1780 April 1 (Saturday). [No entry.]
Month: April 1780
April 2, 1780
1780 April 2 (Sunday). Preached on 2 Thes. 4.15-16. Mrs. Beeton dined with us. P.M. on 2 Tim. 3.7, and finished the Discourse except the Additions. O that I might be duly affected myself with what was delivered! At eve Breck and his attended the Repetition etc.
April 3, 1780
1780 April 3 (Monday). Went to Mr. Nurse’s and Mr. Thad. Warrin’s — to bespeak Spring and Summer Work, but the Earth is as yet partly covered with snow, and where it is open, is froze. P.M. Col. Brigham here upon an important errand in behalf of his Son Elijah, with regard to Sophy — which I gave my Consent to.
April 4, 1780
1780 April 4 (Tuesday). Preached at Deacon Woods on Eccl. 12.13. There was a considerable Assembly. Mr. Knight and Mr. ODonald of Boston were there, and I had an Opportunity of conversing with both after Meeting. Col. Baldwin and his son Isaac, also my grandson, Thomas P. A Letter by them from my dear Ebenezer, dated Morris Town State of New York, March 10, 1780, when he was well, though he had endured Hardships, and suffered by cold, lying on the Ground. They lodge here and have three Horses.
April 5, 1780
1780 April 5 (Wednesday). Col. etc. leave us to go to Cambridge. My son Breck undertakes a long, circular, difficult Journey, to Bridgewater, Boston etc. Very much perplexed with a flock of Sheep belonging to Dr. Hawes, daily feeding on the Rye at the Island. Stephen Maynard who has the Care of the Doctor’s Affairs here in the Evening to tell me that he could not take Care of the Doctor’s Sheep, being in preparation to go to Market.
April 6, 1780
1780 April 6 (Thursday). Disappointed of Help to repair my Island Fence, and therefore those Sheep are in again upon my Rye. Young Winchester is poorly — pain in his Hip is his principal Complaint, but ofttimes in his Head.
April 7, 1780
1780 April 7 (Friday). Mr. Thad. Warrin works for me, mending my Island Fence, and Fences before the Meeting House. A Letter from my son Alexander. Miss Betsey Taylor of Grafton here — tells me Mr. Grosvenor goes sometimes to hear Mr. Henstick, the Baptist Minister: and that many others do since Mr. G. cannot preach. At eve Capt. Wood and Mr. Jonathan Fay here.
April 8, 1780
1780 April 8 (Saturday). Fresh Troubles with the Doctor Cattle and Sheep on the Rye, notwithstanding all the pains used yesterday to make the Fence Secure and strong. 4 times today. Mr. Thomas Stone here, wants the Association Records for his Father, which I gave him, and a number of Papers belonging to the Association.
April 9, 1780
1780 April 9 (Sunday). At night sent for to visit Lt. Bond’s Child — went and prayed there. It was very rainy. A.M. preached again on 1 Thes. 4.16-17. P.M. on 2 Cor. 4.1-3. O that we might grow wiser and better by all these means.
April 10, 1780
1780 April 10 (Monday). Deacon Wood came to acquaint me that there was at his House an Indian in Gentleman’s Habit, who was a Scholar and Preacher from Dartmouth Coll. I sent for him — he came — his name was Daniel Simon. The Brigham Scholars were well acquainted with him. His Credentials were (besides his Diploma and his name in the Catalogue) his recommendation by the President, Trustees and Tutors, License for preaching by Rev. Grafton — Presbytery — a Letter from president Wheelock to Rev. Mr. John Sargent of Stockbridge, and a Certificat from the Selectmen of Stockbridge. I also examined him myself. The Deacon urged he might preach in the afternoon and he would take care to notifie the people. Mr. Simon was not forward, but would not deny. I could not refuse. He dined here. At 3 p.m. a Congregation was gathered. He preached on 1 Pet. 2.7 “To them who believe, he is precious.” It was a serious and Methodical Discourse, and delivered decently. I hope it was useful and profitable. A number of Scholars, who were acquainted with Mr. Simons, came in at eve to see him and he lodged here. N.B. The people made a Collection and presented him the Sum of one hundred and twenty-four Dollars. One Ebenezer Crosby came here to let himself and lodged here. N.B. Dr. Hall going to Boston calls here.
April 11, 1780
1780 April 11 (Tuesday). The Indian Preacher leaves us to go on his Journey to Stockbridge. Mr. Crosby insists for Cloths to pay for His Labour; which I not being able to engage him, he leaves me. I catechized at the Meeting House. Boys 32. Girls 17. Dr. Hawes has brought me Another Vol. of the Biographical Dictionary from Mr. Cranch. Vol. 4 Letters D and E.
April 12, 1780
1780 April 12 (Wednesday). Read Col. Ethan Allen’s Narrative of his Captivity and Several Lives in Biography aforesaid, viz. Mons. and Mme. Daciers, John Daille, author of de Use Patrum, John Dee, mathematician, Conjurer etc., De Foe, Demosthenes, Thomas Dempster, noted for his remembering whatever he read, and yet commonly read 14 hours in 24.
April 13, 1780
1780 April 13 (Thursday). Mr. Jonathan Maynard brings [blank] Turns of Wood in all [blank]. Dr. Hall from Boston. N.B. General Hancock exceeding Generous to him. Col. Baldwin and Thome Parkman, Mr. Eliot, Tutor and Mr. Zechary Hicks here. These 5 last dined here. Col. Baldwin brought two letters from Elias, one of March 30th, the other April. Am informed that Mr. Samuel Williams of Bradford is chose professor instead of the late Dr. Winthrop — that Rev. Mr. Harrington of Lancaster was married the night before last, to Mrs. Bridge of Framingham.
April 14, 1780
1780 April 14 (Friday). My kinsman (Elias Parkman of Boston) sent me a Copy of the Address of the Convention and Plan of Government. P.M. walked (on some special occasions) to Dr. Hawes. Having no man yet and young Winchester lame and infirm, my business is behind. Breck works in the Garden — plows and hires Mr. Kenney part of the Day to renew and mend up the Garden Fence. B. sows Peas there.
April 15, 1780
1780 April 15 (Saturday). Breck and William Winchester at times in the Garden. I cannot afford any time to it, nor have I any Inclination. Josiah Brigham returns from an Excursion to purchase Cattle: he has been as far as to Fitz William and has brought two Cows, one has a Calf, t’other with Calf. They are put into my Barn to keep. Breck has now four Creatures there, his Horse and 3 cows besides the young Calf.
April 16, 1780
1780 April 16 (Sunday). A.M. on 1 Thes. 4.17-18. P.M. on 2 Cor. 4.3-4. Read a.m. Zech 9. Mr. Brigham dined here, as did Cousin Maynard. At eve Breck and his Family (as they have done frequently) came to the Repetition.
April 17, 1780
1780 April 17 (Monday). A very snowy Morning (Apr. 6 old style anno 1732 was a time of exceeding deep snow). I sent a Letter to Dr. Hawes who would go to Boston, for Elias, at College. Was at Mr. Newton’s about driving young Cattle to pasture at Coi’s Hill.
April 18, 1780
1780 April 18 (Tuesday). Rode to Minister’s Meeting at Stow. Met Mr. Stone at Mrs. Speakman’s. Borrowed of her Pope’s Essay on Man, with Warburton’s Notes. We called at Mr. Jonathan Loring’s, and delivered him Beard’s Theatre of God’s Judgments which I had borrowed of him. At Mr. Newell’s were Messrs. Stone, Smith, Bridge, Whitney and Biglow, and occasionally Messrs. Adams of Acton, Stearns and Allen, preachers. Mr. Mellen of Chauxit. Some debate about a Concio, whether if there be not a Concio prepared on purpose, we mayn’t have a Sermon for our Christian Edification. Mr. Bridge opposes it. I asked advice about the case of Mr. Daniel Adams and his wife. Answer was to prevent its being heard in the Church till it is heard in the Civil Law, if the Woman’s Complaint must be supported by her Oath. Mr. Allen prayed at the Conclusion of our Meeting. Next Meeting by divine leave to be at my House. Old Mrs. Gardner (at whose House we were) was not able to sit at Table when we dined. Mr. Stone and I rode together to Marlborough. I visited our Kinsman, Lt. Uriah Brigham, where I lodged.
April 19, 1780
1780 April 19 (Wednesday). A Storm of Rain and Snow — but I ventured to try for Home. Sat out in the Morning under another Disadvantage, viz., the Horse lame — got to Capt. Edmund Brigham’s and dined there. Arrived safe at home about 3 p.m. All Glory to God, my Guardian at home and abroad! Am informed that Doctor’s Sheep have still been troublesome.
April 20, 1780
1780 April 20 (Thursday). Mr. Nathan Kenney here and agrees (if I dont hire a man) to take my North Field to plant to the halves; and likewise to take another piece of Ground for Flax, in the like manner. I read the Conventions Address to their Constituents, with Declaration of Rights and Form of Government.
April 21, 1780
1780 April 21 (Friday). Was forced to go to Dr. Hawes on the Account of his Sheep, which were again yesterday upon my Field of Rye, and was at Neighbor Caleb Harrington’s, his Hogs having done Mischief several times in my Garden, and mentioned to him my putting out my Chauncey Meadows to the halves, much interrupted and tossed in spirit by having no man to work for me, when so many different affairs to mind, in looking after my Husbandry at this Season, and Creatures to guard from transgressing.
April 22, 1780
1780 April 22 (Saturday). Mr. Eleazar Rider, who saws at the Whipple sawmill having given me Slabbs etc., Stephen Maynard in Dr. Hawes’ Service, goes with my Cart and Steers, and puts in the Doctor’s Steers, to the Saw-Mill, and brings a Load.
April 23, 1780
1780 April 23 (Sunday). I have for a great while thought of repeating my Sermons on Mat. 3.10, which were preached above 30 years since. I undertook it today, though with alterations and additions. N.B. Have read the Ch. publickly. At eve read a sermon of Mr. Flavell’s England’s Duty; on Rev. 3.20.
April 24, 1780
1780 April 24 (Monday). Mr. Hez. Maynard of Marlborough here; as was Mr. Simon How. Afterwards came Mr. Joseph Mottey, a preacher at Marlborough, with Mr. Elijah Brigham. They dined here. Mrs. P. walked to see her Cousen Maynard and tarried there. N.B. James Hopkins of Mansfield came to let himself, and he lodged here. I have made him the best Offer I could.
April 25, 1780
1780 April 25 (Tuesday). Hopkins goes to work — uses my Steers and Deacon Wood’s Oxen and Harrow and Ben Wood helps, in harrowing and getting out muck. Mrs. P________ returns at evening. I am preparing on Zech. 7.5-7.
April 26, 1780
1780 April 26 (Wednesday). General Fast throughout the States. Preached on the Text above. In going to Meeting p.m. was informed that Mr. Whitney’s House of Northborough was burnt down this very noon. I preached on Ps. 107.43 and took occasion frequently to apply it to the present Occurrence, so surprising and affecting! May the Lord sanctifie it to the Sufferers and to us all! The Brethren by desire was stayed to confer about the Adams Difficulty. I manifested my Desire to keep it out of the Church, but they saw cause to appoint a number to go to her. See Church Records.
April 27, 1780
1780 April 27 (Thursday). In the Morning, I rode over to see the Ruins, and sympathize with those who are bereaved. I found the sad Cause to be, Mrs. Whitney made a Fire in her Oven, that morning, sat in her Food to be baked for Supper; but the Fire, while the People were at Meeting in the forenoon, kindled in the Kitchen Chamber, and was discovered by Mr. Samuel Allen in the time of the last prayer. Many goods in the lower rooms, the Church plate etc. were saved, but the Library and Papers, which were of great worth: 4 feather Beds, all their Cloths and Linnen, except what they had on, Corn, Cyder, Sauce, etc. etc. burnt. Mr. Sumner came also and carryed various Things. I went in to see Mr. Jonas Badcock, whose Hair, Face and Hands were much Scorched, Swelled and blistered by the Flames. I dined at Mrs. Briggs’s where Mr. Whitney and his Family had repaired to. Mr. Sumner and Mr. Allen, preacher at Bolton, dined there also. The people meet this afternoon to see what they can do toward assisting. N.B. A great deal has been brought in already. I rode to Mr. Seth Rice’s for Flax seed. I there informed Mrs. Adams of the Church’s Appointment yesterday relative to her. I was at Capt. Maynard’s — visit old Mrs. Kelly, drank Tea there. When I came home am informed of the Conduct and Language of Hopkins.
April 28, 1780
1780 April 28 (Friday). Hopkins desires to go off, and though it throws me into much perplexity I consent and he goes away, giving in his work and offers to pay the Damage of Disappointment. I went over to Mr. N. Kenney and got him (again) to take my North Field to the Halves; which he agrees to.
April 29, 1780
1780 April 29 (Saturday). Kenny and his Son came to get out muck, and has my Steers and Cart. Mr. Moses Nurse joins with his Horses and waggon. I was obliged to go up to Deacon Wood’s and Squire Baker’s to forward a Contribution, but neither of them at home. Deacon came p.m. My son William, Lydia and William from Concord came to tarry over the Sabbath here.
April 30, 1780
1780 April 30 (Sunday). On consideration of the burning of Mr. Whitney’s House, I preached (with alterations repeated) on Lam. 3.22-23 both a. and p.m. Baptized Capt. Godfry’s Twins, Sullivan and Salmon. Appointed the Communion, but no Lecture. Appointed contribution for Rev. Mr. Whitney next Sabbath. At noon conferred with Selectmen as well as Deacons about the Contribution. At eve in the Family read Mr. Flavel’s Sermon on Gal. 5.24. See his works p. 254, Vol. I.