1780 May 7 (Sunday). None of those Brethren about Adams’s Matter, make me any Return. Preached on Ps. 133.12-3. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Mr. Adams did not stay to commune or disturb us. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. repeated sermon on 2 Cor. 8.7, expecting a Contribution, but Messrs. Belknap and Gale inform me, it is very much desired by considerable numbers that the Contribution might be deferred to another Sabbath; for as much as the Town when together last Monday were so engaged in the weighty affairs then depending unhappily forgot to mention it, and therefore were not so prepared as might be wished, and may be hoped for, if they might have further time. It was therefore deferred till next Lord’s Day — but advised that the Sermon which had been delivered might be improved as an Excitement and Preparatory thereto. N.B. As to Mr. Adams, I understand that he went away from the Communion because he was himself offended. Also Capt. John Wood’s Wife for some Reasons withdrew. At evening worship read the 2nd of Mr. Flavell’s Sermons on Rev. 3.20.