. they all leave us, and Billy Spring goes home for a while with his Father.
September 9, 1780
1780 September 9 (Saturday). My Circumstances are somewhat singular — the Difficultys thence arising, not a few. I made some preparations, but did not near perfect them — and I have entered upon such Repetitions as I think I had best go on with — correcting and amending as I review them.
September 10, 1780
1780 September 10 (Sunday). It being Sacrament Day, I (after reading Ps. 106 former part to verse 25) went on with my Discourse on 1 Cor. 11.27-29, first part. I administered the Ordinance — the new Deacon Hawes officiating, without any special Ceremony as to his Induction. N.B. Deacon Dolliber of Marblehead, Mrs. Barrett and Mr. Stephen Stimson of Hopkinton were present. Mr. Barret and his Wife dined here. P.M. preached on Isa. 55.12 to the End of page 225. At eve read part of Mr. Flavell’s seventh Sermon on Rev. 3.20.
September 11, 1780
1780 September 11 (Monday). This Day begins the 44th year since my Marriage with Mrs. P________. May God be praised for His great Goodness! May all our Sins throughout all these Years, especially the last, be freely forgiven! May we both of us be sp’ly Espoused, and mystically united to Jesus Christ, and may God grant us Grace to discharge the Dutys incumbent on us in the Conjugal Connexion! I dined at Mr. Graves’s with Deacon Dolliber. Alexander and his Wife, with their Child, from Framingham and lodge here. [Note in pencil. Married Sept. 11, 1737, he being 34 years old, minus 5 days — see next page.]
September 12, 1780
1780 September 12 (Tuesday). Sent a Letter to Mr. Buckminster of Medway by Squire Singleterry of Sutton. My son Alex., wife and child p.m. undertake their Journey home. Messrs. Elijah and Moses Brigham dined here. Mr. Sumner came to see us.
September 13, 1780
1780 September 13 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Abraham Bond’s: gave him a book, as my Contribution to him under the Frown of Heaven. N.B. A number of Neighbors are at work in framing a Barn for him. I visited other Neighbours thereabout, and dined at Mr. Frost’s. P.M. at Mr. Hananiah Parker’s.
September 14, 1780
1780 September 14 (Thursday). With some difficulty as to an Horse I rode to Grafton and dined at Mr. Grosvenor’s, and preached his Lecture in his House on Mat. 17.4. May God grant His Blessing! I returned home safe at eve. N.B. A Mellancholy story is current of General Gates being defeated in the South. The particulars are not yet known. N.B. One Sibly is set to Jayl at Worcester under Suspicion of Murthering an Infant.
September 15, 1780
1780 September 15 (Friday). On Consideration of my finishing my seventy-seventh year, I was much employed in Retrospections, Humiliations, and Supplications. May the Lord graciously accept of my imperfect Petitions, pardoning etc. through Jesus Christ. Mr. Peter Whitney here and Mr. Daniel Adams junior’s Wife also is examined.
September 16, 1780
1780 September 16 (Saturday). This Day I begin my 78th year. Thanks be to God, who hath sustained me! I still continue a Monument of his sparing Mercy and Goodness. To His Name be all Praise and Glory! See Natilitia. Mrs. P. being very much out of Health rode to Dr. Crosby’s. At eve came my Daughter Cushing from Ashburnham. Mr. Fitch, wife and Daughter from Connecticut, and p.m. Mrs. Dolly Rice.
September 17, 1780
1780 September 17 (Sunday). Read Ps. 23 and 24, and on Consideration of my beginning a new year of my Life, I preached on Ps. 23.6,[1] and p.m. on Isa. 55.12[2] and may the great End and Design hereof be answered. At eve read again in Mr. Flavell. Neither my Wife nor Daughter Cushing were well enough to go to Meeting, either part of the Day.
[1]Psalm 23.6: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
[2]Isaiah 55.12: “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”
September 18, 1780
1780 September 18 (Monday). Wrote to Dr. Crosby, by his son John. My Wife being no better. At eve came my son Forbes, but from Dedham, where he had preached yesterday. Brought with one of his Sons-in-law, Joseph Saunders, about 8 years old. They lodge.
September 19, 1780
1780 September 19 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbes and little Boy left us to go to Brookfield. Dr. Crosby here to see Mrs. P________ p.m. She grows very sick, but it may be owing to some Pills which the Doctor gave her. At even, she continues ill and goes to bed. Mr. Cushing comes from the Cape, having been to see his Sister Stone at Yarmouth, and came back through Rochester, Wrentham, and Sherbourn.
September 20, 1780
1780 September 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing last evening brought me from Mr. Moore, Shuckford’s Condition vol. 1. He also, having been with various Gentlemen in his Journey, discovers to me some of the probable Reasons of the Dismission of Pres. Langdon. Mrs. P. somewhat better — Thanks to God for the Favour of Heaven to us! P.M. Mrs. Fisk of Brookfield and her son (who belongs to College) dined here. My son William, his Wife and Child John, came up from Concord unexpectedly. Afterwards my Son Samuel and his Wife with their Baby, Sukey, came from Boston. They all lodged here. N.B. Mr. Brigham asked me whether it would suit me to have the Marriage of my Daughter to him to be tomorrow? I asked him, where he intended to live? he replyed “Here, if I should like it.” I answered that I was willing to do what was in my Power for him. Sent my Complements to his Father and Mother, and Request they would come — likewise his Brothers and Sisters. He acquainted me with his Desire to wait on Squire Baker and his Lady with his Invitations to the Wedding, also the two eldest Daughters. To which I consented. My Daughter Cushing rode to Capt. Maynard’s to invite him and his Wife. The Return was that Mrs. Maynard was confined with illness.
September 21, 1780
1780 September 21 (Thursday). Mrs. P. I hope is better. Sophy has unhappily a good deal of a cough. I had a most agreeable sight of my children and their Consorts at Dinner, viz.: William and Lydia, Mr. Cushing and Sarah, Breck and Suse, Samuel and Sally, and Mr. Brigham with Sophy. To God be Praise and Glory! Towards evening according to Invitation, Joseph Baker Esq. and Lady, Mr. Winslow Brigham and Miss Alice Cushing of Shrewsbury, Mr. Hazzletine and Miss Mindwell Brigham, Master Fisk and Miss Anna Brigham, and Mr. Josiah Brigham came to wait on the Solemnity of the Marriage of Mr. Elijah Brigham to my Daughter Anna Sophia, which was performed, and after the Covenant, Mr. Cushing prayed. Mrs. P. was not able to attend with us. N.B. I began to write Mr. Quincy.
September 22, 1780
1780 September 22 (Friday). My son William and his Wife sat out early for Concord. Mr. Cushing and his Wife when the Day got up, for Shrewsbury. Dr. Crosby to see Mrs. P. P.M. Sam and Breck with their Wives wait on the Bridegroom and Bride, to Coll. Brighams. Mrs. P. has had a poor Day. At eve came Mr. Forbes and his little Boy, Jo Saunders. Mr. F. delivers me a letter from Col. Baldwin to his wife, containing an account of General Gates’s Defeat. An extract from it I send to Mr. Quincy. Mr. Forbes goes to see his Sister, the Widow of his Brother Daniel. N.B. My Flax is spread — a large piece.
September 23, 1780
1780 September 23 (Saturday). My son Samuel and his Wife and Child left us. Sent my Letter by him to Mr. Quincy. Mr. Forbes came and I delivered him his first volume of Robinson’s Hist. of Scotland. He and his Joseph Saunders left us to go to Concord. At eve came Mr. Grosvenor, requesting and expecting I would preach for him tomorrow, But I had engaged to preach at Northborough. He lodged here. N.B. Mrs. Persis Adams was here to acquaint me that she could not be ready for the Church Meeting next Tuesday and prays it may be further adjourned to the 2d Thursday in November.
September 24, 1780
1780 September 24 (Sunday). Mr. Grosvenor to Northborough. I rode to Grafton and preached on 1 Chron. 29.15 a. and p.m. Returned home at eve. Mr. Whitney preached here on Roms. 3.7.8 a. and p.m. At Dinner were Doct. Crosby, and Mrs. Maynard. N.B. Mr. Whitney read to the Church a paper from me acquainting the Brethern with Mrs. Adams’ Request: and there was no Objection, so that the Meeting of the Church was adjourned to the time she desired.
September 25, 1780
1780 September 25 (Monday). Breck is roused by an Information that one Williams who is Debtor to him in a considerable sum is seized and put into Jail. My son is gone to his House in N. Shrewsbury. I read Shuckford’s Connection Vol. 1. But I am sorry to see my Husbandry fast asleep, no body at work for me, though my apples are rotting and wasting, and Flax seed on stry, (? ) unwinnowed on the Barn Floor. Mr. Daniel Adams, Ben. Tainter, Levi Warrin complain of the adjournment: came here, but nothing could be done. Mrs. P. something more comfortable. D. Gratis!
September 26, 1780
1780 September 26 (Tuesday). Am obliged to go frequently to Mr. Thad. Warrin’s for Help, and today in particular, he left his own Business and came to mine.
September 27, 1780
1780 September 27 (Wednesday). I obtained of My Neighbor Newton to send his Boys, John and Stephen to pick Apples and carry a Load, with Barrells to make Cyder at Mr. Frost’s Mill. P.M. Mr. Zebulon Rice and his Wife of Brookfield came to see us: and drank Tea here.
September 28, 1780
1780 September 28 (Thursday). Dr. Crosby came to desire me to befriend Mr. David Brigham of Shrewsbury, and attend the Funeral of his little son David who dyed suddenly of Worms AEs. 3. I went with the Doctor and dined at his House. P.M. to Mr. Brigham’s and prayed and discoursed with the Assembly: but I went not up to the Interment. In returning I went into Mr. Coas’s and Sibley’s — at Mr. Noah Hardy’s (where I was regaled with Tea etc.). Went to Mr. Isaac Parkers etc. Mrs. P________ somewhat better. Breck to Boston. N.B. The Doctor brought me No’s 1 to 4 of the Rise and Progress of the American War.
September 29, 1780
1780 September 29 (Friday). Wrote to My Daughter Baldwin with my returning her Husband’s Letter concerning Gen’l Gates’ Defeat and Flight. Sent them by Lt. Joseph Bond. Mr. Daniel Adams jr. here with his Wife’s Relation: but carryed it back again.
September 30, 1780
1780 September 30 (Saturday). Mrs. Adams herself with her Relation tran- and subscribed. Mrs. P________ is exercised still with her distressed stomach, but not in so terrible a Degree. Mr. Thad Warrin very kind in coming to take Care about getting home my Cyder from Mr. Thos. Frost’s. When his son John brought it, Josiah Brigham unloaded, and got it down to place in the Cellar.