October 1, 1778

1778 October 1 (Thursday).  Capt. Fisher, being upon a Bee-Hunting desires me to fasten up my Bees till 8 o’Clock, which I gratify him in.  He would fain distinguish between what are my property, and those that are wild, that he may take the latter.  Various setts of People are digging Iron Oar.  Mr. [Andr. Hewt?] in my Meadow; Mr. Hemingway of Holliston in the Bent Meadow.  P.M. Mrs. Maynard with one Mrs. Elizabeth Elwell, came to visit us.

October 3, 1778

1778 October 3 (Saturday).  Mr. Ripley came from Barre, from burying his Father, He is returning to Concord, but very thoughtful about what he shall say to the Committee who will meet with him soon to confer about the Preparation for his Ordination.  At which Time he is Apprehensive they will demand of him his Sentiments about Pastoral Power and Authority in the Government of the Church, which seems now out of season to Enquire into; they should have done this before they gave him any Call.  I sent by him to Mr. Stone, his Sermon at Marlborough Fast on Rev. [blank].  Dr. Crosby, who belongs to the Army now at Danbury, made me a visit and dined here.  P.M. Mrs. P________________ rode out with Elias in the Chaise, to Capt. Maynards.  I have not a few, or Small Avocations and Impediments to Study.

October 4, 1778

1778 October 4 (Sunday).  On 1 Pet. 2.9.  No body to set the Psalm.  I was obliged to set it, after a poor manner, my Self.  P.M. I preached a sermon my mind was much engaged in as the present sorrowful Times are: on Ps. 92.7, “when the wicked spring as the Grass etc.”  N.B. I delivered something like this, “If there be any person that you know of, who is addicted to profaneness, I pray you to mark him (there should be some Stigma set upon him), that being marked out, he may be avoided.”  Sir Fay p.m. sat the Psalm.  At Eve I was obliged to ride up to [Mr. John?] Fays to visit and pray with a little Daughter of Mrs. Levi [illegible] who is very ill.  I went also to [illegible] was still under a grievous Fever.  [Illegible] Nurse’s Mother Ball there.

October 5, 1778

1778 October 5 (Monday).  Elias, before Day, in the Chaise in which he brought up sister Champney went away for Cambridge.  Sister being left here (unavoidably) to stay with us.  She is now ill, and grows no better.  We cant do any other than Pity and relieve her, as we are able.  We seem very much weakened, broken and destitute by being unhorsed: but we are obliged to conform out minds to our Circumstances.  At Eve came Mrs. Bowker of Rutland, upon Otter Creek, to make us a Visit.  She relates the wonderful Preservations which she, her Children and Neibours experienced when the British Forces drove them off from their settlements — and many of the steps taken in erecting their New State of Vermont.  Mr. Nathan Maynard here, with a Letter to him from his Brother, Benjamin Whipple of the foresaid Rutland (now Esquire), praying me to write a Letter for him in Answer to it: which I did.

October 6, 1778

1778 October 6 (Tuesday).  Elias returns from Cambridge and has been also to Boston.  But what we are somewhat Surprized with is, he rides home Brecks Mare, which was found in a Pasture at [blank] by Gershom Hill the Molatto from Squire Bakers, who going down below, Breck furnished with an Advertisement.  We are now whole footed again: but the Charges by the Loss and Recovery amount to 40 Dollars.[1]  P.M. I preached at the Widow, Mrs. Mehitabel Brighams on Rev. 2.10, latter part.  Mrs. P________________ rode there with me.  Mrs. Bowker also attended: so did a Number of Young Gentlemen.  Besides Sir Brigham There were Sir Stone, Crosby, Fay, and Master Abr. Holland, with us.  Mrs. P________________ and I called to see the Widow Fay who is much out of Health.

[1]In an advertisement dated Sept. 28, 1778, Breck Parkman announced that “whoever will take up said MARE and retutrn her to the subscriber, shall be handsomely rewarded and all necessary charged paid.”  Massachusetts Spy, Oct. 1, 1778.  The mare was described a brown, “with a star in her forehead, one hind foot white, a long trail, trots and paces, about ten years old.”

October 7, 1778

1778 October 7 (Wednesday).  Stephen Maynard (for the Doctor) brings in a Load of Indian Corn.  N.B. Dogs wound and worry the Doctors and Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Sheep.  The Doctors great Dog killed.  I visit Mr. Ebenezer Millers Wife, who was taken ill suddenly and is Still confined.  Prayed with her, and she by her Discourse manifests a good Frame.  Her Husband is full of Resentment of the wrong Measures taken in Town.  In returning I called at Mr. Tainters, especially to see a strange young Woman who has resided there a great while and has a Child there — but she was not at home.  Brother Solomon Batherick and the Widow Thankful Warrin were married.

October 12, 1778

1778 October 12 (Monday).  My Grandson Ebenezer of Brookfield having been to Boston, and kept Sabbath at Southborough comes to See me a.m.  Tarries to dinner.  Has sold his place at Brookfield and is looking out for another.  He goes to See my Neighbour Caleb Harrington: who asks so much, he does not care to give the Price.  He lodges here.  Breck and Elias go, at Evening to Singing Meeting at Capt. Fishers.

October 15, 1778

1778 October 15 (Thursday).  Mr. Wellman of Cornish calls to see me and dined here.  P.M. Mrs. Harrington and her son and Daughter Wait, of [Alsted, here?].  Read Dr. Goodwins and Mr. Nye’s preface to Mr. Cotton of the Keys: the second time; and part of the Book it self.  Elias went to Mr. Benjamin Thurstons for Cheese; got 30 lbs. at 4 sh. L.M. per pound.

October 16, 1778

1778 October 16 (Friday).  Sister Champney is a great deal exercised with a weakening Distemper and is much to be pityed.  P.M. came a Young Man, one Benjamin Brown of Lyn, now from Stoneham, and expecting to see two of Timothy’s Sisters, who came at Evening, viz. Miss Rebecca Cowell, and Mrs. Mary Brown, who also brought her little son Ezra, of about 5, who rode in the Chaise with they [sic].  They all lodge here.

October 19, 1778

1778 October 19 (Monday).  Rode the Stoneham Horse to Mr. Gleasons, his Wife being Sick (a Dysentery).  On the way called to see Mrs. Hannah Baker (out published to Mr. Andrews) — also Mrs. Broad.  Stopped at Mr. Potters, his wife having lost her Father in Law, Aged Deacon Hale of [blank].  I found Mrs. Gleason under much affliction and pain — prayed with her.  Mr. Conklin and his Wife on a Journey to Boston, came in to see us, and tarryed the night with us, though we were already pritty full with my Kinswomen etc.  Singing Meeting at Mr. Ebenezer Forbes.

October 20, 1778

1778 October 20 (Tuesday).  Mr. Conklin and his Lady pursue their Journey.  The Association met here, viz. Messrs. Stone (and his wife), Smith, Whitney, Newell, and a youn[g] preacher, Mr. [blank] Stearns of Leominster.  They having chose Me Moderator — and I prayed — read them on Consideration of Some very contr. pleadings at the late superior Court, some Collections from Cotton of the Keys.  Shewing the Power of the presbytery and priv. of the Brethren etc.


Mr. Whitney asks Advice respecting the New erected Bolton Parish, and whether this Mr. Stearns mayn’t with our Approbation Preach to them.  They advised him to.  Mr. Newell layd before us the Conduct of a Member of the Church of Stow, scil. Charles Whitney at a late Church Meeting — with regard to Coll. Wood.  He was directed what Method to take.  Next Association to be at Mr. Stone’s, next Month.  N.B. Brecks Bounty in Rum and Wine etc. on this Occasion.  And my Kinswoman Miss Beckky Cowell presented an handsome Pair of Mittens.

October 21, 1778

1778 October 21 (Wednesday).  Young Benjamin Brown came from Sutton this Morn, and after Breakfast my Kinswomen and their little Boy (Ezra Brown) set out for Stoneham.  Mr. Seth Brigham here and asks both Mrs. P________________ and me to be at his Fathers tomorrow p.m. when he desires to be marryed.  Mr. Sumner came, dined here and preached my Lecture from Ps. 122.8.9.  Which may God succeed!  At Eve came Sophy from Ashburnham with Sir Brigham.

October 22, 1778

1778 October 22 (Thursday).  About 3 in the morning we were alarmed by Breck; Suse being in Travel.  About Sunrise a little Daughter was born; and both Mother and Child in an hopeful State.  All Glory to God the Deliverer!  May His Goodness be perfected!  The Company of Women, with Dr. Ball broke fast here — with Mr. B. Bradshaw, who with Cousen [illegible] Brigham dined here also.  P.M. rode to Mr. Gershom Brighams and Solemnized the Marriage of his son Seth to Ruth Palmer.  As I went, I called to see a Child of Mr. Joseph Green junior and Prayed there.  In returning Mr. [blank] Hancock wait’d upon me to lead back the Horse I rode upon.

October 23, 1778

1778 October 23 (Friday).  Mr. Mellen of Chauxit here and dined with us, as did our sister Brigham, and my Son Alexander from New-Marlborough.  The People had a Town Meeting in which they are to reconsider a Vote of Apr. 27th last concerning the singers sitting in the Meeting House: Now it is recommended to [them?] to sit, the Males up Front Gallery on the Mens Side, and the Females in the Front Gallery on the Women’s.  I am sadly prevented studying by Company.  This Evening again by Messrs. Samuel Forbush and Hannaniah ParkerAlexander lodges here.

October 25, 1778

1778 October 25 (Sunday).  Preached another Sermon on Luk. 22.15.  Administered the Lords supper.  Mrs. Maynard dined here; as did Sir Fay.  P.M. on Consideration of the Baptism of Brecks Child, I preached on Gal. 3.14.  The Child was called Hannah-Breck.  At Eve went down to Brecks, and have our Evening Exercise there.  May God graciously accept us in these various Solemnitys!  And May the Blessing of Abraham descend on us through Christ!  N.B. The singers chiefly are in the Front to day, and Sing again.

October 26, 1778

1778 October 26 (Monday).  I walked to Dr. Hawes and borrow his Horse for Elias to go to Deacon Browns at Framingham for Cloth to make him an homespun Suit.  He goes; and N.B. he pays £4.10 L.M. for Dressing.  Mr. Eleazer Bradshaw the Hatter, dines here.  Mr. Kendall Visits us but returns to Grafton.  Sir Brigham — Elijah and Eli and my Kinsman Loyd at Tea.  Sir Fay Singing here this Evening.  Also Mr. Abraham Batchelors Wife came with her Mother Wood to See us.  Sir Fay and Brigham Stay into Evening and Sing.  The latter lodges here.

October 31, 1778

1778 October 31 (Saturday).  Stephen Maynard has been up to New Braintree, to the Ordination of Mr. Daniel Foster, which was on Thursday: not on Wednesday, by reason of Difficulty concerning his Opinions.  There were 12 Churches; but two of them would not Act.


Mr. Jonas Bradish came with earnest Desire to have me let him speak to the Church tomorrow that the Way may be made clear for him to have his Children baptized at Winchendon where he has been dwelling these seven years, yet has lived in Neglect of his Duty, till he has now no less than Six Children that are not baptized.  I told him he must needs be humble and sorry for his so sinful Delay.  He said he would draw up Something to be laid before the Church tomorrow, and which he would give me seasonably before Meeting.


I bespoke also his coming here on Monday that he might go and Shew me the Bounds of the Land which he some Years ago, laid out for me; and he promised me that he would.  I went over these Things again, that they might not be misunderstood, nor forgot, nor any ways fail: and to them he repeated his engagements to do as had been said; and that I might depend upon it.  With these Assurances he left me: and I retired to my Study, and to my Sabbath Preparations.


Thus Ends the Month of October.  The Lord forgive whatever Guilt has been contracted in it — and [all?] my other Offences, for Jesus Sake!  Amen.