1780 May 31 (Wednesday). I have writ a letter to Mrs. P________ and Dr. Hawes was to have carryed it, but he went too early this morning for it to reach him. However Mr. Lemuel Grosvenor and his Sister called here in their way to Boston, and took it. We had a cheerful and good Day — praising God for his Goodness to his People in continuing our Liberties and Privileges and Oppt’y the Day for the Exercising them, and supplicating the Divine Presence with the People in their Solemn Assembly; and the Ministers in their Convention. Elias rode over to Hopkinton to wait upon Mrs. Cotton, but she was not well eno’ to come today. Elias brings me from Mr. Barrett’s the illustrated Sir Francis Bacon’s Advancement of Learning. A Book of Stupendous Fame!